[golang][history]The Go Annotated Specification\ Go注释规范18c5b488a3b2e218c0e0cf2a7d4820d9da93a554

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The Go Annotated Specification

This document supersedes all previous Go spec attempts. The intent is

to make this a reference for syntax and semantics. It is annotated

with additional information not strictly belonging into a language


Recent design decisions

A list of decisions made but for which we haven't incorporated proper

language into this spec. Keep this section small and the spec

up-to-date instead.

- multi-dimensional arrays: implementation restriction for now

- no '->', always '.'

- (*a)[i] can be sugared into: a[i]

- '.' to select package elements

- arrays are not automatically pointers, we must always say

explicitly: "*array T" if we mean a pointer to that array

- there is no pointer arithmetic in the language

- there are no unions

- packages: need to pin it all down

- tuple notation: (a, b) = (b, a);

generally: need to make this clear

- for now: no (C) 'static' variables inside functions

- exports: we write: 'export a, b, c;' (with a, b, c, etc. a list of

exported names, possibly also: structure.field)

- the ordering of methods in interfaces is not relevant

- structs must be identical (same decl) to be the same

(Ken has different implementation: equivalent declaration is the

same; what about methods?)

- new methods can be added to a struct outside the package where the

struct is declared (need to think through all implications)

- array assignment by value

- do we need a type switch?

- write down scoping rules for statements

- semicolons: where are they needed and where are they not needed.

need a simple and consistent rule

- we have: postfix ++ and -- as statements

Guiding principles

Go is an attempt at a new systems programming language.

[gri: this needs to be expanded. some keywords below]

- small, concise, crisp

- procedural

- strongly typed

- few, orthogonal, and general concepts

- avoid repetition of declarations

- multi-threading support in the language

- garbage collected

- containers w/o templates

- compiler can be written in Go and so can it's GC

- very fast compilation possible (1MLOC/s stretch goal)

- reasonably efficient (C ballpark)

- compact, predictable code

(local program changes generally have local effects)

- no macros


The syntax of Go borrows from the C tradition with respect to

statements and from the Pascal tradition with respect to declarations.

Go programs are written using a lean notation with a small set of

keywords, without filler keywords (such as 'of', 'to', etc.) or other

gratuitous syntax, and with a slight preference for expressive

keywords (e.g. 'function') over operators or other syntactic

mechanisms. Generally, "light" language features (variables, simple

control flow, etc.) are expressed using a light-weight notation (short

keywords, little syntax), while "heavy" language features use a more

heavy-weight notation (longer keywords, more syntax).

[gri: should say something about syntactic alternatives: if a

syntactic form foreseeably will lead to a style recommendation, try to

make that the syntactic form instead. For instance, Go structured

statements always require the {} braces even if there is only a single

sub-statement. Similar ideas apply elsewhere.]

Modularity, identifiers and scopes

A Go program consists of one or more files compiled separately, though

not independently. A single file or compilation unit may make

individual identifiers visible to other files by marking them as

exported; there is no "header file". The exported interface of a file

may be exposed in condensed form (without the corresponding

implementation) through tools.

A package collects types, constants, functions, and so on into a named

entity that may be imported to enable its constituents be used in

another compilation unit. Each source file is part of exactly one

package; each package is constructed from one source file.

Within a file, all identifiers are declared explicitly (expect for

general predeclared identifiers such as true and false) and thus for

each identifier in a file the corresponding declaration can be found

in that same file (usually before its use, except for the rare case of

forward declarations). Identifiers may denote program entities that

are implemented in other files. Nevertheless, such identifiers are

still declared via an import declaration in the file that is referring

to them. This explicit declaration requirement ensures that every

compilation unit can be read by itself.

The scoping of identifiers is uniform: An identifier is visible from

the point of its declaration to the end of the immediately surrounding

block, and nested identifiers shadow outer identifiers with the same

name. All identifiers are in the same namespace; i.e., no two

identifiers in the same scope may have the same name even if they

denote different language concepts (for instance, such as variable vs

a function). Uniform scoping rules make Go programs easier to read

and to understand.

