【UE4 C++】UKismetSystemLibrary 源代码

// Copyright Epic Games, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

#pragma once

#include "CoreMinimal.h"
#include "UObject/ObjectMacros.h"
#include "UObject/Object.h"
#include "Templates/SubclassOf.h"
#include "Engine/EngineTypes.h"
#include "UObject/UnrealType.h"
#include "UObject/ScriptMacros.h"
#include "UObject/Interface.h"
#include "UObject/TextProperty.h"
#include "UObject/SoftObjectPtr.h"
#include "UObject/PropertyAccessUtil.h"
#include "Engine/LatentActionManager.h"
#include "Kismet/BlueprintFunctionLibrary.h"
#include "Engine/CollisionProfile.h"
#include "KismetSystemLibrary.generated.h"

class AActor;
class ACameraActor;
class APlayerController;
class UPrimitiveComponent;
class USceneComponent;
class UTexture2D;

namespace EDrawDebugTrace
        enum Type

/** Enum used to indicate desired behavior for MoveComponentTo latent function. */
namespace EMoveComponentAction
        enum Type
                /** Move to target over specified time. */
                /** If currently moving, stop. */
                /** If currently moving, return to where you started, over the time elapsed so far. */

namespace EQuitPreference
        enum Type
                /** Exit the game completely. */
                /** Move the application to the background. */

struct FGenericStruct

        int32 Data;

class ENGINE_API UKismetSystemLibrary : public UBlueprintFunctionLibrary

        // --- Globally useful functions ------------------------------
        /** Prints a stack trace to the log, so you can see how a blueprint got to this node */
        UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, CustomThunk, Category="Development|Editor", meta=(Keywords = "ScriptTrace"))
        static void StackTrace();
        static void StackTraceImpl(const FFrame& StackFrame);

        // Return true if the object is usable : non-null and not pending kill
        UFUNCTION(BlueprintPure, Category = "Utilities")
        static bool IsValid(const UObject* Object);

        // Return true if the class is usable : non-null and not pending kill
        UFUNCTION(BlueprintPure, Category = "Utilities")
        static bool IsValidClass(UClass* Class);

        // Returns the actual object name.
        UFUNCTION(BlueprintPure, Category = "Utilities")
        static FString GetObjectName(const UObject* Object);

        // Returns the full path to the specified object.
        UFUNCTION(BlueprintPure, Category="Utilities")
        static FString GetPathName(const UObject* Object);

        // Returns the full system path to a UObject
        // If given a non-asset UObject, it will return an empty string
        UFUNCTION(BlueprintPure, Category = "Utilities")
        static FString GetSystemPath(const UObject* Object);

        // Returns the display name (or actor label), for displaying as a debugging aid.
        // Note: In editor builds, this is the actor label.  In non-editor builds, this is the actual object name.  This function should not be used to uniquely identify actors!
        // It is not localized and should not be used for display to an end user of a game.
        UFUNCTION(BlueprintPure, Category="Utilities")
        static FString GetDisplayName(const UObject* Object);

        // Returns the display name of a class
        UFUNCTION(BlueprintPure, Category = "Utilities", meta = (DisplayName = "Get Display Name"))
        static FString GetClassDisplayName(UClass* Class);

        // Returns the outer object of an object.
        UFUNCTION(BlueprintPure, Category = "Utilities")
        static UObject* GetOuterObject(const UObject* Object);

        // Engine build number, for displaying to end users.
        UFUNCTION(BlueprintPure, Category="Development", meta=(BlueprintThreadSafe))
        static FString GetEngineVersion();

        /** Get the name of the current game  */
        UFUNCTION(BlueprintPure, Category="Game", meta=(BlueprintThreadSafe))
        static FString GetGameName();

        /** Get the directory of the current project */
        UFUNCTION(BlueprintPure, Category="Utilities|Paths", meta=(BlueprintThreadSafe))
        static FString GetProjectDirectory();

        /** Get the content directory of the current project */
        UFUNCTION(BlueprintPure, Category="Utilities|Paths", meta=(BlueprintThreadSafe))
        static FString GetProjectContentDirectory();

        /** Get the saved directory of the current project */
        UFUNCTION(BlueprintPure, Category="Utilities|Paths", meta=(BlueprintThreadSafe))
        static FString GetProjectSavedDirectory();

        /* Converts passed in filename to use a relative path */
        UFUNCTION(BlueprintPure, Category="Utilities|Paths")
        static FString ConvertToRelativePath(const FString& Filename);

        /* Converts passed in filename to use a absolute path */
        UFUNCTION(BlueprintPure, Category="Utilities|Paths")
        static FString ConvertToAbsolutePath(const FString& Filename);

        /* Convert all / and \ to TEXT("/") */
        UFUNCTION(BlueprintPure, Category="Utilities|Paths", meta=(BlueprintThreadSafe))
        static FString NormalizeFilename(const FString& InFilename);

         * Retrieves the game's platform-specific bundle identifier or package name of the game
         * @return The game's bundle identifier or package name.
        UFUNCTION(BlueprintPure, Category="Game", meta=(Keywords = "bundle id package name"))
        static FString GetGameBundleId();

