软件包管理 之 fedora-rpmdevtools 工具介绍



提要:fedora-rpmdevtools 是一款Fedora的RPM包的开发工具,用于Fedora Core 2.0 以上版本;




一、fedora-rpmdevtools 介绍;

用于制作RPM包的工具,为开发者提供了极大的方便;比如创建rpmbuild开发树;MD5验证;spec 文件的生成;解压归档文件;归档文件前后版本对比diff 等;

二、fedora-rpmdevtools 的安装;

请用yum 或apt 在线安装;

[root@localhost ~]# yum install fedora-rpmdevtools

[root@localhost ~]# apt-get install fedora-rpmdevtools

软件包的安装和管理,请参见:《Fedora / Redhat 软件包管理指南》

三、fedora-rpmdevtools 包含工具;

fedora-buildrpmtree Create RPM build tree within user's home directory

fedora-installdevkeys Install GPG keys in alternate RPM keyring

fedora-kmodhelper Helper script for building kernel module RPMs

fedora-md5 Display the md5sum of all files in an RPM

fedora-newrpmspec Creates new .spec from template

fedora-rmdevelrpms Find (and optionally remove) "development" RPMs

fedora-rpmchecksig Check package signatures using alternate RPM keyring

fedora-rpminfo Prints information about executables and libraries

fedora-rpmvercmp RPM version comparison checker

fedora-extract Extract various archives, "tar xvf" style

fedora-diffarchive Diff contents of two archives

fedora-wipebuildtree Erase all files within dirs created by buildrpmtree

spectool Expand and download sources and patches in specfiles


《Fedora / Redhat 软件包管理指南》