Program structure

A compilation unit consists of a package specifier followed by import

declarations followed by other declarations. There are no statements

at the top level of a file. [gri: do we have a main function? or do

we treat all functions uniformly and instead permit a program to be

started by providing a package name and a "start" function? I like

the latter because if gives a lot of flexibility and should be not

hard to implement]. [r: i suggest that we define a symbol, main or

Main or start or Start, and begin execution in the single exported

function of that name in the program. the flexibility of having a

choice of name is unimportant and the corresponding need to define the

name in order to link or execute adds complexity. by default it

should be trivial; we could allow a run-time flag to override the

default for gri's flexibility.]

Typing, polymorphism, and object-orientation

Go programs are strongly typed; i.e., each program entity has a static

type known at compile time. Variables also have a dynamic type, which

is the type of the value they hold at run-time. Generally, the

dynamic and the static type of a variable are identical, except for

variables of interface type. In that case the dynamic type of the

variable is a pointer to a structure that implements the variable's

(static) interface type. There may be many different structures

implementing an interface and thus the dynamic type of such variables

is generally not known at compile time. Such variables are called


Interface types are the mechanism to support an object-oriented

programming style. Different interface types are independent of each

other and no explicit hierarchy is required (such as single or

multiple inheritance explicitly specified through respective type

declarations). Interface types only define a set of functions that a

corresponding implementation must provide. Thus interface and

implementation are strictly separated.

An interface is implemented by associating functions (methods) with

structures. If a structure implements all methods of an interface, it

implements that interface and thus can be used where that interface is

required. Unless used through a variable of interface type, methods

can always be statically bound (they are not "virtual"), and incur no

runtime overhead compared to an ordinary function.

Go has no explicit notion of classes, sub-classes, or inheritance.

These concepts are trivially modeled in Go through the use of

functions, structures, associated methods, and interfaces.

Go has no explicit notion of type parameters or templates. Instead,

containers (such as stacks, lists, etc.) are implemented through the

use of abstract data types operating on interface types. [gri: there

is some automatic boxing, semi-automatic unboxing support for basic


Pointers and garbage collection

Variables may be allocated automatically (when entering the scope of

the variable) or explicitly on the heap. Pointers are used to refer

to heap-allocated variables. Pointers may also be used to point to

any other variable; such a pointer is obtained by "getting the

address" of that variable. In particular, pointers may point "inside"

other variables, or to automatic variables (which are usually

allocated on the stack). Variables are automatically reclaimed when

they are no longer accessible. There is no pointer arithmetic in Go.


Functions contain declarations and statements. They may be invoked

recursively. Functions may declare nested functions, and nested

functions have access to the variables in the surrounding functions,

they are in fact closures. Functions may be anonymous and appear as

literals in expressions.

Multithreading and channels

[Rob: We need something here]


The syntax is specified in green productions using Extended

Backus-Naur Form (EBNF). In particular:

'' encloses lexical symbols

| separates alternatives

() used for grouping

[] specifies option (0 or 1 times)

{} specifies repetition (0 to n times)

A production may be referred to from various places in this document

but is usually defined close to its first use. Code examples are

written in gray. Annotations are in blue, and open issues are in red.

One goal is to get rid of all red text in this document. [r: done!]

Vocabulary and representation


Go program source is a sequence of characters. Each character is a

Unicode code point encoded in UTF-8.

A Go program is a sequence of symbols satisfying the Go syntax. A

symbol is a non-empty sequence of characters. Symbols are

identifiers, numbers, strings, operators, delimiters, and comments.

White space must not occur within symbols (except in comments, and in

the case of blanks and tabs in strings). They are ignored unless they

are essential to separate two consecutive symbols.

White space is composed of blanks, newlines, carriage returns, and

tabs only.

A character is a Unicode code point. In particular, capital and

lower-case letters are considered as being distinct. Note that some

Unicode characters (e.g., the character ä), may be representable in

two forms, as a single code point, or as two code points. For the

Unicode standard these two encodings represent the same character, but

for Go, these two encodings correspond to two different characters).

Source encoding

The input is encoded in UTF-8. In the grammar we use the notation


to refer to an arbitrary Unicode code point encoded in UTF-8.

Digits and Letters

octal_digit = { '0' | '1' | '2' | '3' | '4' | '5' | '6' | '7' } .

decimal_digit = { '0' | '1' | '2' | '3' | '4' | '5' | '6' | '7' | '8' | '9' } .

hex_digit = { '0' | '1' | '2' | '3' | '4' | '5' | '6' | '7' | '8' | '9' | 'a' |

'A' | 'b' | 'B' | 'c' | 'C' | 'd' | 'D' | 'e' | 'E' | 'f' | 'F' } .

letter = 'A' | 'a' | ... 'Z' | 'z' | '_' .