        /** Get the current user name from the OS */
        UFUNCTION(BlueprintPure, Category="Utilities|Platform")
        static FString GetPlatformUserName();

        /** Get the current user dir from the OS */
        UFUNCTION(BlueprintPure, Category = "Utilities|Platform")
        static FString GetPlatformUserDir();

        UFUNCTION(BlueprintPure, Category="Utilities")
        static bool DoesImplementInterface(const UObject* TestObject, TSubclassOf<UInterface> Interface);

         * Get the current game time, in seconds. This stops when the game is paused and is affected by slomo. 
         * @param WorldContextObject    World context
        UFUNCTION(BlueprintPure, Category="Utilities|Time", meta=(WorldContext="WorldContextObject") )
        static float GetGameTimeInSeconds(const UObject* WorldContextObject);

        /** Returns the value of GFrameCounter, a running count of the number of frames that have occurred. */
        UFUNCTION(BlueprintPure, Category = "Utilities")
        static int64 GetFrameCount();

        /** Returns whether the world this object is in is the host or not */
        UFUNCTION(BlueprintPure, Category="Networking", meta=(WorldContext="WorldContextObject") )
        static bool IsServer(const UObject* WorldContextObject);

        /** Returns whether this is running on a dedicated server */
        UFUNCTION(BlueprintPure, Category="Networking", meta=(WorldContext="WorldContextObject"))
        static bool IsDedicatedServer(const UObject* WorldContextObject);

        /** Returns whether this game instance is stand alone (no networking). */
        UFUNCTION(BlueprintPure, Category="Networking", meta=(WorldContext="WorldContextObject"))
        static bool IsStandalone(const UObject* WorldContextObject);
        /** Returns whether we're currently running in split screen (more than one local player). */
        UFUNCTION(BlueprintPure, Category = "Utilities", meta = (WorldContext = "WorldContextObject"))
        static bool IsSplitScreen(const UObject* WorldContextObject);

        /** Returns whether this is a build that is packaged for distribution */
        UFUNCTION(BlueprintPure, Category="Development", meta=(BlueprintThreadSafe))
        static bool IsPackagedForDistribution();

        /** Returns the platform specific unique device id */
        UFUNCTION(BlueprintPure, Category="Utilities|Platform", meta = (DeprecatedFunction, DeprecationMessage = "Use GetDeviceId instead"))
        static FString GetUniqueDeviceId();

        /** Returns the platform specific unique device id */
        UFUNCTION(BlueprintPure, Category="Utilities|Platform")
        static FString GetDeviceId();

        /** Converts an interfance into an object */
        UFUNCTION(BlueprintPure, meta=(DisplayName = "ToObject (interface)", CompactNodeTitle = "->"), Category="Utilities")
        static UObject* Conv_InterfaceToObject(const FScriptInterface& Interface); 

        /** Builds a SoftObjectPath struct. Generally you should be using Soft Object References/Ptr types instead */
        UFUNCTION(BlueprintPure, Category = "SoftObjectPath", meta = (Keywords = "construct build", NativeMakeFunc, BlueprintThreadSafe))
        static FSoftObjectPath MakeSoftObjectPath(const FString& PathString);

        /** Gets the path string out of a Soft Object Path */
        UFUNCTION(BlueprintPure, Category = "SoftObjectPath", meta = (NativeBreakFunc, BlueprintThreadSafe))
        static void BreakSoftObjectPath(FSoftObjectPath InSoftObjectPath, FString& PathString);

        /** Converts a Soft Object Path into a base Soft Object Reference, this is not guaranteed to be resolvable */
        UFUNCTION(BlueprintPure, meta = (DisplayName = "ToSoftObjectReference (SoftObjectPath)", CompactNodeTitle = "->"), Category = "Utilities")
        static TSoftObjectPtr<UObject> Conv_SoftObjPathToSoftObjRef(const FSoftObjectPath& SoftObjectPath);

        /** Builds a SoftClassPath struct. Generally you should be using Soft Class References/Ptr types instead */
        UFUNCTION(BlueprintPure, Category = "SoftClassPath", meta = (Keywords = "construct build", NativeMakeFunc, BlueprintThreadSafe))
        static FSoftClassPath MakeSoftClassPath(const FString& PathString);

        /** Gets the path string out of a Soft Class Path */
        UFUNCTION(BlueprintPure, Category = "SoftClassPath", meta = (NativeBreakFunc, BlueprintThreadSafe))
        static void BreakSoftClassPath(FSoftClassPath InSoftClassPath, FString& PathString);

        /** Converts a Soft Class Path into a base Soft Class Reference, this is not guaranteed to be resolvable */
        UFUNCTION(BlueprintPure, meta = (DisplayName = "ToSoftClassReference (SoftClassPath)", CompactNodeTitle = "->"), Category = "Utilities")
        static TSoftClassPtr<UObject> Conv_SoftClassPathToSoftClassRef(const FSoftClassPath& SoftClassPath);

        /** Returns true if the Soft Object Reference is not null */
        UFUNCTION(BlueprintPure, Category = "Utilities", meta = (BlueprintThreadSafe))
        static bool IsValidSoftObjectReference(const TSoftObjectPtr<UObject>& SoftObjectReference);

