


Note: For anyone who uses the code in this blog, there is no license. You can just use it, and there are no warranties for the code.


% implementation of RNN



close all

%% training dataset generation

binary_dim = 8;

largest_number = 2^binary_dim-1;

binary = cell(largest_number,1);

int2binary = cell(largest_number,1);

for i = 1:largest_number+1

binary{i} = dec2bin(i-1, 8);

int2binary{i} = binary{i};


%% input variables

alpha = 0.1;

input_dim = 2;

hidden_dim = 16;

output_dim = 1;

%% initialize neural network weights

synapse_0 = 2*rand(input_dim,hidden_dim) - 1;

synapse_1 = 2*rand(hidden_dim,output_dim) - 1;

synapse_h = 2*rand(hidden_dim,hidden_dim) - 1;

synapse_0_update = zeros(size(synapse_0));

synapse_1_update = zeros(size(synapse_1));

synapse_h_update = zeros(size(synapse_h));

%% train logic

for j = 0:19999

% generate a simple addition problem (a + b = c)

a_int = randi(round(largest_number/2)); % int version

a = int2binary{a_int+1}; % binary encoding

b_int = randi(floor(largest_number/2)); % int version

b = int2binary{b_int+1}; % binary encoding

% true answer

c_int = a_int + b_int;

c = int2binary{c_int+1};

% where we\'ll store our best guess (binary encoded)

d = zeros(size(c));

if length(d)<8



overallError = 0;

layer_2_deltas = [];

layer_1_values = [];

layer_1_values = [layer_1_values; zeros(1, hidden_dim)];

% 开始对一个序列进行处理,搞清楚一个东西,一个LSTM单元的输出其实就是隐含层

for position = 0:binary_dim-1

X = [a(binary_dim - position)-\'0\' b(binary_dim - position)-\'0\']; % X 是 input

y = [c(binary_dim - position)-\'0\']\'; % Y 是label,用来计算最后误差

% 这里是RNN,因此隐含层比较简单

% X ------------------------> input

% sunapse_0 ----------------> U_i

% layer_1_values(end, :) ---> previous hidden layer (S(t-1))

% synapse_h ----------------> W_i

% layer_1 ------------------> new hidden layer (S(t))

layer_1 = sigmoid(X*synapse_0 + layer_1_values(end, :)*synapse_h);

% layer_1 ------------------> hidden layer (S(t))

% layer_2 ------------------> 最终的输出结果,其维度应该与 label (Y) 的维度是一致的

% 这里的 sigmoid 其实就是一个变换,将 hidden layer (size: 1 x 16) 变换为 1 x 1

% 有写时候,如果输入与输出不匹配的话,使可以使用 softmax 进行变化的

% output layer (new binary representation)

layer_2 = sigmoid(layer_1*synapse_1);

% 计算误差,根据误差进行反向传播

% layer_2_error ------------> 此次(第 position+1 次的误差)

% l 是真实结果

% layer_2 是输出结果

% layer_2_deltas 输出层的变化结果,使用了反向传播,见那个求导(输出层的输入是 layer_2,那就对输入求导即可,然后乘以误差就可以得到输出的diff)

% did we miss?... if so, by how much?

layer_2_error = y - layer_2;

layer_2_deltas = [layer_2_deltas; layer_2_error*sigmoid_output_to_derivative(layer_2)];

% 总体的误差(误差有正有负,用绝对值)

overallError = overallError + abs(layer_2_error(1));

% decode estimate so we can print it out

% 就是记录此位置的输出,用于显示结果

d(binary_dim - position) = round(layer_2(1));

% 记录下此次的隐含层 (S(t))

% store hidden layer so we can use it in the next timestep

layer_1_values = [layer_1_values; layer_1];


% 计算隐含层的diff,用于求参数的变化,并用来更新参数,还是每一个timestep来进行计算

future_layer_1_delta = zeros(1, hidden_dim);

% 开始进行反向传播,计算 hidden_layer 的diff,以及参数的 diff

for position = 0:binary_dim-1

% 因为是通过输入得到隐含层,因此这里还是需要用到输入的

% a -> (operation) -> y, x_diff = derivative(x) * y_diff

% 注意这里从最后开始往前推

X = [a(position+1)-\'0\' b(position+1)-\'0\'];