For now, letters and digits are ASCII. We may expand this to allow

Unicode definitions of letters and digits.


An identifier is a name for a program entity such as a variable, a

type, a function, etc.

identifier = letter { letter | decimal_digit } .

- need to explain scopes, visibility (elsewhere)

- need to say something about predeclared identifiers, and their

(universe) scope (elsewhere)

Character and string literals

A RawStringLit is a string literal delimited by back quotes ``; the

first back quote encountered after the opening back quote terminates

the string.

RawStringLit = '`' { utf8_char } '`' .



Character and string literals are very similar to C except:

- Octal character escapes are always 3 digits (\077 not \77)

- Hexadecimal character escapes are always 2 digits (\x07 not \x7)

- Strings are UTF-8 and represent Unicode

- `` strings exist; they do not interpret backslashes

CharLit = '\'' ( UnicodeValue | ByteValue ) '\'' .

StringLit = RawStringLit | InterpretedStringLit .

InterpretedStringLit = '"' { UnicodeValue | ByteValue } '"' .

ByteValue = OctalByteValue | HexByteValue .

OctalByteValue = '\' octal_digit octal_digit octal_digit .

HexByteValue = '\' 'x' hex_digit hex_digit .

UnicodeValue = utf8_char | EscapedCharacter | LittleUValue | BigUValue .

LittleUValue = '\' 'u' hex_digit hex_digit hex_digit hex_digit .

BigUValue = '\' 'U' hex_digit hex_digit hex_digit hex_digit

hex_digit hex_digit hex_digit hex_digit .

EscapedCharacter = '\' ( 'a' | 'b' | 'f' | 'n' | 'r' | 't' | 'v' ) .

An OctalByteValue contains three octal digits. A HexByteValue

contains two hexadecimal digits. (Note: This differs from C but is


It is erroneous for an OctalByteValue to represent a value larger than 255.

(By construction, a HexByteValue cannot.)

A UnicodeValue takes one of four forms:

1. The UTF-8 encoding of a Unicode code point. Since Go source

text is in UTF-8, this is the obvious translation from input

text into Unicode characters.

2. The usual list of C backslash escapes: \n \t etc. 3. A

`little u' value, such as \u12AB. This represents the Unicode

code point with the corresponding hexadecimal value. It always

has exactly 4 hexadecimal digits.

4. A `big U' value, such as '\U00101234'. This represents the

Unicode code point with the corresponding hexadecimal value.

It always has exactly 8 hexadecimal digits.

Some values that can be represented this way are illegal because they

are not valid Unicode code points. These include values above

0x10FFFF and surrogate halves.

A character literal is a form of unsigned integer constant. Its value

is that of the Unicode code point represented by the text between the













A string literal has type 'string'. Its value is constructed by

taking the byte values formed by the successive elements of the

literal. For ByteValues, these are the literal bytes; for

UnicodeValues, these are the bytes of the UTF-8 encoding of the

corresponding Unicode code points. Note that "\u00FF" and "\xFF" are

different strings: the first contains the two-byte UTF-8 expansion of

the value 255, while the second contains a single byte of value 255.

The same rules apply to raw string literals, except the contents are

uninterpreted UTF-8.


"Hello, world!\n"




These examples all represent the same string:

"日本語" // UTF-8 input text

`日本語` // UTF-8 input text as a raw literal

"\u65e5\u672c\u8a9e" // The explicit Unicode code points

"\U000065e5\U0000672c\U00008a9e" // The explicit Unicode code points

"\xe6\x97\xa5\xe6\x9c\xac\xe8\xaa\x9e" // The explicit UTF-8 bytes

The language does not canonicalize Unicode text or evaluate combining

forms. The text of source code is passed uninterpreted.

If the source code represents a character as two code points, such as

a combining form involving an accent and a letter, the result will be

an error if placed in a character literal (it is not a single code

point), and will appear as two code points if placed in a string

literal. [This simple strategy may be insufficient in the long run

but is surely fine for now.]