        /** Converts a Soft Object Reference to a string. The other direction is not provided because it cannot be validated */
        UFUNCTION(BlueprintPure, meta = (DisplayName = "ToString (SoftObjectReference)", CompactNodeTitle = "->", BlueprintThreadSafe), Category = "Utilities")
        static FString Conv_SoftObjectReferenceToString(const TSoftObjectPtr<UObject>& SoftObjectReference);

        /** Returns true if the values are equal (A == B) */
        UFUNCTION(BlueprintPure, meta = (DisplayName = "Equal (SoftObjectReference)", CompactNodeTitle = "==", BlueprintThreadSafe), Category = "Utilities")
        static bool EqualEqual_SoftObjectReference(const TSoftObjectPtr<UObject>& A, const TSoftObjectPtr<UObject>& B);

        /** Returns true if the values are not equal (A != B) */
        UFUNCTION(BlueprintPure, meta = (DisplayName = "NotEqual (SoftObjectReference)", CompactNodeTitle = "!=", BlueprintThreadSafe), Category = "Utilities")
        static bool NotEqual_SoftObjectReference(const TSoftObjectPtr<UObject>& A, const TSoftObjectPtr<UObject>& B);

        /** Resolves or loads a Soft Object Reference immediately, this will cause hitches and Async Load Asset should be used if possible */
        UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, Category = "Utilities", meta = (DeterminesOutputType = "Asset"))
        static UObject* LoadAsset_Blocking(TSoftObjectPtr<UObject> Asset);

        /** Returns true if the Soft Class Reference is not null */
        UFUNCTION(BlueprintPure, Category = "Utilities", meta = (BlueprintThreadSafe))
        static bool IsValidSoftClassReference(const TSoftClassPtr<UObject>& SoftClassReference);

        /** Converts a Soft Class Reference to a string. The other direction is not provided because it cannot be validated */
        UFUNCTION(BlueprintPure, meta = (DisplayName = "ToString (SoftObjectReference)", CompactNodeTitle = "->", BlueprintThreadSafe), Category = "Utilities")
        static FString Conv_SoftClassReferenceToString(const TSoftClassPtr<UObject>& SoftClassReference);

        /** Returns true if the values are equal (A == B) */
        UFUNCTION(BlueprintPure, meta = (DisplayName = "Equal (SoftClassReference)", CompactNodeTitle = "==", BlueprintThreadSafe), Category = "Utilities")
        static bool EqualEqual_SoftClassReference(const TSoftClassPtr<UObject>& A, const TSoftClassPtr<UObject>& B);

        /** Returns true if the values are not equal (A != B) */
        UFUNCTION(BlueprintPure, meta = (DisplayName = "NotEqual (SoftClassReference)", CompactNodeTitle = "!=", BlueprintThreadSafe), Category = "Utilities")
        static bool NotEqual_SoftClassReference(const TSoftClassPtr<UObject>& A, const TSoftClassPtr<UObject>& B);

        /** Resolves or loads a Soft Class Reference immediately, this will cause hitches and Async Load Class Asset should be used if possible */
        UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, Category = "Utilities", meta = (DeterminesOutputType = "AssetClass"))
        static UClass* LoadClassAsset_Blocking(TSoftClassPtr<UObject> AssetClass);

        // Internal functions used by K2Node_LoadAsset and K2Node_ConvertAsset

        UFUNCTION(BlueprintPure, meta = (BlueprintInternalUseOnly = "true"), Category = "Utilities")
        static UObject* Conv_SoftObjectReferenceToObject(const TSoftObjectPtr<UObject>& SoftObject);

        UFUNCTION(BlueprintPure, meta = (BlueprintInternalUseOnly = "true"), Category = "Utilities")
        static TSubclassOf<UObject> Conv_SoftClassReferenceToClass(const TSoftClassPtr<UObject>& SoftClass);

        UFUNCTION(BlueprintPure, meta = (BlueprintInternalUseOnly = "true"), Category = "Utilities")
        static TSoftObjectPtr<UObject> Conv_ObjectToSoftObjectReference(UObject* Object);

        UFUNCTION(BlueprintPure, meta = (BlueprintInternalUseOnly = "true"), Category = "Utilities")
        static TSoftClassPtr<UObject> Conv_ClassToSoftClassReference(const TSubclassOf<UObject>& Class);

        DECLARE_DYNAMIC_DELEGATE_OneParam(FOnAssetLoaded, class UObject*, Loaded);

        UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, meta = (Latent, LatentInfo = "LatentInfo", WorldContext = "WorldContextObject", BlueprintInternalUseOnly = "true"), Category = "Utilities")
        static void LoadAsset(const UObject* WorldContextObject, TSoftObjectPtr<UObject> Asset, FOnAssetLoaded OnLoaded, FLatentActionInfo LatentInfo);

        DECLARE_DYNAMIC_DELEGATE_OneParam(FOnAssetClassLoaded, TSubclassOf<UObject>, Loaded);

        UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, meta = (Latent, LatentInfo = "LatentInfo", WorldContext = "WorldContextObject", BlueprintInternalUseOnly = "true"), Category = "Utilities")
        static void LoadAssetClass(const UObject* WorldContextObject, TSoftClassPtr<UObject> AssetClass, FOnAssetClassLoaded OnLoaded, FLatentActionInfo LatentInfo);