% layer_1 -----------------> 表示隐含层 hidden_layer (S(t))

% prev_layer_1 ------------> (S(t-1))

layer_1 = layer_1_values(end-position, :);

prev_layer_1 = layer_1_values(end-position-1, :);

% layer_2_delta -----------> 就是隐含层的diff

% hidden_layer_diff,根据这个可以推算输入的diff以及上一个隐含层的diff

% error at output layer

layer_2_delta = layer_2_deltas(end-position, :);

% 这个地方的 hidden_layer 来自两个方面,因为 hidden_layer -> next timestep, hidden_layer -> output,

% 因此其反向传播也是两方面

% error at hidden layer

layer_1_delta = (future_layer_1_delta*(synapse_h\') + layer_2_delta*(synapse_1\')) ...

.* sigmoid_output_to_derivative(layer_1);

% let\'s update all our weights so we can try again

synapse_1_update = synapse_1_update + (layer_1\')*(layer_2_delta);

synapse_h_update = synapse_h_update + (prev_layer_1\')*(layer_1_delta);

synapse_0_update = synapse_0_update + (X\')*(layer_1_delta);

future_layer_1_delta = layer_1_delta;


synapse_0 = synapse_0 + synapse_0_update * alpha;

synapse_1 = synapse_1 + synapse_1_update * alpha;

synapse_h = synapse_h + synapse_h_update * alpha;

synapse_0_update = synapse_0_update * 0;

synapse_1_update = synapse_1_update * 0;

synapse_h_update = synapse_h_update * 0;

if(mod(j,1000) == 0)

err = sprintf(\'Error:%s\n\', num2str(overallError)); fprintf(err);

d = bin2dec(num2str(d));

pred = sprintf(\'Pred:%s\n\',dec2bin(d,8)); fprintf(pred);

Tru = sprintf(\'True:%s\n\', num2str(c)); fprintf(Tru);

out = 0;


sep = sprintf(\'-------------\n\'); fprintf(sep);




% implementation of LSTM



close all

%% training dataset generation

binary_dim = 8;

largest_number = 2^binary_dim - 1;

binary = cell(largest_number, 1);

for i = 1:largest_number + 1

binary{i} = dec2bin(i-1, binary_dim);

int2binary{i} = binary{i};


%% input variables

alpha = 0.1;

input_dim = 2;

hidden_dim = 32;

output_dim = 1;

%% initialize neural network weights

% in_gate = sigmoid(X(t) * U_i + H(t-1) * W_i) ------- (1)

U_i = 2 * rand(input_dim, hidden_dim) - 1;

W_i = 2 * rand(hidden_dim, hidden_dim) - 1;

U_i_update = zeros(size(U_i));

W_i_update = zeros(size(W_i));

% forget_gate = sigmoid(X(t) * U_f + H(t-1) * W_f) ------- (2)

U_f = 2 * rand(input_dim, hidden_dim) - 1;

W_f = 2 * rand(hidden_dim, hidden_dim) - 1;

U_f_update = zeros(size(U_f));

W_f_update = zeros(size(W_f));

% out_gate = sigmoid(X(t) * U_o + H(t-1) * W_o) ------- (3)

U_o = 2 * rand(input_dim, hidden_dim) - 1;

W_o = 2 * rand(hidden_dim, hidden_dim) - 1;

U_o_update = zeros(size(U_o));

W_o_update = zeros(size(W_o));

% g_gate = tanh(X(t) * U_g + H(t-1) * W_g) ------- (4)

U_g = 2 * rand(input_dim, hidden_dim) - 1;

W_g = 2 * rand(hidden_dim, hidden_dim) - 1;

U_g_update = zeros(size(U_g));

W_g_update = zeros(size(W_g));

out_para = 2 * rand(hidden_dim, output_dim) - 1;

out_para_update = zeros(size(out_para));

% C(t) = C(t-1) .* forget_gate + g_gate .* in_gate ------- (5)

% S(t) = tanh(C(t)) .* out_gate ------- (6)

% Out = sigmoid(S(t) * out_para) ------- (7)

% Note: Equations (1)-(6) are cores of LSTM in forward, and equation (7) is

% used to transfer hiddent layer to predicted output, i.e., the output layer.

