


第二段jQuery.extend 定义了重要的fx方法、speed方法。支持animate的实现。


// overwrite the old show method
_show: jQuery.fn.show,
show: function(speed,callback){
return speed ? this.animate({
height: "show", width: "show", opacity: "show"
}, speed, callback) : this._show();
// Overwrite the old hide method
_hide: jQuery.fn.hide,
hide: function(speed,callback){
return speed ? this.animate({
height: "hide", width: "hide", opacity: "hide"
}, speed, callback) : this._hide();
slideDown: function(speed,callback){
return this.animate({height: "show"}, speed, callback);
slideUp: function(speed,callback){
return this.animate({height: "hide"}, speed, callback);
slideToggle: function(speed,callback){
return this.each(function(){
var state = $(this).is(":hidden") ? "show" : "hide";
$(this).animate({height: state}, speed, callback);
fadeIn: function(speed,callback){
return this.animate({opacity: "show"}, speed, callback);
fadeOut: function(speed,callback){
return this.animate({opacity: "hide"}, speed, callback);
fadeTo: function(speed,to,callback){
return this.animate({opacity: to}, speed, callback);
animate: function(prop,speed,callback) {
return this.queue(function(){
this.curAnim = prop;
for ( var p in prop ) {
var e = new jQuery.fx( this, jQuery.speed(speed,callback), p );
if ( prop[p].constructor == Number )
e.custom( e.cur(), prop[p] );
e[ prop[p] ]( prop );
queue: function(type,fn){
if ( !fn ) {
fn = type;
type = "fx";
return this.each(function(){
if ( !this.queue )
this.queue = {};
if ( !this.queue[type] )
this.queue[type] = [];
this.queue[type].push( fn );
if ( this.queue[type].length == 1 )

animate之前的函数实现都是一句话调用了animate实现,使其支持特效。show和hide重写了原先定义的show和hide方法。animte调用了queue方法将构造的特效处理方法进行了排队。animate中调用的fx方法和 speed方法均定义在第二段jQuery.extend代码中:

setAuto: function(e,p) {
speed: function(s,o) {
o = o || {};
if ( o.constructor == Function )
o = { complete: o };
var ss = { slow: 600, fast: 200 };
o.duration = (s && s.constructor == Number ? s : ss[s]) || 400;
// Queueing
o.oldComplete = o.complete;
o.complete = function(){
jQuery.dequeue(this, "fx");
if ( o.oldComplete && o.oldComplete.constructor == Function )
o.oldComplete.apply( this );
return o;
queue: {},
dequeue: function(elem,type){
type = type || "fx";
if ( elem.queue && elem.queue[type] ) {
// Remove self
// Get next function
var f = elem.queue[type][0];
if ( f ) f.apply( elem );
* I originally wrote fx() as a clone of moo.fx and in the process
* of making it small in size the code became illegible to sane
* people. You've been warned.
fx: function( elem, options, prop ){

setAuto这个函数在这里出现显得不明所以,之前看过的代码里没有对setAuto的引用。向后查找一下发现在fx中调用了setAuto。所以setAtuo的理解要结合fx理解。剩余的speed 和 dequeue很好理解。dequeue被speed中定义的complete方法调用。用于将完成的特效处理方法移除。queue不能和上面jQuery.fn.extend中的queue相关代码联系。这里的queue是定义与jQuery之上的。我们知道jQuery通过13秒的间隔来执行一个指定的函数。没错这个queue就是为这个13秒间隔执行的函数提供队列的。speed方法控制了特效执行的速度并添加了对特效完成时的清理工作。注意到dequeue和queue的实现,两个函数都支持传递type,但是在所有的调用里。queue由于只传入了一个参数所以type='fx',而dequeue则指明为'fx'。上面代码中定义的queue属性是不是略显多余,因为queue和dequeue操作的都是jQuery对象关联的DOM元素上的queue属性中的内容?


