附MATLAB 神经网络工具箱

附MATLAB 神经网络工具箱

Graphical user interface functions.

nctool - Neural network classification tool.

nftool - Neural network fitting tool.

nprtool - Neural Network pattern recognition tool.

nntool - Neural Network Toolbox graphical user interface.

nntraintool - Neural network training tool.

view - View a neural network.

Analysis functions.

confusion - Classification confusion matrix.

errsurf - Error surface of single input neuron.

maxlinlr - Maximum learning rate for a linear layer.

roc - Receiver operating characteristic.

Distance functions.

boxdist - Box distance function.

dist - Euclidean distance weight function.

mandist - Manhattan distance weight function.

linkdist - Link distance function.

Formatting data.

combvec - Create all combinations of vectors.

con2seq - Convert concurrent vectors to sequential vectors.

concur - Create concurrent bias vectors.

dividevec - Create all combinations of vectors.

ind2vec - Convert indices to vectors.

minmax - Ranges of matrix rows.

nncopy - Copy matrix or cell array.

normc - Normalize columns of a matrix.

normr - Normalize rows of a matrix.

pnormc - Pseudo-normalize columns of a matrix.

quant - Discretize values as multiples of a quantity.

seq2con - Convert sequential vectors to concurrent vectors.

vec2ind - Convert vectors to indices.

Initialize network functions.

initlay - Layer-by-layer network initialization function.

Initialize layer functions.

initnw - Nguyen-Widrow layer initialization function.

initwb - By-weight-and-bias layer initialization function.

Initialize weight and bias functions.

initcon - Conscience bias initialization function.

initzero - Zero weight/bias initialization function.

initsompc - Initialize SOM weights with principle components.

midpoint - Midpoint weight initialization function.

randnc - Normalized column weight initialization function.

randnr - Normalized row weight initialization function.

rands - Symmetric random weight/bias initialization function.

Learning functions.

learncon - Conscience bias learning function.

learngd - Gradient descent weight/bias learning function.

learngdm - Gradient descent w/momentum weight/bias learning function.

learnh - Hebb weight learning function.

learnhd - Hebb with decay weight learning function.

learnis - Instar weight learning function.

learnk - Kohonen weight learning function.

learnlv1 - LVQ1 weight learning function.

learnlv2 - LVQ2 weight learning function.

learnos - Outstar weight learning function.

learnsomb - Batch self-organizing map weight learning function.

learnp - Perceptron weight/bias learning function.

learnpn - Normalized perceptron weight/bias learning function.

learnsom - Self-organizing map weight learning function.

learnwh - Widrow-Hoff weight/bias learning rule.

Line search functions.

srchbac - Backtracking search.

srchbre - Brent's combination golden section/quadratic interpolation.

srchcha - Charalambous' cubic interpolation.

srchgol - Golden section search.

srchhyb - Hybrid bisection/cubic search.

Net input functions.

netprod - Product net input function.

netsum - Sum net input function.

Network creation functions.

network - Create a custom neural network.

newc - Create a competitive layer.

newcf - Create a cascade-forward backpropagation network.

newdtdnn - Create a distributed time delay neural network.

newelm - Create an Elman backpropagation network.

newfit - Createa a fitting network.

newff - Create a feed-forward backpropagation network.

newfftd - Create a feed-forward input-delay backprop network.

newgrnn - Design a generalized regression neural network.

newhop - Create a Hopfield recurrent network.

newlin - Create a linear layer.

newlind - Design a linear layer.

newlvq - Create a learning vector quantization network.

newnarx - Create a feed-forward backpropagation network with feedback

from output to input.

newnarxsp - Create an NARX network in series-parallel arrangement.

newp - Create a perceptron.

newpnn - Design a probabilistic neural network.

newpr - Create a pattern recognition network.

newrb - Design a radial basis network.

newrbe - Design an exact radial basis network.

newsom - Create a self-organizing map.