         * Creates a literal integer
         * @param       Value   value to set the integer to
         * @return      The literal integer
        UFUNCTION(BlueprintPure, Category="Math|Integer", meta=(BlueprintThreadSafe))
        static int32 MakeLiteralInt(int32 Value);

         * Creates a literal float
         * @param       Value   value to set the float to
         * @return      The literal float
        UFUNCTION(BlueprintPure, Category="Math|Float", meta=(BlueprintThreadSafe))
        static float MakeLiteralFloat(float Value);

         * Creates a literal bool
         * @param       Value   value to set the bool to
         * @return      The literal bool
        UFUNCTION(BlueprintPure, Category="Math|Boolean", meta=(BlueprintThreadSafe))
        static bool MakeLiteralBool(bool Value);

         * Creates a literal name
         * @param       Value   value to set the name to
         * @return      The literal name
        UFUNCTION(BlueprintPure, Category="Utilities|Name", meta=(BlueprintThreadSafe))
        static FName MakeLiteralName(FName Value);

         * Creates a literal byte
         * @param       Value   value to set the byte to
         * @return      The literal byte
        UFUNCTION(BlueprintPure, Category="Math|Byte", meta=(BlueprintThreadSafe))
        static uint8 MakeLiteralByte(uint8 Value);

         * Creates a literal string
         * @param       Value   value to set the string to
         * @return      The literal string
        UFUNCTION(BlueprintPure, Category="Utilities|String", meta=(BlueprintThreadSafe))
        static FString MakeLiteralString(FString Value);

         * Creates a literal FText
         * @param       Value   value to set the FText to
         * @return      The literal FText
        UFUNCTION(BlueprintPure, Category="Utilities|Text", meta=(BlueprintThreadSafe))
        static FText MakeLiteralText(FText Value);

         * Prints a string to the log, and optionally, to the screen
         * If Print To Log is true, it will be visible in the Output Log window.  Otherwise it will be logged only as 'Verbose', so it generally won't show up.
         * @param       InString                The string to log out
         * @param       bPrintToScreen  Whether or not to print the output to the screen
         * @param       bPrintToLog             Whether or not to print the output to the log
         * @param       bPrintToConsole Whether or not to print the output to the console
         * @param       TextColor               Whether or not to print the output to the console
         * @param       Duration                The display duration (if Print to Screen is True). Using negative number will result in loading the duration time from the config.
        UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, meta=(WorldContext="WorldContextObject", CallableWithoutWorldContext, Keywords = "log print", AdvancedDisplay = "2", DevelopmentOnly), Category="Utilities|String")
        static void PrintString(const UObject* WorldContextObject, const FString& InString = FString(TEXT("Hello")), bool bPrintToScreen = true, bool bPrintToLog = true, FLinearColor TextColor = FLinearColor(0.0, 0.66, 1.0), float Duration = 2.f);

         * Prints text to the log, and optionally, to the screen
         * If Print To Log is true, it will be visible in the Output Log window.  Otherwise it will be logged only as 'Verbose', so it generally won't show up.
         * @param       InText                  The text to log out
         * @param       bPrintToScreen  Whether or not to print the output to the screen
         * @param       bPrintToLog             Whether or not to print the output to the log
         * @param       bPrintToConsole Whether or not to print the output to the console
         * @param       TextColor               Whether or not to print the output to the console
         * @param       Duration                The display duration (if Print to Screen is True). Using negative number will result in loading the duration time from the config.
        UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, meta=(WorldContext="WorldContextObject", CallableWithoutWorldContext, Keywords = "log", AdvancedDisplay = "2", DevelopmentOnly), Category="Utilities|Text")
        static void PrintText(const UObject* WorldContextObject, const FText InText = INVTEXT("Hello"), bool bPrintToScreen = true, bool bPrintToLog = true, FLinearColor TextColor = FLinearColor(0.0, 0.66, 1.0), float Duration = 2.f);

         * Prints a warning string to the log and the screen. Meant to be used as a way to inform the user that they misused the node.
         * WARNING!! Don't change the signature of this function without fixing up all nodes using it in the compiler
         * @param       InString                The string to log out
        UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, meta=(BlueprintInternalUseOnly = "TRUE"))
        static void PrintWarning(const FString& InString);

        /** Sets the game window title */
        UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, Category = "Utilities")
        static void SetWindowTitle(const FText& Title);

         * Executes a console command, optionally on a specific controller
         * @param       Command                 Command to send to the console
         * @param       SpecificPlayer  If specified, the console command will be routed through the specified player
        UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, Category="Development",meta=(WorldContext="WorldContextObject"))
        static void ExecuteConsoleCommand(const UObject* WorldContextObject, const FString& Command, class APlayerController* SpecificPlayer = NULL );

         * Attempts to retrieve the value of the specified float console variable, if it exists.
         * @param       VariableName    Name of the console variable to find.
         * @return      The value if found, 0 otherwise.
        UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, Category="Development")
        static float GetConsoleVariableFloatValue(const FString& VariableName);

