
1.1 部署前准备



groupadd weblogic

useradd -g weblogic weblogic

passwd weblogic(修改weblogic密码)


mkdir /var/web/jsp/bea

chown –Rf weblogic:weblogic /var/web/jsp/bea


vi ~/.bash_profile

增加export LANG=en_US.iso885915

1.2 安装WebLogic 8.1

赋予.bin可执行权限:chmod a+x platform814_linux32.bin

执行./platform814_linux32.bin -mode=console





确认BEA主目录, 键入[1]继续

选择安装类型, 键入[1]继续





1.3 创建服务


[weblogic@jcms bin]$ cd /var/web/jsp/bea/weblogic81/common/bin

[weblogic@jcms bin]$ ./

Unable to instantiate GUI, defaulting to console mode.


<-------- BEA WebLogic Configuration Wizard -------------->

Create or Extend a Configuration:


Choose between creating and extending a configuration. Based on your selection, the Configuration Wizard guides you through the steps to

generate a new or extend an existing configuration.

->1|Create a new WebLogic configuration

| Start here to create a WebLogic configuration in your projects directory.

2|Extend an existing WebLogic configuration

| Start here to extend an existing WebLogic configuration. Use this option to add applications and services, including Database

| access (JDBC) and Messaging (JMS). This option also enables you to extend functionality by enabling WebLogic Workshop.

Enter index number to select OR [Exit][Next]> 1

<-------------------------------- BEA WebLogic Configuration Wizard ----------------------->

Select a Domain Template:


Please select a template from the list or select another directory of templates.


1|Basic WebLogic Platform Domain

| BEA Systems, Inc.

| Create a basic WebLogic Platform domain, without installing sample applications. Domains created from this template will support the

|WebLogic Server, WebLogic Workshop, WebLogic Integration and WebLogic Portal runtime functionality, including support for J2EE

|applications, Web applications, Web Services, custom controls, business processes and portals. Use domains created from this template

|for development of WebLogic Platform applications.

2|Basic WebLogic Portal Domain

| BEA Systems, Inc.

| Create a basic WebLogic Portal domain, without installing sample applications. Domains created from this template will support the

|WebLogic Server, WebLogic Workshop and WebLogic Portal runtime functionality, including support for J2EE applications, Web applications,

|Web Services, custom controls and portals. Use domains created from this template for development of WebLogic Portal applications.

3 |Basic WebLogic Integration Domain

  | BEA Systems, Inc.

| Create a basic WebLogic Integration domain, without installing sample applications. Domains created from this template will support

|the WebLogic Server, WebLogic Workshop and WebLogic Integration runtime functionality, including support for J2EE applications, Web

  |applications, Web Services, custom controls and business processes. Use domains created from this template for development of WebLogic

  |Integration applications.

4|Basic WebLogic Workshop Domain

  | BEA Systems, Inc.

Enter index number to select OR [Down][Exit][Previous][Next]> down

<---------------------- BEA WebLogic Configuration Wizard ---------------------------->

Select a Domain Template:


Please select a template from the list or select another directory of templates.

| Create a basic WebLogic Workshop domain, without installing sample applications. Domains created from this template will support the |WebLogic Server and WebLogic Workshop runtime functionality, including support for J2EE applications, Web applications, Web Services and |custom controls. Use domains created from this template for development of WebLogic Workshop applications.

->5|Basic WebLogic Server Domain

| BEA Systems, Inc.

| Create a basic WebLogic Server domain without installing sample applications.

6|WebLogic Server Examples Domain

| BEA Systems, Inc.

| Create the WebLogic Server Examples domain in a directory outside of the installed kit. The Examples domain contains a collection of

|examples to show best practices for coding individual J2EE APIs.

7|Avitek Medical Records Sample Domain

| BEA Systems, Inc.

| Create the Avitek Medical Records domain in a directory outside of the installed kit. The Avitek Medical Records is a WebLogic Server |sample application suite that concisely demonstrates all aspects of the J2EE platform.