Numeric literals

Integer literals take the usual C form, except for the absence of the

'U', 'L' etc. suffixes, and represent integer constants. (Character

literals are also integer constants.) Similarly, floating point

literals are also C-like, without suffixes and decimal only.

An integer constant represents an abstract integer value of arbitrary

precision. Only when an integer constant (or arithmetic expression

formed from integer constants) is assigned to a variable (or other

l-value) is it required to fit into a particular size - that of type

of the variable. In other words, integer constants and arithmetic

upon them is not subject to overflow; only assignment of integer

constants (and constant expressions) to an l-value can cause overflow.

It is an error if the value of the constant or expression cannot be

represented correctly in the range of the type of the l-value.

Floating point literals also represent an abstract, ideal floating

point value that is constrained only upon assignment. [r: what do we

need to say here? trickier because of truncation of fractions.]

IntLit = [ '+' | '-' ] UnsignedIntLit .

UnsignedIntLit = DecimalIntLit | OctalIntLit | HexIntLit .

DecimalIntLit = ( '1' | '2' | '3' | '4' | '5' | '6' | '7' | '8' | '9' )

{ decimal_digit } .

OctalIntLit = '0' { octal_digit } .

HexIntLit = '0' ( 'x' | 'X' ) hex_digit { hex_digit } .

FloatLit = [ '+' | '-' ] UnsignedFloatLit .

UnsignedFloatLit = "the usual decimal-only floating point representation".

Compound Literals


Compound literals require some fine tuning. I think we did ok in

Sawzall but there are some loose ends. I don't like that one cannot

easily distinguish between an array and a struct. We may need to

specify a type if these literals appear in expressions, but we don't

want to specify a type if these literals appear as intializer

expressions where the variable is already typed. And we don't want to

do any implicit conversions.

CompoundLit = ArrayLit | FunctionLit | StructureLit | MapLit.

ArrayLit = '{' [ ExpressionList ] ']'. // all elems must have "the same" type

StructureLit = '{' [ ExpressionList ] '}'.

MapLit = '{' [ PairList ] '}'.

PairList = Pair { ',' Pair }.

Pair = Expression ':' Expression.


Literal = BasicLit | CompoundLit .

BasicLit = CharLit | StringLit | IntLit | FloatLit .

Function Literals


FunctionLit = FunctionType Block.

// Function literal

func (a, b int, z float) bool { return a*b < int(z); }

// Method literal

func (p *T) . (a, b int, z float) bool { return a*b < int(z) + p.x; }


- incomplete


- incomplete


There are two forms of comments.

The first starts '//' and ends at a newline.

The second starts at '/*' and ends at the first '*/'. It may cross

newlines. It does not nest.

Comments are treated like white space.

Common productions

IdentifierList = identifier { ',' identifier }.

ExpressionList = Expression { ',' Expression }.

QualifiedIdent = [ PackageName '.' ] identifier.

PackageName = identifier.


A type specifies the set of values which variables of that type may

assume, and the operators that are applicable.

Except for variables of interface types, the static type of a variable

(i.e. the type the variable is declared with) is the same as the

dynamic type of the variable (i.e. the type of the variable at

run-time). Variables of interface types may hold variables of

different dynamic types, but their dynamic types must be compatible

with the static interface type. At any given instant during run-time,

a variable has exactly one dynamic type. A type declaration

associates an identifier with a type.

Array and struct types are called structured types, all other types

are called unstructured. A structured type cannot contain itself.

[gri: this needs to be formulated much more precisely].

Type = TypeName | ArrayType | ChannelType | InterfaceType |

FunctionType | MapType | StructType | PointerType .

TypeName = QualifiedIdent.

[gri: To make the types specifications more precise we need to

introduce some general concepts such as what it means to 'contain'

another type, to be 'equal' to another type, etc. Furthermore, we are

imprecise as we sometimes use the word type, sometimes just the type

name (int), or the structure (array) to denote different things (types

and variables). We should explain more precisely. Finally, there is

a difference between equality of types and assignment compatibility -

or isn't there?]

