Delphi 将商品金额小写转大写

Function DecimalToChineseCurrency(Decimal: String): String; Var
  s, t              : TStringList;
  i, ti             : Integer;
  tmps              : String;
  IsDecimal         : Integer; Begin IsDecimal := 0;
  ti := 0;
  For i := 1 To Length(Decimal) Do
    If Decimal[i] = '.' Then
    Begin Inc(IsDecimal);
      ti := i;
    If Not (Decimal[i] In ['0'..'9', '.']) Or (IsDecimal > 1) Then
    Begin Result := Decimal;
  If ti = 0 Then                        //小数点的位置  Begin    tmps := Decimal + '.';
    ti := Length(tmps);

tmps := Decimal; s := TStringList.Create; t := TStringList.Create; Try s.Delimiter := ','; t.Delimiter := ','; s.CommaText := '0=零,1=壹,2=贰,3=叁,4=肆,5=伍,6=陆,7=柒,8=捌,9=玖'; t.CommaText := '-1=分,0=角,1=元,2=拾,3=佰,4=仟,5=万,6=拾,7=佰,8=仟,9=亿,10=拾,11=佰,12=仟,13=兆,14=拾,15=佰,16=仟'; ti := Length(tmps) - ti; tmps := StringReplace(tmps, '.', '', [rfReplaceAll]); For i := 1 To Length(tmps) Do Begin If (tmps[Length(tmps) - i + 1] = '0') And (i Mod 4 = 1) Then Result := t.Values[IntToStr(i - ti)] + Result Else If (tmps[Length(tmps) - i + 1] = '0') And (i Mod 4 <> 1) Then Result := s.Values[tmps[Length(tmps) - i + 1]] + Result Else Result := s.Values[tmps[Length(tmps) - i + 1]] + t.Values[IntToStr(i - ti)] + Result; End; While Pos('零零', Result) > 0 Do Result := StringReplace(Result, '零零', '零', [rfReplaceAll]); If Pos('零兆', Result) > 0 Then Result := StringReplace(Result, '零兆', '兆', [rfReplaceAll]); If Pos('零亿', Result) > 0 Then Result := StringReplace(Result, '零亿', '亿', [rfReplaceAll]); If Pos('零万', Result) > 0 Then Result := StringReplace(Result, '零万', '万', [rfReplaceAll]); If Pos('零元', Result) > 0 Then Result := StringReplace(Result, '零元', '元', [rfReplaceAll]); If Pos('兆亿', Result) > 0 Then Result := StringReplace(Result, '兆亿', '兆', [rfReplaceAll]); If Pos('亿万', Result) > 0 Then Result := StringReplace(Result, '亿万', '亿', [rfReplaceAll]); If Pos('兆万', Result) > 0 Then Result := StringReplace(Result, '兆万', '兆', [rfReplaceAll]); Finally t.Free; s.Free; End; End; {=====================================================} Function ChineseCurrencyToDecimal(ChineseCurrency: String): String; Var s : TStringList; i, ti : Integer; Begin s := TStringList.Create; Try s.Delimiter := ','; s.CommaText := '元=.,零=0,壹=1,贰=2,叁=3,肆=4,伍=5,陆=6,柒=7,捌=8,玖=9'; ti := Length(ChineseCurrency) Div 2; For i := ti Downto 1 Do Result := s.Values[ChineseCurrency[i * 2 - 1] + ChineseCurrency[i * 2]] + Result; Finally s.Free; End; End;