[转载]matlab 局部极值点搜索

原文地址:matlab 局部极值点搜索作者:秋楚驿

Description This is a very simple function to find the local maximum in any dimensional array. As simple as it is it still gives nice results.
I use the imdilate() function as a maximum operation and then compare the data to the result.
The function receives three parameters: 
the data, a vector defining the minimum distance between peaks in each of the data dimensions. and a flag either to exclude equal points or not.
use examples: 
a = cumsum(randn(1000,1)); 
peaks = localMaximum(a,[100]); 
figure; plot(a); hold on; plot(peaks,a(peaks),'ro');
[x y] = meshgrid(-6:0.1:6,-6:0.1:6); 
a = sinc(x).*sinc(y); 
lMaxInd = localmaximum(a,[20 20]); 
lMinInd = localMaximum(-a,[20 20]); 
figure; mesh(x,y,a); hold on; 
- It is recommended to run (if possible) a LPF on the data before searching for the peaks
Required Products  Image Processing Toolbox
MATLAB release MATLAB 7.0.4 (R14SP2) 

function varargout = localMaximum(x,minDist, exculdeEqualPoints)
% function varargout = localMaximum(x,minDist, exculdeEqualPoints)
% This function returns the indexessubscripts of local maximum in the data x.
% x can be a vector or a matrix of any dimension
% minDist is the minimum distance between two peaks (local maxima)
% minDist should be a vector in which each argument corresponds to it's
% relevant dimension OR a number which is the minimum distance for all
% dimensions
% exculdeEqualPoints - is a boolean definning either to recognize points with the same value as peaks or not
% x = [1 2 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 3 3 3 2 1];
% will the program return all the '4' as peaks or not - defined by the 'exculdeEqualPoints'
% localMaximum(x,3)
% ans =
% 4 5 6 7 8 9 11 12
% localMaximum(x,3,true)
% ans =
% 4 7 12
% Example:
% a = randn(100,30,10);
% minDist = [10 3 5];
% peaks = localMaximum(a,minDist);
% To recieve the subscript instead of the index use:
% [xIn yIn zIn] = localMaximum(a,minDist);
% To find local minimum call the function with minus the variable:
% valleys = localMaximum(-a,minDist);
if nargin < 3
exculdeEqualPoints = false;
if nargin < 2
minDist = size(x)/10;
if isempty(minDist)
minDist = size(x)/10;
dimX = length ( size(x) );
if length(minDist) ~= dimX
% In case minimum distance isn't defined for all of x dimensions
% I use the first value as the default for all of the dimensions
minDist = minDist( ones(dimX,1) );
% validity checks
minDist = ceil(minDist);
minDist = max( [minDist(:)' ; ones(1,length(minDist))] );
minDist = min( [minDist ; size(x)] );
% ---------------------------------------------------------------------
if exculdeEqualPoints
% this section comes to solve the problem of a plato
% without this code, points with the same hight will be recognized as peaks
y = sort(x(:));
dY = diff(y);
% finding the minimum step in the data
minimumDiff = min( dY(dY ~= 0) );
adding noise which won't affect the peaks
x = x + rand(size(x))*minimumDiff;
% ---------------------------------------------------------------------
se = ones(minDist);
X = imdilate(x,se);
f = find(x == X);
if nargout
[varargout{1:nargout}] = ind2sub( size(x), f );
varargout{1} = f;