         * Attempts to retrieve the value of the specified integer console variable, if it exists.
         * @param       VariableName    Name of the console variable to find.
         * @return      The value if found, 0 otherwise.
        UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, Category="Development")
        static int32 GetConsoleVariableIntValue(const FString& VariableName);

         * Evaluates, if it exists, whether the specified integer console variable has a non-zero value (true) or not (false).
         * @param       VariableName    Name of the console variable to find.
         * @return      True if found and has a non-zero value, false otherwise.
        UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, Category="Development")
        static bool GetConsoleVariableBoolValue(const FString& VariableName);

         *      Exit the current game 
         * @param       SpecificPlayer  The specific player to quit the game. If not specified, player 0 will quit.
         * @param       QuitPreference  Form of quitting.
         * @param       bIgnorePlatformRestrictions     Ignores and best-practices based on platform (e.g PS4 games should never quit). Non-shipping only
        UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, Category="Game",meta=(WorldContext="WorldContextObject"))
        static void QuitGame(const UObject* WorldContextObject, class APlayerController* SpecificPlayer, TEnumAsByte<EQuitPreference::Type> QuitPreference, bool bIgnorePlatformRestrictions);
         *      Exit the editor
        UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, Category="Development")
        static void QuitEditor();
#endif  // WITH_EDITOR

        // Latent Actions

         * Perform a latent action with a delay (specified in seconds).  Calling again while it is counting down will be ignored.
         * @param WorldContext  World context.
         * @param Duration              length of delay (in seconds).
         * @param LatentInfo    The latent action.
        UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, Category="Utilities|FlowControl", meta=(Latent, WorldContext="WorldContextObject", LatentInfo="LatentInfo", Duration="0.2", Keywords="sleep"))
        static void     Delay(const UObject* WorldContextObject, float Duration, struct FLatentActionInfo LatentInfo );

         * Perform a latent action with a retriggerable delay (specified in seconds).  Calling again while it is counting down will reset the countdown to Duration.
         * @param WorldContext  World context.
         * @param Duration              length of delay (in seconds).
         * @param LatentInfo    The latent action.
        UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, meta=(Latent, LatentInfo="LatentInfo", WorldContext="WorldContextObject", Duration="0.2", Keywords="sleep"), Category="Utilities|FlowControl")
        static void RetriggerableDelay(const UObject* WorldContextObject, float Duration, FLatentActionInfo LatentInfo);

         * Interpolate a component to the specified relative location and rotation over the course of OverTime seconds. 
         * @param Component                                             Component to interpolate
         * @param TargetRelativeLocation                Relative target location
         * @param TargetRelativeRotation                Relative target rotation
         * @param bEaseOut                                              if true we will ease out (ie end slowly) during interpolation
         * @param bEaseIn                                               if true we will ease in (ie start slowly) during interpolation
         * @param OverTime                                              duration of interpolation
         * @param bForceShortestRotationPath    if true we will always use the shortest path for rotation
         * @param MoveAction                                    required movement behavior @see EMoveComponentAction
         * @param LatentInfo                                    The latent action
        UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, meta=(Latent, LatentInfo="LatentInfo", WorldContext="WorldContextObject", ExpandEnumAsExecs="MoveAction", OverTime="0.2"), Category="Components")
        static void MoveComponentTo(USceneComponent* Component, FVector TargetRelativeLocation, FRotator TargetRelativeRotation, bool bEaseOut, bool bEaseIn, float OverTime, bool bForceShortestRotationPath, TEnumAsByte<EMoveComponentAction::Type> MoveAction, FLatentActionInfo LatentInfo);

        // --- Timer functions with delegate input ----------

         * Set a timer to execute delegate. Setting an existing timer will reset that timer with updated parameters.
         * @param Event                                         Event. Can be a K2 function or a Custom Event.
         * @param Time                                          How long to wait before executing the delegate, in seconds. Setting a timer to <= 0 seconds will clear it if it is set.
         * @param bLooping                                      True to keep executing the delegate every Time seconds, false to execute delegate only once.
         * @param InitialStartDelay                     Initial delay passed to the timer manager, in seconds.
         * @param InitialStartDelayVariance     Use this to add some variance to when the timer starts in lieu of doing a random range on the InitialStartDelay input, in seconds. 
         * @return                                                      The timer handle to pass to other timer functions to manipulate this timer.
        UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, meta=(DisplayName = "Set Timer by Event", ScriptName = "SetTimerDelegate", AdvancedDisplay="InitialStartDelay, InitialStartDelayVariance"), Category="Utilities|Time")
        static FTimerHandle K2_SetTimerDelegate(UPARAM(DisplayName="Event") FTimerDynamicDelegate Delegate, float Time, bool bLooping, float InitialStartDelay = 0.f, float InitialStartDelayVariance = 0.f);

         * Clears a set timer.
         * @param Event  Can be a K2 function or a Custom Event.
        UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, meta=(DeprecatedFunction, DeprecationMessage = "Use Clear Timer by Handle", DisplayName = "Clear Timer by Event", ScriptName = "ClearTimerDelegate"), Category="Utilities|Time")
        static void K2_ClearTimerDelegate(UPARAM(DisplayName="Event") FTimerDynamicDelegate Delegate);