8|Select another directory location

Enter index number to select OR [Up][Exit][Previous][Next]>5

<--------------------- BEA WebLogic Configuration Wizard --------------------->

Select a Domain Template:


Please select a template from the list or select another directory of templates.

*The selected template is the same as the one you are working on. Do you

*want to reload the template ?



Enter index number to select OR [Exit][Next]> 1

<------------------------- BEA WebLogic Configuration Wizard ------------------------->

Choose Configuration Option:


*Do you want to run the wizard in express mode?



Enter index number to select OR [Exit][Previous][Next]> 1

<------------------------- BEA WebLogic Configuration Wizard ------------------------->

Configure Administrative Username and Password:


Create a user automatically assigned to the Administrative Role. This user is the default administrator used to start development mode


| Name | Value |


1| *User name: | weblogic |

2| *User password: | |

3| *Confirm user password: | |

4| Description: | The default administration user |

Select Option:

1 - Modify "User name"

2 - Modify "User password"

3 - Modify "Confirm user password"

4 - Modify "Description"

Enter option number to select OR [Exit][Previous][Next]> 2

<------------------------- BEA WebLogic Configuration Wizard ------------------------->

Configure Administrative Username and Password:


Create a user automatically assigned to the Administrative Role. This user is the default administrator used to start development mode


"*User password:" = []

Input new *User password: OR [Exit][Reset][Accept]> [输入八位密码]

<------------------------- BEA WebLogic Configuration Wizard ------------------------->

Configure Administrative Username and Password:


Create a user automatically assigned to the Administrative Role. This user is the default administrator used to start development mode


| Name | Value |


1| *User name: | weblogic |

2| *User password: | ****** |

3| *Confirm user password: | |

4| Description: | The default administration user |

Select Option:

1 - Modify "User name"

2 - Modify "User password"

3 - Modify "Confirm user password"

4 - Modify "Description"

5 - Discard Changes

Enter option number to select OR [Exit][Previous][Next]> 3

<------------------------- BEA WebLogic Configuration Wizard ------------------------->

Configure Administrative Username and Password:


Create a user automatically assigned to the Administrative Role. This user is the default administrator used to start development mode


"*Confirm user password:" = []

Input new *Confirm user password: OR [Exit][Reset][Accept]> [确认八位密码] ///口令必须与上面的一样

<------------------------- BEA WebLogic Configuration Wizard ------------------------->

Configure Administrative Username and Password:


Create a user automatically assigned to the Administrative Role. This user is the default administrator used to start development mode


| Name | Value |


1| *User name: | weblogic |

2| *User password: | ******** |

3| *Confirm user password: | ******** |

4| Description: | The default administration user |

Select Option:

1 - Modify "User name"

2 - Modify "User password"

3 - Modify "Confirm user password"

4 - Modify "Description"

5 - Discard Changes

Enter option number to select OR [Exit][Previous][Next]> next

<------------------------- BEA WebLogic Configuration Wizard ------------------------->

Domain Mode Configuration:


Enable Development or Production Mode for this domain.

->1|Development Mode

2|Production Mode

Enter index number to select OR [Exit][Previous][Next]> 2

<------------------------- BEA WebLogic Configuration Wizard ------------------------->

Java SDK Selection:


->1|JRockit SDK 1.4.2_04-8130 @ /home/weblogic/bea/jrockit81sp3_142_04

2|Sun SDK 1.4.2_04 @ /home/weblogic/bea/jdk142_04

3|Other Java SDK

Enter index number to select OR [Exit][Previous][Next]> 1

<------------------------- BEA WebLogic Configuration Wizard ------------------------->

Select the target domain directory for this configuration:


"Target Location" = [/home/weblogic/bea/user_projects/domains]

Input new Target Location OR [Exit][Previous][Next]> [直接回车]

<------------------------- BEA WebLogic Configuration Wizard ------------------------->

Edit Domain Information:


| Name | Value |


1| *Name: | mydomain |

Enter value for "Name" OR [Exit][Previous][Next]> [输入名称或者直接回车]

<------------------------- BEA WebLogic Configuration Wizard ------------------------->

Creating Domain...

0% 25% 50% 75% 100%



**** Domain Created Successfully! ****