Basic types

Go defines a number of basic types which are referred to by their

predeclared type names. There are signed and unsigned integer types,

and floating point types:

bool the truth values true and false

uint8 the set of all unsigned 8bit integers

uint16 the set of all unsigned 16bit integers

uint32 the set of all unsigned 32bit integers

unit64 the set of all unsigned 64bit integers

byte same as uint8

int8 the set of all signed 8bit integers, in 2's complement

int16 the set of all signed 16bit integers, in 2's complement

int32 the set of all signed 32bit integers, in 2's complement

int64 the set of all signed 64bit integers, in 2's complement

float32 the set of all valid IEEE-754 32bit floating point numbers

float64 the set of all valid IEEE-754 64bit floating point numbers

float80 the set of all valid IEEE-754 80bit floating point numbers

double same as float64

Additionally, Go declares 3 basic types, uint, int, and float, which

are platform-specific. The bit width of these types corresponds to

the "natural bit width" for the respective types for the given

platform (e.g. int is usally the same as int32 on a 32bit

architecture, or int64 on a 64bit architecture). These types are by

definition platform-specific and should be used with the appropriate


[gri: do we specify minimal sizes for uint, int, float? e.g. int is

at least int32?] [gri: do we say something about the correspondence of

sizeof(*T) and sizeof(int)? Are they the same?] [r: do we want

int128 and uint128?.]

Built-in types

Besides the basic types there is a set of built-in types: string, and chan,

with maybe more to follow.

Type string

The string type represents the set of string values (strings).

A string behaves like an array of bytes, with the following properties:

- They are immutable: after creation, it is not possible to change the

contents of a string

- No internal pointers: it is illegal to create a pointer to an inner

element of a string

- They can be indexed: given string s1, s1[i] is a byte value

- They can be concatenated: given strings s1 and s2, s1 + s2 is a value

combining the elements of s1 and s2 in sequence

- Known length: the length of a string s1 can be obtained by the function/

operator len(s1). [r: is it a bulitin? do we make it a method? etc. this is

a placeholder]. The length of a string is the number of bytes within.

Unlike in C, there is no terminal NUL byte.

- Creation 1: a string can be created from an integer value by a conversion

string('x') yields "x"

- Creation 2: a string can by created from an array of integer values (maybe

just array of bytes) by a conversion

a [3]byte; a[0] = 'a'; a[1] = 'b'; a[2] = 'c'; string(a) == "abc";

The language has string literals as dicussed above. The type of a string

literal is 'string'.

Array types

An array is a structured type consisting of a number of elements which

are all of the same type, called the element type. The number of

elements of an array is called its length. The elements of an array

are designated by indices which are integers between 0 and the length

- 1.


An array type specifies a set of arrays with a given element type and

an optional array length. The array length must be (compile-time)

constant expression, if present. Arrays without length specification

are called open arrays. An open array must not contain other open

arrays, and open arrays can only be used as parameter types or in a

pointer type (for instance, a struct may not contain an open array

field, but only a pointer to an open array).

[gri: Need to define when array types are the same! Also need to

define assignment compatibility] [gri: Need to define a mechanism to

get to the length of an array at run-time. This could be a

predeclared function 'length' (which may be problematic due to the

name). Alternatively, we could define an interface for array types

and say that there is a 'length()' method. So we would write

a.length() which I think is pretty clean.]. [r: if array types have

an interface and a string is an array, some stuff (but not enough)

falls out nicely.]

ArrayType = 'array' { '[' ArrayLength ']' } ElementType.

ArrayLength = Expression.

ElementType = Type.

The notation

array [n][m] T

is a syntactic shortcut for

array [n] array [m] T.

(the shortcut may be applied recursively).

array uint8

array [64] struct { x, y: int32; }

array [1000][1000] float64

Channel types

ChannelType = 'channel' '(' Type '<-' Type ')' .

channel(int <- float)

- incomplete

Pointer types

- TODO: Need some intro here.

Two pointer types are the same if they are pointing to variables of

the same type.

PointerType = '*' Type.

- We do not allow pointer arithmetic of any kind.

Interface types

- TBD: This needs to be much more precise. For now we understand what it means.

An interface type specifies a set of methods, the "method interface"

of structs. No two methods in one interface can have the same name.

Two interfaces are the same if their set of functions is the same,

i.e., if all methods exist in both interfaces and if the function

names and signatures are the same. The order of declaration of

methods in an interface is irrelevant.