% (Sometimes you can use softmax for equation (7))

%% train

iter = 99999; % training iterations

for j = 1:iter

% generate a simple addition problem (a + b = c)

a_int = randi(round(largest_number/2)); % int version

a = int2binary{a_int+1}; % binary encoding

b_int = randi(floor(largest_number/2)); % int version

b = int2binary{b_int+1}; % binary encoding

% true answer

c_int = a_int + b_int; % int version

c = int2binary{c_int+1}; % binary encoding

% where we\'ll store our best guess (binary encoded)

d = zeros(size(c));

if length(d)<8



% total error

overallError = 0;

% difference in output layer, i.e., (target - out)

output_deltas = [];

% values of hidden layer, i.e., S(t)

hidden_layer_values = [];

cell_gate_values = [];

% initialize S(0) as a zero-vector

hidden_layer_values = [hidden_layer_values; zeros(1, hidden_dim)];

cell_gate_values = [cell_gate_values; zeros(1, hidden_dim)];

% initialize memory gate

% hidden layer

H = [];

H = [H; zeros(1, hidden_dim)];

% cell gate

C = [];

C = [C; zeros(1, hidden_dim)];

% in gate

I = [];

% forget gate

F = [];

% out gate

O = [];

% g gate

G = [];

% start to process a sequence, i.e., a forward pass

% Note: the output of a LSTM cell is the hidden_layer, and you need to

% transfer it to predicted output

for position = 0:binary_dim-1

% X ------> input, size: 1 x input_dim

X = [a(binary_dim - position)-\'0\' b(binary_dim - position)-\'0\'];

% y ------> label, size: 1 x output_dim

y = [c(binary_dim - position)-\'0\']\';

% use equations (1)-(7) in a forward pass. here we do not use bias

in_gate = sigmoid(X * U_i + H(end, :) * W_i); % equation (1)

forget_gate = sigmoid(X * U_f + H(end, :) * W_f); % equation (2)

out_gate = sigmoid(X * U_o + H(end, :) * W_o); % equation (3)

g_gate = tan_h(X * U_g + H(end, :) * W_g); % equation (4)

C_t = C(end, :) .* forget_gate + g_gate .* in_gate; % equation (5)

H_t = tan_h(C_t) .* out_gate; % equation (6)

% store these memory gates

I = [I; in_gate];

F = [F; forget_gate];

O = [O; out_gate];

G = [G; g_gate];

C = [C; C_t];

H = [H; H_t];

% compute predict output

pred_out = sigmoid(H_t * out_para);

% compute error in output layer

output_error = y - pred_out;

% compute difference in output layer using derivative

% output_diff = output_error * sigmoid_output_to_derivative(pred_out);

output_deltas = [output_deltas; output_error];

% compute total error

% note that if the size of pred_out or target is 1 x n or m x n,

% you should use other approach to compute error. here the dimension

% of pred_out is 1 x 1

overallError = overallError + abs(output_error(1));

% decode estimate so we can print it out

d(binary_dim - position) = round(pred_out);


% from the last LSTM cell, you need a initial hidden layer difference

future_H_diff = zeros(1, hidden_dim);

% stare back-propagation, i.e., a backward pass

% the goal is to compute differences and use them to update weights

% start from the last LSTM cell

for position = 0:binary_dim-1

X = [a(position+1)-\'0\' b(position+1)-\'0\'];

% hidden layer

H_t = H(end-position, :); % H(t)

% previous hidden layer

H_t_1 = H(end-position-1, :); % H(t-1)

C_t = C(end-position, :); % C(t)

C_t_1 = C(end-position-1, :); % C(t-1)

O_t = O(end-position, :);

F_t = F(end-position, :);

G_t = G(end-position, :);

I_t = I(end-position, :);

% output layer difference

output_diff = output_deltas(end-position, :);

% hidden layer difference

% note that here we consider one hidden layer is input to both

% output layer and next LSTM cell. Thus its difference also comes

% from two sources. In some other method, only one source is taken

% into consideration.

