


The <code>Dictionary</code> class is the abstract parent of any

* class, such as <code>Hashtable</code>, which maps keys to values.

* Every key and every value is an object. In any one <tt>Dictionary</tt>

* object, every key is associated with at most one value. Given a

* <tt>Dictionary</tt> and a key, the associated element can be looked up.

* Any non-<code>null</code> object can be used as a key and as a value.

* <p>

* As a rule, the <code>equals</code> method should be used by

* implementations of this class to decide if two keys are the same.

* <p>

* <strong>NOTE: This class is obsolete. New implementations should

* implement the Map interface, rather than extending this class.</strong>


public abstract class Dictionary<K,V> 




public Dictionary() {//使用默认的无参构造器

abstract public int size();//返回key的数量

abstract public boolean isEmpty();//如果Dictionary不存在任何一个key-value映射,返回true,否则fasle

abstract public Enumeration<K> keys();//返回包含所有key的Emumeration

abstract public Enumeration<V> elements();//返回包含所有value的Emumeration

abstract public V get(Object key);//根据key,查找对应的value

abstract public V put(K key, V value);//插入一个key-value映射,如果key或value为nul,抛出NullPoniterException,如果已经存在相同的key,返回旧的value,如果不存                        //在相同的key,则创建一个映射到Dictionary中,返回null

abstract public V remove(Object key);//根据key删除一个对应的key-value映射关系,如果Dictionary不存在这个key,相当与什么都没做,如果key是null抛出                            //NullPoniterException