         * Pauses a set timer at its current elapsed time.
         * @param Event  Can be a K2 function or a Custom Event.
        UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, meta=(DeprecatedFunction, DeprecationMessage = "Use Pause Timer by Handle", DisplayName = "Pause Timer by Event", ScriptName = "PauseTimerDelegate"), Category="Utilities|Time")
        static void K2_PauseTimerDelegate(UPARAM(DisplayName="Event") FTimerDynamicDelegate Delegate);

         * Resumes a paused timer from its current elapsed time.
         * @param Event  Can be a K2 function or a Custom Event.
        UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, meta=(DeprecatedFunction, DeprecationMessage = "Use Unpause Timer by Handle", DisplayName = "Unpause Timer by Event", ScriptName = "UnPauseTimerDelegate"), Category="Utilities|Time")
        static void K2_UnPauseTimerDelegate(UPARAM(DisplayName="Event") FTimerDynamicDelegate Delegate);

         * Returns true if a timer exists and is active for the given delegate, false otherwise.
         * @param Event  Can be a K2 function or a Custom Event.
         * @return                              True if the timer exists and is active.
        UFUNCTION(BlueprintPure, meta=(DeprecatedFunction, DeprecationMessage = "Use Is Timer Active by Handle", DisplayName = "Is Timer Active by Event", ScriptName = "IsTimerActiveDelegate"), Category="Utilities|Time")
        static bool K2_IsTimerActiveDelegate(UPARAM(DisplayName="Event") FTimerDynamicDelegate Delegate);

         * Returns true if a timer exists and is paused for the given delegate, false otherwise.
         * @param Event  Can be a K2 function or a Custom Event.
         * @return                              True if the timer exists and is paused.
        UFUNCTION(BlueprintPure, meta=(DeprecatedFunction, DeprecationMessage = "Use Is Timer Paused by Handle", DisplayName = "Is Timer Paused by Event", ScriptName = "IsTimerPausedDelegate"), Category = "Utilities|Time")
        static bool K2_IsTimerPausedDelegate(UPARAM(DisplayName="Event") FTimerDynamicDelegate Delegate);

         * Returns true is a timer for the given delegate exists, false otherwise.
         * @param Event  Can be a K2 function or a Custom Event.
         * @return                              True if the timer exists.
        UFUNCTION(BlueprintPure, meta=(DeprecatedFunction, DeprecationMessage = "Use Does Timer Exist by Handle", DisplayName = "Does Timer Exist by Event", ScriptName = "TimerExistsDelegate"), Category = "Utilities|Time")
        static bool K2_TimerExistsDelegate(UPARAM(DisplayName="Event") FTimerDynamicDelegate Delegate);
         * Returns elapsed time for the given delegate (time since current countdown iteration began).
         * @param Event  Can be a K2 function or a Custom Event.
         * @return                              How long has elapsed since the current iteration of the timer began.
        UFUNCTION(BlueprintPure, meta=(DeprecatedFunction, DeprecationMessage = "Use Get Timer Elapsed Time by Handle", DisplayName = "Get Timer Elapsed Time by Event", ScriptName = "GetTimerElapsedTimeDelegate"), Category="Utilities|Time")
        static float K2_GetTimerElapsedTimeDelegate(UPARAM(DisplayName="Event") FTimerDynamicDelegate Delegate);

         * Returns time until the timer will next execute its delegate.
         * @param Event  Can be a K2 function or a Custom Event.
         * @return                              How long is remaining in the current iteration of the timer.
        UFUNCTION(BlueprintPure, meta=(DeprecatedFunction, DeprecationMessage = "Use Get Timer Remaining Time by Handle", DisplayName = "Get Timer Remaining Time by Event", ScriptName = "GetTimerRemainingTimeDelegate"), Category="Utilities|Time")
        static float K2_GetTimerRemainingTimeDelegate(UPARAM(DisplayName="Event") FTimerDynamicDelegate Delegate);

        // --- Timer functions with handle input ----------

         * Returns whether the timer handle is valid. This does not indicate that there is an active timer that this handle references, but rather that it once referenced a valid timer.
         * @param Handle                The handle of the timer to check validity of.
         * @return                              Whether the timer handle is valid.
        UFUNCTION(BlueprintPure, meta=(DisplayName = "Is Valid", ScriptName = "IsValidTimerHandle"), Category="Utilities|Time")
        static bool K2_IsValidTimerHandle(FTimerHandle Handle);

         * Invalidate the supplied TimerHandle and return it.
         * @param Handle                The handle of the timer to invalidate.
         * @return                              Return the invalidated timer handle for convenience.
        UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, meta=(DisplayName = "Invalidate", ScriptName = "InvalidateTimerHandle"), Category="Utilities|Time")
        static FTimerHandle K2_InvalidateTimerHandle(UPARAM(ref) FTimerHandle& Handle);

         * Clears a set timer.
         * @param Handle                The handle of the timer to clear.
        UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, meta=(DisplayName = "Clear Timer by Handle", ScriptName = "ClearTimerHandle", WorldContext="WorldContextObject", DeprecatedFunction, DeprecationMessage = "Use Clear and Invalidate Timer by Handle. Note: you no longer need to reset your handle yourself after switching to the new function."), Category="Utilities|Time")
        static void K2_ClearTimerHandle(const UObject* WorldContextObject, FTimerHandle Handle);

