
'调用webservice。需要安装SoapToolkit30.EXE,并在工程中引用Microsoft Soap Type Library v3.0

Sub CallWebService()

Dim m_spClient As New SoapClient30 'SoapClient30对象实例化

m_spClient.MSSoapInit "http://localhost/MCISWebService/vbtest.asmx?WSDL" '引用webservice

MsgBox m_spClient.HelloWorld '调用webservice方法

End Sub


Sub CallHTTPWCFService()

Dim mexMonikerString As String

Dim mexServiceMoniker As Object


' MEX service moniker example


' Create a string for the service moniker specifying the address

' to retrieve the service metadata from

mexMonikerString = "service:mexAddress='http://localhost:55242/Service1.svc/mex'"

mexMonikerString = mexMonikerString + ", address='http://localhost:55242/Service1.svc'"

mexMonikerString = mexMonikerString + ", binding=WSHttpBinding_IService1, bindingNamespace='http://tempuri.org/'"

mexMonikerString = mexMonikerString + ", contract=IService1, contractNamespace='http://tempuri.org/'"

' Create the service moniker object

Set mexServiceMoniker = GetObject(mexMonikerString)

' Call the service operations using the moniker object

MsgBox mexServiceMoniker.SayHello("China!")

Set mexServiceMoniker = Nothing

End Sub


Sub CallTCPWCFService()

Dim mexMonikerString As String

Dim mexServiceMoniker As Object

' Create a string for the service moniker specifying the address

' to retrieve the service metadata from

mexMonikerString = "service:mexAddress=''"

mexMonikerString = mexMonikerString + ", address='net.tcp://'"

mexMonikerString = mexMonikerString + ", binding='NetTcpBinding_IHello', bindingNamespace='http://tempuri.org/'"

mexMonikerString = mexMonikerString + ", contract=IHello, contractNamespace='http://tempuri.org/'"

' Create the service moniker object

Set mexServiceMoniker = GetObject(mexMonikerString)

' Call the service operations using the moniker object

MsgBox mexServiceMoniker.SayHello("China!")

Set mexServiceMoniker = Nothing

End Sub