用FileSystemObject对象读取INI 文件 支持 VB读INI VBS读INI ASP 读INI

'作者:CSDN 许仙

'Homepage : jjweb.126.com

'MSN :Coderxu#hotmail.com


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由于卡巴斯基 太厉害 弄的 OFFCIE编写的程序 调用API读取配置文件都不可以 于是 想到了用FileSystemObject对象读取INI 文件 代码如下, 修改了一下, 同时 支持了 VBS 当然 也支持ASP 网页读配置文件了....


Public Function GetIni1(ByVal strPrimary As String, ByVal strSubKey As String, ByVal strIniFilePath As String) As String

Dim myFso As FileSystemObject

Dim MyFile As TextStream

Dim intCount As Integer, strState As String

Set myFso = New FileSystemObject

Set MyFile = myFso.OpenTextFile(strIniFilePath, 1, False, False)

With MyFile

Do Until .AtEndOfStream

If intCount = 0 Then

If .ReadLine = "[" & strPrimary & "]" Then

intCount = 1

End If


strState = .ReadLine

If UCase(Left(strState, Len(strSubKey & "="))) = UCase(strSubKey & "=") Then

GetIni1 = Right(strState, Len(strState) - Len(strSubKey & "="))

End If

End If



End With

Set MyFile = Nothing

Set myFso = Nothing

End Function

VBS 代码

'将以下信息 拷贝到文本里 改名.vbs运行查看效果

msgbox GetIni ("boot loader","timeout","c:\boot.ini")

'VBS读取 INI 配置文件

Function GetIni( strPrimary , strSubKey, strIniFilePath )

Dim myFso

Dim MyFile

Dim intCount , strState

Set myFso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

Set MyFile = myFso.OpenTextFile(strIniFilePath, 1, False, False)

With MyFile

Do Until .AtEndOfStream

If intCount = 0 Then

If .ReadLine = "[" & strPrimary & "]" Then

intCount = 1

End If


strState = .ReadLine

If UCase(Left(strState, Len(strSubKey & "="))) = UCase(strSubKey & "=") Then

GetIni = Right(strState, Len(strState) - Len(strSubKey & "="))

End If

End If



End With

Set MyFile = Nothing

Set myFso = Nothing

End Function