A set of interface types implicitly creates an unconnected, ordered

lattice of types. An interface type T1 is said to be smaller than or

equalt to an interface type T2 (T1 <= T2) if the entire interface of

T1 "is part" of T2. Thus, two interface types T1, T2 are the same if

T1 <= T2, and T2 <= T1, and thus we can write T1 == T2.

InterfaceType = 'interface' '{' { MethodDecl } '}' .

MethodDecl = identifier Signature ';',

// An empty interface.

interface {};

// A basic file interface.

interface {

Read(Buffer) bool;

Write(Buffer) bool;



Interface pointers can be implemented as "fat pointers"; namely a pair

(ptr, tdesc) where ptr is simply the pointer to a struct instance

implementing the interface, and tdesc is the structs type descriptor.

Only when crossing the boundary from statically typed structs to

interfaces and vice versa, does the type descriptor come into play.

In those places, the compiler statically knows the value of the type


Function types

FunctionType = 'func' Signature .

Signature = [ Receiver '.' ] Parameters [ Result ] .

Receiver = '(' identifier Type ')' .

Parameters = '(' [ ParameterList ] ')' .

ParameterList = ParameterSection { ',' ParameterSection } .

ParameterSection = [ IdentifierList ] Type .

Result = [ Type ] | '(' ParameterList ')' .

// Function types

func ()

func (a, b int, z float) bool

func (a, b int, z float) (success bool)

func (a, b int, z float) (success bool, result float)

// Method types

func (p *T) . ()

func (p *T) . (a, b int, z float) bool

func (p *T) . (a, b int, z float) (success bool)

func (p *T) . (a, b int, z float) (success bool, result float)

Map types

MapType = 'map' '(' Type <- Type ')'.

map(int <- string)

- incomplete

Struct types

Struct types are similar to C structs.

NEED TO DEFINE STRUCT EQUIVALENCE Two struct types are the same if and

only if they are declared by the same struct type; i.e., struct types

are compared via equivalence, and *not* structurally. For that

reason, struct types are usually given a type name so that it is

possible to refer to the same struct in different places in a program.

What about equivalence of structs w/ respect to methods? What if

methods can be added in another package? TBD.

Each field of a struct represents a variable within the data

structure. In particular, a function field represents a function

variable, not a method.

StructType = 'struct' '{' { FieldDecl } '}' .

FieldDecl = IdentifierList Type ';' .

// An empty struct.

struct {}

// A struct with 5 fields.

struct {

x, y int;

u float;

a []int;

f func();


Note that a program which never uses interface types can be fully

statically typed. That is, the "usual" implementation of structs (or

classes as they are called in other languages) having an extra type

descriptor prepended in front of every single struct is not required.

Only when a pointer to a struct is assigned to an interface variable,

the type descriptor comes into play, and at that point it is

statically known at compile-time!

Package specifiers

Every source file is an element of a package, and defines which

package by the first element of every source file, which must be a

package specifier:

PackageSpecifier = 'package' PackageName .

package Math

Package import declarations

A program can access exported items from another package. It does so

by in effect declaring a local name providing access to the package,

and then using the local name as a namespace with which to address the

elements of the package.

ImportDecl = 'import' PackageName FileName .

FileName = DoubleQuotedString .

DoubleQuotedString = '"' TEXT '"' .

(DoubleQuotedString should be replaced by the correct string literal production!)

Package import declarations must be the first statements in a file

after the package specifier.

A package import associates an identifier with a package, named by a

file. In effect, it is a declaration:

import Math "lib/Math";

import library "my/library";

After such an import, one can use the Math (e.g) identifier to access

elements within it

x float = Math.sin(y);

Note that this process derives nothing explicit about the type of the

`imported' function (here Math.sin()). The import must execute to

provide this information to the compiler (or the programmer, for that


An angled-string refers to official stuff in a public place, in effect

the run-time library. A double-quoted-string refers to arbitrary

code; it is probably a local file name that needs to be discovered

using rules outside the scope of the language spec.

The file name in a package must be complete except for a suffix.

Moreover, the package name must correspond to the (basename of) the

source file name. For instance, the implementation of package Bar

must be in file Bar.go, and if it lives in directory foo we write

import Bar "foo/bar";

to import it.

[This is a little redundant but if we allow multiple files per package

it will seem less so, and in any case the redundancy is useful and


We assume Unix syntax for file names: / separators, no suffix for

directories. If the language is ported to other systems, the

environment must simulate these properties to avoid changing the

source code.


