Ruby6 细节补充

## 代码规范 1. 使用UTF-8编码 2. 使用空格缩进,不使用tab, 1 tab = 2 spaces 3. 不需要使用分号(;)和反斜杠(\)连接代码 Demo ```ruby # basic types a = 1 b = "hello world" # one line c = ["pear", "cat", "dog"] # or multiple lines c2 = [ "pear", "cat", "dog" ] d = { name:"world", age:18 } d2 = { name:"world", age:18 } # source layout, conversion # with or without() def hello(name, age = 18) puts "hello #{name}, and age is #{age}" end def hello name, age = 18 puts "hello #{name}, and age is #{age}" end ``` ## 变量类型 1. local variables 局部变量: a = 1,b = "hello 2. constants 常量: Names = ['john','alex'] 3. global variables 全局变量: $platform = 'mac' 4. instance variables 实例变量: @name = 'world' 5. class variables 类变量: @@counter = 20 ```ruby # variables scope # constant Name = 'world' Name = 'worlds' # => output wraning Name.replace 'world_2' # => safe puts Name ``` ```ruby # instance variable and class variable class User # 相当于定义一个get操作:相当于有一个name的实例变量 # 使用attr_reader关键字,实现把内部的实例变量 向外部保留一个访问接口 attr_reader :name ## 相当于静态变量 @@counter = 0 def initialize name @name = name @@counter += 1 #记录实例化次数 end def get_counter @@counter end end user = 'world' puts puts user.get_counter ``` ```ruby # variables scope # global variables def hello puts $$ #=> process id p $: # => ruby loading path end hello ``` ## Boolean表达式 1. %%, ||, ! 2. And, Or, Not ```ruby #boolean clause puts (true and true) puts (true and false) puts (true or false) puts (not true) ``` ```ruby #boolean clause a = (false and false || true) # 先|| 再and b = (false and false or true) # 优先级相同 先 and 再or puts a puts b ``` ```ruby #boolean clause a = nil b = a || 4 # 如果a是成立的(不是false和nim) 那么a赋值给b 否则赋值4给b puts b # => 4 c = b && 5 # 如果b成立那么执行 c = 5 puts c # => 5 ``` ```ruby #boolean clause # preference # and or not 优先级 低于 && || ! = a = nil b = a or 4 # or 优先级 低于 = 操作符 所以实际吧a赋值给b 然后 or 4 puts b # => will be nil c = b && 5 # b是nil 所有 b&&5 不成立 所以 c =nil puts c #=> will be nil ``` ## String,Hash和Array常用方法 ```ruby # string a = "hello world" a.empty? # => false a[0] = "a" # => aello world a.freeze a[0] = "h" # => will raise error a = "hello" # =>ok, re-assign value ``` ```ruby # string a = "hello world" a.reverse # => dlrow olleh # both of these method have ! version a.sub('o', 'A') # =>hellA world a.gsub('o', 'A') # => hellA wArld a.start_with? 'h' # => true a.end_with? 'd' # => true a.include? 'o' ``` ```ruby # string a = "hello world" b = a.split(' ') # => ["hello", "world"] b.join(' ') # => hello world ``` ```ruby # string # variable refer a = "hello world" b = a # 将字符串的引用地址 或者说指针 给了b puts b b[0] = "A" puts a # => Aello world puts '-' * 30 a = "hello world" b = a.dup # what's the difference with String#clone method? 完整复制, 不是引用了 b[0] = "A" puts b # => Aello world puts a # => hello world #output hello world Aello world ------------------------------ Aello world hello world ``` ```ruby # array a = ["pear", "cat", "horse"] puts a.join(' ') # 数组中必须都是字符串 才可以用字符连接 a.clear #清空数组 a.find {|x| x == 'horse'} #查找匹配到的 {|x| x.upcase} # 迭代执行 a.collect {|x| x.upcase} #map方法的别名 a.uniq #排除多余重复 a.flatten #吧二维或者多维转换以为 a.sort #排序 a.count #元素数量 a.delete_if {|x| x == 'horse'} #匹配则删除 a.each {|x| puts x} #遍历 ``` ```ruby # hash a = {name: 'world', age: 18} a.each {|key, value| puts key} #遍历 a.keys # 所有key a.values # 所有value a.has_key? :name #判断是否有key a.delete :name #删除key a.delete_if #匹配则删除 ``` ## 其他 Buildin Methods 1. send:private method and method as a variable #调用私有方法,调用的方法名是个遍历的时候 使用send(元编程) 2. respond_to? #探测实例是否有给定方法 3. demo ```ruby # send method def hello puts 'hello world' end send(:hello) ``` ```ruby # respond_to? a = "hello world" puts a.respond_to?(:length) ``` ## 代码加载机制 ### $LOAD_PATH ruby中的特殊变量 在irb中可以直接输出,当加载模块的时候ruby会在的各个目录中查找加载,如果查找不到会抛出异常 ### 命名约束 ruby中每一个文件都是一个独立的文件。文件名和文件中的类名(模块名)对应 ```ruby file_name: user_session.rb class_name: UserSession ```