JS nodeJs 的日期计算



<script type="text/javascript" src="date-utils.min.js"></script>



$ cnpm install date-utils



Static Methods 静态方法

Date.today(); // today, 00:00:00
Date.yesterday(); // yesterday, 00:00:00   
Date.tomorrow(); // tomorrow, 00:00:00
Date.validateDay(day, year, month); // true/false whether a date is valid
Date.validateYear(year); // true/false whether a year is valid
Date.validateMonth(month); // true/false whether a month is valid
Date.validateHour(hour); // true/false whether an hour is valid
Date.validateMinute(minute); // true/false whether a minute is valid
Date.validateSecond(second); // true/false whether a second is valid
Date.validateMillisecond(millisecond); // true/false whether a millisecond is valid

Date.compare(date1, date2); // -1 if date1 is smaller than date2, 0 if equal, 1 if date2 is smaller than date1
Date.equals(date1, date2); // true/false if date1 is equal to date2
Date.getDayNumberFromName(name); // su/sun/sunday - 0, mo/mon/monday - 1, etc
Date.getMonthNumberFromName(name); // jan/january - 0, feb/february - 1, etc
Date.isLeapYear(year); // true/false whether the year is a leap yearDate.get
DaysInMonth(year, monthNumber); // number of days in the month 0-11

Instance Methods 接口方法

d.clone(); // returns a new copy of date object set to the same time
d.getMonthAbbr(); // abreviated month name, Jan, Feb, etc
d.getMonthName(); // fill month name, January, February, etcd.getUTCOffset(); // returns the UTC offset
d.getOrdinalNumber(); // day number of the year, 1-366 (leap year)
d.clearTime(); // sets time to 00:00:00d.setTimeToNow(); // sets time to current time
d.toFormat(format); // returns date formatted with:
  // YYYY - Four digit year
  // MMMM - Full month name. ie January
  // MMM  - Short month name. ie Jan
  // MM   - Zero padded month ie 01
  // M    - Month ie 1
  // DDDD - Full day or week name ie Tuesday 
  // DDD  - Abbreviated day of the week ie Tue
  // DD   - Zero padded day ie 08
  // D    - Day ie 8
  // HH24 - Hours in 24 notation ie 18
  // HH   - Padded Hours ie 06
  // H    - Hours ie 6
  // MI   - Padded Minutes
  // SS   - Padded Seconds
  // PP   - AM or PM
  // P    - am or pmd.toYMD(separator); // returns YYYY-MM-DD by default, separator changes delimiter
  d.between(date1, date2); // true/false if the date/time is between date1 and date2
  d.compareTo(date); // -1 if date is smaller than this, 0 if equal, 1 if date is larger than thisd.equals(date); // true/false, true if dates are equal
  d.isBefore(date); // true/false, true if this is before date passed
  d.isAfter(date); // true/false, true if this is after date passed
  d.getDaysBetween(date); // returns number of full days between this and passed
  d.getHoursBetween(date); // returns number of hours days between this and passed
  d.getMinutesBetween(date); // returns number of full minutes between this and passed
  d.getSecondsBetween(date); // returns number of full seconds between this and passed
  d.add({ milliseconds: 30,//这货忒牛逼了,解决了计算问题
        minutes: 1,
        hours: 4,
        seconds: 30,
        days: 2,
        weeks: 1,
        months: 3,
        years: 2}); // adds time to existing time
        d.addMilliseconds(number); // add milliseconds to existing time
        d.addSeconds(number); // add seconds to existing time
        d.addMinutes(number); // add minutes to existing time
        d.addHours(number); // add hours to existing timed.addDays(number); // add days to existing time
        d.addWeeks(number); // add weeks to existing time
        d.addMonths(number); // add months to existing timed.addYears(number); // add years to existing time
        d.remove(...); // same idea as for add//这里就是减法
        d.removeMilliseconds(number); // ...// same API, just remove instead

静态调用必须要Date.today() 酱紫

动态方法 的 调用

var today=new Date();


其中我还自己添加了两个方法 用于动态获取第几周的功能
















Date.prototype.getWeekOfYear =function() {//这天在本年是第几周

varonejan =newDate(this.getFullYear(), 0, 1);

returnMath.ceil((((this- onejan) / 86400000) + onejan.getDay() + 1) / 7);


Date.prototype.getWeekOfMonth=function() {//这天在本月是第几周

varday =this.getDate();

//get weekend date

day += (this.getDay() == 0 ? 0 : 7 -this.getDay());

returnMath.ceil(parseFloat(day) / 7);



> console.log((new Date()).toFormat("YYYY-MM-DD HH:MI:SS"))

2016-03-17 09:46:10