- This needs to be expanded.

- We need to think about enums (or some alternative mechanism).

Declaration = (ConstDecl | VarDecl | TypeDecl | FunctionDecl |

ForwardDecl | AliasDecl) .

Const declarations

ConstDecl = 'const' ( ConstSpec | '(' ConstSpecList [ ';' ] ')' ).

ConstSpec = identifier [ Type ] '=' Expression .

ConstSpecList = ConstSpec { ';' ConstSpec }.

const pi float = 3.14159265

const e = 2.718281828

const (

one int = 1;

two = 3


Variable declarations

VarDecl = 'var' ( VarSpec | '(' VarSpecList [ ';' ] ')' ) | ShortVarDecl .

VarSpec = IdentifierList ( Type [ '=' ExpressionList ] | '=' ExpressionList ) .

VarSpecList = VarSpec { ';' VarSpec } .

ShortVarDecl = identifier ':=' Expression .

var i int

var u, v, w float

var k = 0

var x, y float = -1.0, -2.0

var (

i int;

u, v = 2.0, 3.0


If the expression list is present, it must have the same number of elements

as there are variables in the variable specification.

[ TODO: why is x := 0 not legal at the global level? ]

Type declarations

TypeDecl = 'type' ( TypeSpec | '(' TypeSpecList [ ';' ] ')' ).

TypeSpec = identifier Type .

TypeSpecList = TypeSpec { ';' TypeSpec }.

type IntArray [16] int

type (

Point struct { x, y float };

Polar Point


Function and method declarations

FunctionDecl = 'func' [ Receiver ] identifier Parameters [ Result ] ( ';' | Block ) .

Block = '{' { Statement } '}' .

func min(x int, y int) int {

if x < y {

return x;


return y;


func foo (a, b int, z float) bool {

return a*b < int(z);


A method is a function that also declares a receiver. The receiver is

a struct with which the function is associated. The receiver type

must denote a pointer to a struct.

func (p *T) foo (a, b int, z float) bool {

return a*b < int(z) + p.x;


func (p *Point) Length() float {

return Math.sqrt(p.x * p.x + p.y * p.y);


func (p *Point) Scale(factor float) {

p.x = p.x * factor;

p.y = p.y * factor;


The last two examples are methods of struct type Point. The variable p is

the receiver; within the body of the method it represents the value of

the receiving struct.

Note that methods are declared outside the body of the corresponding


Functions and methods can be forward declared by omitting the body:

func foo (a, b int, z float) bool;

func (p *T) foo (a, b int, z float) bool;


Statement = EmptyStat | Assignment | CompoundStat | Declaration |

ExpressionStat | IncDecStat | IfStat | WhileStat | ReturnStat .

Empty statements

EmptyStat = ';' .


Assignment = Designator '=' Expression .

- no automatic conversions

- values can be assigned to variables if they are of the same type, or

if they satisfy the interface type (much more precision needed here!)

Compound statements

CompoundStat = '{' { Statement } '}' .

Expression statements

ExpressionStat = Expression .

IncDec statements

IncDecStat = Expression ( '++' | '--' ) .

If statements

IfStat = 'if' ( [ Expression ] '{' { IfCaseList } '}' ) |

( Expression '{' { Statement } '}' [ 'else' { Statement } ] ).

IfCaseList = ( 'case' ExpressionList | 'default' ) ':' { Statement } .

if x < y {

return x;

} else {

return y;


if tag {

case 0, 1: s1();

case 2: s2();

default: ;


if {

case x < y: f1();

case x < z: f2();


While statements

WhileStat = 'while' ( [ Expression ] '{' { WhileCaseList } '}' ) |

( Expression '{' { Statement } '}' ).

WhileCaseList = 'case' ExpressionList ':' { Statement } .

while {

case i < n: f1();

case i < m: f2();


Return statements

ReturnStat = 'return' [ ExpressionList ] .

There are two ways to return values from a function. The first is to

explicitly list the return value or values in the return statement:

func simple_f () int {

return 2;


func complex_f1() (re float, im float) {

return -7.0, -4.0;


The second is to provide names for the return values and assign them

explicitly in the function; the return statement will then provide no


func complex_f2() (re float, im float) {

re = 7.0;

im = 4.0;



It is legal to name the return values in the declaration even if the

first form of return statement is used:

func complex_f2() (re float, im float) {

return 7.0, 4.0;



Expression = Conjunction { '||' Conjunction }.

