

  1. unit Unit1;
  2. interface
  3. uses
  4. SysUtils, WinTypes, WinProcs, Messages, Classes, Graphics, Controls,
  5. Forms, Dialogs, Buttons, DdeMan, StdCtrls;
  6. type
  7. TTitleBtnForm = class(TForm)
  8. Button1: TButton;
  9. procedure FormResize(Sender: TObject);
  10. private
  11. TitleButton : TRect;
  12. procedure DrawTitleButton;
  13. {Paint-related messages}
  14. procedure WMSetText(var Msg : TWMSetText); message WM_SETTEXT;
  15. procedure WMNCPaint(var Msg : TWMNCPaint); message WM_NCPAINT;
  16. procedure WMNCActivate(var Msg : TWMNCActivate); message WM_NCACTIVATE;
  17. {Mouse down-related messages}
  18. procedure WMNCHitTest(var Msg : TWMNCHitTest); message WM_NCHITTEST;
  19. procedure WMNCLButtonDown(var Msg : TWMNCLButtonDown); message WM_NCLBUTTONDOWN;
  20. function GetVerInfo : DWORD;
  21. end;
  22. var
  23. TitleBtnForm: TTitleBtnForm;
  24. const
  25. htTitleBtn = htSizeLast + 1;
  26. implementation
  27. {$R *.DFM}
  28. procedure TTitleBtnForm.DrawTitleButton;
  29. var
  30. bmap : TBitmap; {Bitmap to be drawn - 16 X 16 : 16 Colors}
  31. XFrame, {X and Y size of Sizeable area of Frame}
  32. YFrame,
  33. XTtlBit, {X and Y size of Bitmaps in caption}
  34. YTtlBit : Integer;
  35. begin
  36. {Get size of form frame and bitmaps in title bar}
  37. XFrame := GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXFRAME);
  38. YFrame := GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYFRAME);
  39. XTtlBit := GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXSIZE);
  40. YTtlBit := GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYSIZE);
  41. {$IFNDEF WIN32}
  42. TitleButton := Bounds(Width - (3 * XTtlBit) - ((XTtlBit div 2) - 2),
  43. YFrame - 1,
  44. XTtlBit + 2,
  45. YTtlBit + 2);
  46. {$ELSE} {Delphi 2.0 positioning}
  47. if (GetVerInfo = VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_NT) then
  48. TitleButton := Bounds(Width - (3 * XTtlBit) - ((XTtlBit div 2) - 2),
  49. YFrame - 1,
  50. XTtlBit + 2,
  51. YTtlBit + 2)
  52. else
  53. TitleButton := Bounds(Width - XFrame - 4*XTtlBit + 2,
  54. XFrame + 2,
  55. XTtlBit + 2,
  56. YTtlBit + 2);
  57. {$ENDIF}
  58. Canvas.Handle := GetWindowDC(Self.Handle); {Get Device context for drawing}
  59. try
  60. {Draw a button face on the TRect}
  61. DrawButtonFace(Canvas, TitleButton, 1, bsAutoDetect, False, False, False);
  62. bmap := TBitmap.Create;
  63. bmap.LoadFromFile('c:\windows\desktop\aaa.bmp');
  64. with TitleButton do
  65. {$IFNDEF WIN32}
  66. Canvas.Draw(Left + 2, Top + 2, bmap);
  67. {$ELSE}
  68. if (GetVerInfo = VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_NT) then
  69. Canvas.Draw(Left + 2, Top + 2, bmap)
  70. else
  71. Canvas.StretchDraw(TitleButton, bmap);
  72. {$ENDIF}
  73. finally
  74. ReleaseDC(Self.Handle, Canvas.Handle);
  75. bmap.Free;
  76. Canvas.Handle := 0;
  77. end;
  78. end;
  79. {Paint triggering events}
  80. procedure TTitleBtnForm.WMNCActivate(var Msg : TWMNCActivate);
  81. begin
  82. Inherited;
  83. DrawTitleButton;
  84. end;
  85. procedure TTitleBtnForm.FormResize(Sender: TObject);
  86. begin
  87. Perform(WM_NCACTIVATE, Word(Active), 0);
  88. end;
  89. {Painting events}
  90. procedure TTitleBtnForm.WMNCPaint(var Msg : TWMNCPaint);
  91. begin
  92. Inherited;
  93. DrawTitleButton;
  94. end;
  95. procedure TTitleBtnForm.WMSetText(var Msg : TWMSetText);
  96. begin
  97. Inherited;
  98. DrawTitleButton;
  99. end;
  100. {Mouse-related procedures}
  101. procedure TTitleBtnForm.WMNCHitTest(var Msg : TWMNCHitTest);
  102. begin
  103. Inherited;
  104. {Check to see if the mouse was clicked in the area of the button}
  105. with Msg do
  106. if PtInRect(TitleButton, Point(XPos - Left, YPos - Top)) then
  107. Result := htTitleBtn;
  108. end;
  109. procedure TTitleBtnForm.WMNCLButtonDown(var Msg : TWMNCLButtonDown);
  110. begin
  111. inherited;
  112. if (Msg.HitTest = htTitleBtn) then
  113. ShowMessage('You pressed the new button');
  114. end;
  115. function TTitleBtnForm.GetVerInfo : DWORD;
  116. var
  117. verInfo : TOSVERSIONINFO;
  118. begin
  119. result:=0;
  120. verInfo.dwOSVersionInfoSize := SizeOf(TOSVersionInfo);
  121. if GetVersionEx(verInfo) then
  122. Result := verInfo.dwPlatformID;
  123. {Returns:
  124. VER_PLATFORM_WIN32s Win32s on Windows 3.1
  125. VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_WINDOWS Win32 on Windows 95
  126. VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_NT Windows NT }
  127. end;
  128. end.