% use the equation: delta(l) = (delta(l+1) * W(l+1)) .* f\'(z) to

% compute difference in previous layers. look for more about the

% proof at http://neuralnetworksanddeeplearning.com/chap2.html

% H_t_diff = (future_H_diff * (W_i\' + W_o\' + W_f\' + W_g\') + output_diff * out_para\') ...

% .* sigmoid_output_to_derivative(H_t);

% H_t_diff = output_diff * (out_para\') .* sigmoid_output_to_derivative(H_t);

H_t_diff = output_diff * (out_para\') .* sigmoid_output_to_derivative(H_t);

% out_para_diff = output_diff * (H_t) * sigmoid_output_to_derivative(out_para);

out_para_diff = (H_t\') * output_diff;

% out_gate diference

O_t_diff = H_t_diff .* tan_h(C_t) .* sigmoid_output_to_derivative(O_t);

% C_t difference

C_t_diff = H_t_diff .* O_t .* tan_h_output_to_derivative(C_t);

% % C(t-1) difference

% C_t_1_diff = C_t_diff .* F_t;

% forget_gate_diffeence

F_t_diff = C_t_diff .* C_t_1 .* sigmoid_output_to_derivative(F_t);

% in_gate difference

I_t_diff = C_t_diff .* G_t .* sigmoid_output_to_derivative(I_t);

% g_gate difference

G_t_diff = C_t_diff .* I_t .* tan_h_output_to_derivative(G_t);

% differences of U_i and W_i

U_i_diff = X\' * I_t_diff .* sigmoid_output_to_derivative(U_i);

W_i_diff = (H_t_1)\' * I_t_diff .* sigmoid_output_to_derivative(W_i);

% differences of U_o and W_o

U_o_diff = X\' * O_t_diff .* sigmoid_output_to_derivative(U_o);

W_o_diff = (H_t_1)\' * O_t_diff .* sigmoid_output_to_derivative(W_o);

% differences of U_o and W_o

U_f_diff = X\' * F_t_diff .* sigmoid_output_to_derivative(U_f);

W_f_diff = (H_t_1)\' * F_t_diff .* sigmoid_output_to_derivative(W_f);

% differences of U_o and W_o

U_g_diff = X\' * G_t_diff .* tan_h_output_to_derivative(U_g);

W_g_diff = (H_t_1)\' * G_t_diff .* tan_h_output_to_derivative(W_g);

% update

U_i_update = U_i_update + U_i_diff;

W_i_update = W_i_update + W_i_diff;

U_o_update = U_o_update + U_o_diff;

W_o_update = W_o_update + W_o_diff;

U_f_update = U_f_update + U_f_diff;

W_f_update = W_f_update + W_f_diff;

U_g_update = U_g_update + U_g_diff;

W_g_update = W_g_update + W_g_diff;

out_para_update = out_para_update + out_para_diff;


U_i = U_i + U_i_update * alpha;

W_i = W_i + W_i_update * alpha;

U_o = U_o + U_o_update * alpha;

W_o = W_o + W_o_update * alpha;

U_f = U_f + U_f_update * alpha;

W_f = W_f + W_f_update * alpha;

U_g = U_g + U_g_update * alpha;

W_g = W_g + W_g_update * alpha;

out_para = out_para + out_para_update * alpha;

U_i_update = U_i_update * 0;

W_i_update = W_i_update * 0;

U_o_update = U_o_update * 0;

W_o_update = W_o_update * 0;

U_f_update = U_f_update * 0;

W_f_update = W_f_update * 0;

U_g_update = U_g_update * 0;

W_g_update = W_g_update * 0;

out_para_update = out_para_update * 0;

if(mod(j,1000) == 0)

err = sprintf(\'Error:%s\n\', num2str(overallError)); fprintf(err);

d = bin2dec(num2str(d));

pred = sprintf(\'Pred:%s\n\',dec2bin(d,8)); fprintf(pred);

Tru = sprintf(\'True:%s\n\', num2str(c)); fprintf(Tru);

out = 0;

sep = sprintf(\'-------------\n\'); fprintf(sep);