Conjunction = Comparison { '&&' Comparison }.

Comparison = SimpleExpr [ relation SimpleExpr ].

relation = '==' | '!=' | '<' | '<=' | '>' | '>='.

SimpleExpr = Term { add_op Term }.

add_op = '+' | '-' | '|' | '^'.

Term = Factor { mul_op Factor }.

mul_op = '*' | '/' | '%' | '<<' | '>>' | '&'.

The corresponding precedence hierarchy is as follows: (5 levels of

precedence is about the maximum people can keep comfortably in their

heads. The experience with C and C++ shows that more then that

usually requires explicit manual consultation...). [gri: I still

think we should consider 0 levels of binary precedence: All operators

are on the same level, but parentheses are required when different

operators are mixed. That would make it really easy, and really

clear. It would also open the door for straight-forward introduction

of user-defined operators, which would be rather useful.]

Precedence Operator

1 ||

2 &&

3 == != < <= > >=

4 + - | ^

5 * / % << >> &

For integer values, / and % satisfy the following relationship:

(a / b) * b + a % b == a


(a / b) is "truncated towards zero".

The shift operators implement arithmetic shifts for signed integers,

and logical shifts for unsigned integers. TBD: is there any range

checking on s in x >> s, or x << s ?

[gri: We decided on a couple of issues here that we need to write down

more nicely]

- There are no implicit type conversions except for

constants/literals. In particular, unsigned and signed integers

cannot be mixed in an expression w/o explicit casting.

- Unary '^' corresponds to C '~' (bitwise negate).

- Arrays can be subscripted (a[i]) or sliced (a[i : j]). A slice a[i

: j] is a new array of length (j - i), and consisting of the elements

a[i], a[i + 1], ... a[j - 1]. [gri/r: Is the slice array bounds

check hard (leading to an error), or soft (truncating) ?].

Furthermore: Array slicing is very tricky! Do we get a copy (a new

array) or a new array descriptor? This is open at this point. There

is a simple way out of the mess: Structured types are always passed by

reference, and there is no value assignment for structured types. It

gets very complicated very quickly.

[gri: Syntax below is incomplete - what about method invocation?]

Factor = Literal | Designator | '!' Expression | '-' Expression |

'^' Expression | '&' Expression | '(' Expression ')' | Call.

Designator = QualifiedIdent { Selector }.

Selector = '.' identifier | '[' Expression [ ':' Expression ] ']'.

Call = Factor '(' ExpressionList ')'.

[gri: We need a precise definition of a constant expression]

Compilation units

The unit of compilation is a single file. A compilation unit consists

of a package specifier followed by a list of import declarations

followed by a list of global declarations.

CompilationUnit = { ImportDecl } { GlobalDeclaration }.

GlobalDeclaration = Declaration.


Globally declared identifiers may be exported, thus making the

exported identifer visible outside the package. Another package may

then import the identifier to use it.

Export directives must only appear at the global level of a

compilation unit (at least for now). That is, one can export

compilation-unit global identifiers but not, for example, local

variables or structure fields.

Exporting an identifier makes the identifier visible externally to the

package. If the identifier represents a type, the type structure is

exported as well. The exported identifiers may appear later in the

source than the export directive itself, but it is an error to specify

an identifier not declared anywhere in the source file containing the

export directive.

ExportDirective = 'export' ExportIdentifier { ',' ExportIdentifier } .

ExportIdentifier = identifier .

export sin, cos;

One may export variables and types, but (at least for now), not

aliases. [r: what is needed to make aliases exportable? issue is


Exporting a variable does not automatically export the type of the

variable. For illustration, consider the program fragment:

package P;

export v1, v2, p;

struct S { a int; b int; }

var v1 S;

var v2 S;

var p *S;

Notice that S is not exported. Another source file may contain:

import P;

alias v1 P.v1;

alias v2 P.v2;

alias p P.p;

This program can use v and p but not access the fields (a and b) of

structure type S explicitly. For instance, it could legally contain

if p == nil { }

if v1 == v2 { }

but not

if v.a == 0 { }