         * Clears a set timer.
         * @param Handle                The handle of the timer to clear.
        UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, meta=(DisplayName = "Clear and Invalidate Timer by Handle", ScriptName = "ClearAndInvalidateTimerHandle", WorldContext="WorldContextObject"), Category="Utilities|Time")
        static void K2_ClearAndInvalidateTimerHandle(const UObject* WorldContextObject, UPARAM(ref) FTimerHandle& Handle);

         * Pauses a set timer at its current elapsed time.
         * @param Handle                The handle of the timer to pause.
        UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, meta=(DisplayName = "Pause Timer by Handle", ScriptName = "PauseTimerHandle", WorldContext="WorldContextObject"), Category="Utilities|Time")
        static void K2_PauseTimerHandle(const UObject* WorldContextObject, FTimerHandle Handle);

         * Resumes a paused timer from its current elapsed time.
         * @param Handle                The handle of the timer to unpause.
        UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, meta=(DisplayName = "Unpause Timer by Handle", ScriptName = "UnPauseTimerHandle", WorldContext="WorldContextObject"), Category="Utilities|Time")
        static void K2_UnPauseTimerHandle(const UObject* WorldContextObject, FTimerHandle Handle);

         * Returns true if a timer exists and is active for the given handle, false otherwise.
         * @param Handle                The handle of the timer to check whether it is active.
         * @return                              True if the timer exists and is active.
        UFUNCTION(BlueprintPure, meta=(DisplayName = "Is Timer Active by Handle", ScriptName = "IsTimerActiveHandle", WorldContext="WorldContextObject"), Category="Utilities|Time")
        static bool K2_IsTimerActiveHandle(const UObject* WorldContextObject, FTimerHandle Handle);

         * Returns true if a timer exists and is paused for the given handle, false otherwise.
         * @param Handle                The handle of the timer to check whether it is paused.
         * @return                              True if the timer exists and is paused.
        UFUNCTION(BlueprintPure, meta=(DisplayName = "Is Timer Paused by Handle", ScriptName = "IsTimerPausedHandle", WorldContext="WorldContextObject"), Category = "Utilities|Time")
        static bool K2_IsTimerPausedHandle(const UObject* WorldContextObject, FTimerHandle Handle);

         * Returns true is a timer for the given handle exists, false otherwise.
         * @param Handle                The handle to check whether it exists.
         * @return                              True if the timer exists.
        UFUNCTION(BlueprintPure, meta=(DisplayName = "Does Timer Exist by Handle", ScriptName = "TimerExistsHandle", WorldContext="WorldContextObject"), Category = "Utilities|Time")
        static bool K2_TimerExistsHandle(const UObject* WorldContextObject, FTimerHandle Handle);
         * Returns elapsed time for the given handle (time since current countdown iteration began).
         * @param Handle                The handle of the timer to get the elapsed time of.
         * @return                              How long has elapsed since the current iteration of the timer began.
        UFUNCTION(BlueprintPure, meta=(DisplayName = "Get Timer Elapsed Time by Handle", ScriptName = "GetTimerElapsedTimeHandle", WorldContext="WorldContextObject"), Category="Utilities|Time")
        static float K2_GetTimerElapsedTimeHandle(const UObject* WorldContextObject, FTimerHandle Handle);

         * Returns time until the timer will next execute its handle.
         * @param Handle                The handle of the timer to time remaining of.
         * @return                              How long is remaining in the current iteration of the timer.
        UFUNCTION(BlueprintPure, meta=(DisplayName = "Get Timer Remaining Time by Handle", ScriptName = "GetTimerRemainingTimeHandle", WorldContext="WorldContextObject"), Category="Utilities|Time")
        static float K2_GetTimerRemainingTimeHandle(const UObject* WorldContextObject, FTimerHandle Handle);

        // --- Timer functions ------------------------------

         * Set a timer to execute delegate. Setting an existing timer will reset that timer with updated parameters.
         * @param Object                                        Object that implements the delegate function. Defaults to self (this blueprint)
         * @param FunctionName                          Delegate function name. Can be a K2 function or a Custom Event.
         * @param Time                                          How long to wait before executing the delegate, in seconds. Setting a timer to <= 0 seconds will clear it if it is set.
         * @param bLooping                                      true to keep executing the delegate every Time seconds, false to execute delegate only once.
         * @param InitialStartDelay                     Initial delay passed to the timer manager to allow some variance in when the timer starts, in seconds.
         * @param InitialStartDelayVariance     Use this to add some variance to when the timer starts in lieu of doing a random range on the InitialStartDelay input, in seconds.
         * @return                                                      The timer handle to pass to other timer functions to manipulate this timer.
        UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, meta=(DisplayName = "Set Timer by Function Name", ScriptName = "SetTimer", DefaultToSelf = "Object", AdvancedDisplay="InitialStartDelay, InitialStartDelayVariance"), Category="Utilities|Time")
        static FTimerHandle K2_SetTimer(UObject* Object, FString FunctionName, float Time, bool bLooping, float InitialStartDelay = 0.f, float InitialStartDelayVariance = 0.f);