setAuto: function(e,p) {
if ( e.notAuto ) return;
if ( p == "height" && e.scrollHeight != parseInt(jQuery.curCSS(e,p)) ) return;
if ( p == "width" && e.scrollWidth != parseInt(jQuery.curCSS(e,p)) ) return;
// Remember the original height
var a = e.style[p];
// Figure out the size of the height right now
var o = jQuery.curCSS(e,p,1);
if ( p == "height" && e.scrollHeight != o ||
p == "width" && e.scrollWidth != o ) return;
// Set the height to auto
e.style[p] = e.currentStyle ? "" : "auto";
// See what the size of "auto" is
var n = jQuery.curCSS(e,p,1);
// Revert back to the original size
if ( o != n && n != "auto" ) {
e.style[p] = a;
e.notAuto = true;
fx: function( elem, options, prop ){
var z = this;
// The users options
z.o = {
duration: options.duration || 400,
complete: options.complete,
step: options.step
// The element
z.el = elem;
// The styles
var y = z.el.style;
// Simple function for setting a style value
z.a = function(){
if ( options.step )
options.step.apply( elem, [ z.now ] );
if ( prop == "opacity" ) {
if (z.now == 1) z.now = 0.9999;
if (window.ActiveXObject)
y.filter = "alpha(opacity=" + z.now*100 + ")";
y.opacity = z.now;
// My hate for IE will never die
} else if ( parseInt(z.now) )
y[prop] = parseInt(z.now) + "px";
y.display = "block";
// Figure out the maximum number to run to
z.max = function(){
return parseFloat( jQuery.css(z.el,prop) );
// Get the current size
z.cur = function(){
var r = parseFloat( jQuery.curCSS(z.el, prop) );
return r && r > -10000 ? r : z.max();
// Start an animation from one number to another
z.custom = function(from,to){
z.startTime = (new Date()).getTime();
z.now = from;
z.timer = setInterval(function(){
z.step(from, to);
}, 13);
// Simple 'show' function
z.show = function( p ){
if ( !z.el.orig ) z.el.orig = {};
// Remember where we started, so that we can go back to it later
z.el.orig[prop] = this.cur();
z.custom( 0, z.el.orig[prop] );
// Stupid IE, look what you made me do
if ( prop != "opacity" )
y[prop] = "1px";
// Simple 'hide' function
z.hide = function(){
if ( !z.el.orig ) z.el.orig = {};
// Remember where we started, so that we can go back to it later
z.el.orig[prop] = this.cur();
z.o.hide = true;
// Begin the animation
z.custom(z.el.orig[prop], 0);
// IE has trouble with opacity if it does not have layout
if ( jQuery.browser.msie && !z.el.currentStyle.hasLayout )
y.zoom = "1";
// Remember the overflow of the element
if ( !z.el.oldOverlay )
z.el.oldOverflow = jQuery.css( z.el, "overflow" );
// Make sure that nothing sneaks out
y.overflow = "hidden";
// Each step of an animation
z.step = function(firstNum, lastNum){
var t = (new Date()).getTime();
if (t > z.o.duration + z.startTime) {
// Stop the timer
z.timer = null;
z.now = lastNum;
z.el.curAnim[ prop ] = true;
var done = true;
for ( var i in z.el.curAnim )
if ( z.el.curAnim[i] !== true )
done = false;
if ( done ) {
// Reset the overflow
y.overflow = z.el.oldOverflow;
// Hide the element if the "hide" operation was done
if ( z.o.hide )
y.display = 'none';
// Reset the property, if the item has been hidden
if ( z.o.hide ) {
for ( var p in z.el.curAnim ) {
y[ p ] = z.el.orig[p] + ( p == "opacity" ? "" : "px" );
// set its height and/or width to auto
if ( p == 'height' || p == 'width' )
jQuery.setAuto( z.el, p );
// If a callback was provided, execute it
if( done && z.o.complete && z.o.complete.constructor == Function )
// Execute the complete function
z.o.complete.apply( z.el );
} else {
// Figure out where in the animation we are and set the number
var p = (t - this.startTime) / z.o.duration;
z.now = ((-Math.cos(p*Math.PI)/2) + 0.5) * (lastNum-firstNum) + firstNum;
// Perform the next step of the animation

先看fx,fx第一行代码 var z = this; 这里的this指针指向的是 new jQuery.fx产生的对象。接下来三行代码定义了z上的o属性(options)、z上的el属性(缓存elem引用)和y变量(缓存elem的style属性)。


接下来在z.max 和 z.cur 用于获取当前元素指定的属性的最大值和现在的值。通过查找max和cur的调用位置可以看出两个函数的实现


z.show 和 z.hide方法实现了对响应需要显示和隐藏的特效进行了封装,默认传递了一个为0的参数。并对旧的属性值进行了记录。刚开始我一下也没反映过来show和hide调用位置。在后面判断了z.o.hide,本来我还以为这俩方法没有被调用过的。直到我看了几遍判断z.o.hide的代码后觉得看看前面animate附近的代码定义时才发现对show和hide的调用位置。注意animate中代码实现判断p不为Number所执行的代码。


代码量稍多的step方法。获取当前时间。如果没有超出特效的执行时间那么进行下一步特效,计算下一步的值并设置属性值。如果超出了特效执行时间停止触发器,清理timer,将z.now设置为最终值并调用z.a()设置到元素属性上。设置z.el.curAnim[prop] = true 标记对此属性的特效已完成。这里要注意到当对el一次特效处理设置了多个属性时,会每个属性产生一个z(jQuery.fx对象实例),所有z上的el都是同一个,这也表明每个z处理一个单一的属性。检查是否真的完成所有属性的特效处理。如果完成了所有的特效处理还原overflow属性,如果是hide特效则在第一次if检查时设置display属性为none,第二次if检查时将元素的特效属性的原值设置回去。如果完成了特效处理同时设置了回调函数则执行回调函数。
