lua# lua5.1.4 源码文件作用一览



./ ~/resources/sources/lua/src myarch/others (master ⚡) mattPC

1 52 lctype.c 'ctype' functions for Lua

2 67 linit.c Initialization of libraries for lua.c and other clients

3 76 lzio.c Buffered streams

4 77 ltm.c Tag methods

5 99 lmem.c Interface to Memory Manager

6 107 lopcodes.c Opcodes for Lua virtual machine

7 155 lcorolib.c Coroutine Library

8 161 lfunc.c Auxiliary functions to manipulate prototypes and closures

9 173 ldump.c save precompiled Lua chunks

10 185 lstring.c String table (keeps all strings handled by Lua)

11 209 lbitlib.c Standard library for bitwise operations

12 258 lundump.c load precompiled Lua chunks

13 283 lmathlib.c Standard mathematical library

14 283 ltablib.c Library for Table Manipulation

15 289 lobject.c Some generic functions over Lua objects

16 322 lstate.c Global State

17 323 loslib.c Standard Operating System library

18 398 ldblib.c Interface from Lua to its debug API

19 432 luac.c Lua compiler (saves bytecodes to files; also list bytecodes)

20 459 lbaselib.c Basic library

21 496 lua.c Lua stand-alone interpreter

22 527 llex.c Lexical Analyzer

23 580 ldebug.c Debug Interface

24 588 ltable.c Lua tables (hash)

25 657 liolib.c Standard I/O (and system) library

26 668 ldo.c Stack and Call structure of Lua

27 725 loadlib.c Dynamic library loader for Lua

28 766 loadlib_rel.c Dynamic library loader for Lua

29 868 lvm.c Lua virtual machine

30 882 lcode.c Code generator for Lua

31 958 lauxlib.c Auxiliary functions for building Lua libraries

32 972 lstrlib.c Standard library for string operations and pattern-matching

33 1205 lgc.c Garbage Collector

34 1281 lapi.c Lua API

35 1635 lparser.c Lua Parser




 1 [[ "$#" == 0 ]] &&  {
 2     echo "usage: $0 path"
 3     exit 1
 4 }
 6 src_dir="$1"
 7 pos=$((${#src_dir}+2))
 9 outline ()
10 {
11     printf "%-6d%-15s%s\n" "$1" "$2" "$3" 
12 }
14 {
15 for file in `ls -1 "$src_dir""/*.c"` ; do
16     comment=`sed -n "3p" $file | cut -d" " -f2-`
17     filename=`basename $file`
18     lines=`wc -l $file | cut -d" " -f1`
19     outline "$lines" "$filename" "$comment" 
20 done
21 } | sort -nk 1| cat  -b  | awk  '{ if(l<length($0)){ l=length($0)}; s+=$2; print $0}
22     END { while(l--){ sp=sp"-"} print sp ;printf("%8s%-6d\n","",s)}'