         * Clears a set timer.
         * @param Object                Object that implements the delegate function. Defaults to self (this blueprint)
         * @param FunctionName  Delegate function name. Can be a K2 function or a Custom Event.
        UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, meta=(DisplayName = "Clear Timer by Function Name", ScriptName = "ClearTimer", DefaultToSelf = "Object"), Category="Utilities|Time")
        static void K2_ClearTimer(UObject* Object, FString FunctionName);

         * Pauses a set timer at its current elapsed time.
         * @param Object                Object that implements the delegate function. Defaults to self (this blueprint)
         * @param FunctionName  Delegate function name. Can be a K2 function or a Custom Event.
        UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, meta=(DisplayName = "Pause Timer by Function Name", ScriptName = "PauseTimer", DefaultToSelf = "Object"), Category="Utilities|Time")
        static void K2_PauseTimer(UObject* Object, FString FunctionName);

         * Resumes a paused timer from its current elapsed time.
         * @param Object                Object that implements the delegate function. Defaults to self (this blueprint)
         * @param FunctionName  Delegate function name. Can be a K2 function or a Custom Event.
        UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, meta=(DisplayName = "Unpause Timer by Function Name", ScriptName = "UnPauseTimer", DefaultToSelf = "Object"), Category="Utilities|Time")
        static void K2_UnPauseTimer(UObject* Object, FString FunctionName);

         * Returns true if a timer exists and is active for the given delegate, false otherwise.
         * @param Object                Object that implements the delegate function. Defaults to self (this blueprint)
         * @param FunctionName  Delegate function name. Can be a K2 function or a Custom Event.
         * @return                              True if the timer exists and is active.
        UFUNCTION(BlueprintPure, meta=(DisplayName = "Is Timer Active by Function Name", ScriptName = "IsTimerActive", DefaultToSelf = "Object"), Category="Utilities|Time")
        static bool K2_IsTimerActive(UObject* Object, FString FunctionName);

        * Returns true if a timer exists and is paused for the given delegate, false otherwise.
        * @param Object         Object that implements the delegate function. Defaults to self (this blueprint)
        * @param FunctionName   Delegate function name. Can be a K2 function or a Custom Event.
        * @return                               True if the timer exists and is paused.
        UFUNCTION(BlueprintPure, meta = (DisplayName = "Is Timer Paused by Function Name", ScriptName = "IsTimerPaused", DefaultToSelf = "Object"), Category = "Utilities|Time")
        static bool K2_IsTimerPaused(UObject* Object, FString FunctionName);

        * Returns true is a timer for the given delegate exists, false otherwise.
        * @param Object         Object that implements the delegate function. Defaults to self (this blueprint)
        * @param FunctionName   Delegate function name. Can be a K2 function or a Custom Event.
        * @return                               True if the timer exists.
        UFUNCTION(BlueprintPure, meta = (DisplayName = "Does Timer Exist by Function Name", ScriptName = "TimerExists", DefaultToSelf = "Object"), Category = "Utilities|Time")
        static bool K2_TimerExists(UObject* Object, FString FunctionName);
         * Returns elapsed time for the given delegate (time since current countdown iteration began).
         * @param Object                Object that implements the delegate function. Defaults to self (this blueprint)
         * @param FunctionName  Delegate function name. Can be a K2 function or a Custom Event.
         * @return                              How long has elapsed since the current iteration of the timer began.
        UFUNCTION(BlueprintPure, meta=(DisplayName = "Get Timer Elapsed Time by Function Name", ScriptName = "GetTimerElapsedTime", DefaultToSelf = "Object"), Category="Utilities|Time")
        static float K2_GetTimerElapsedTime(UObject* Object, FString FunctionName);

         * Returns time until the timer will next execute its delegate.
         * @param Object                Object that implements the delegate function. Defaults to self (this blueprint)
         * @param FunctionName  Delegate function name. Can be a K2 function or a Custom Event.
         * @return                              How long is remaining in the current iteration of the timer.
        UFUNCTION(BlueprintPure, meta=(DisplayName = "Get Timer Remaining Time by Function Name", ScriptName = "GetTimerRemainingTime", DefaultToSelf = "Object"), Category="Utilities|Time")
        static float K2_GetTimerRemainingTime(UObject* Object, FString FunctionName);

        // --- 'Set property by name' functions ------------------------------

        /** Set an int32 property by name */
        UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, meta=(BlueprintInternalUseOnly = "true"))
        static void SetIntPropertyByName(UObject* Object, FName PropertyName, int32 Value);
        /** Set an int64 property by name */
        UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, meta=(BlueprintInternalUseOnly = "true"))
        static void SetInt64PropertyByName(UObject* Object, FName PropertyName, int64 Value);

        /** Set an uint8 or enum property by name */
        UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, meta=(BlueprintInternalUseOnly = "true"))
        static void SetBytePropertyByName(UObject* Object, FName PropertyName, uint8 Value);

        /** Set a float property by name */
        UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, meta=(BlueprintInternalUseOnly = "true"))
        static void SetFloatPropertyByName(UObject* Object, FName PropertyName, float Value);

        /** Set a bool property by name */
        UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, meta=(BlueprintInternalUseOnly = "true"))
        static void SetBoolPropertyByName(UObject* Object, FName PropertyName, bool Value);

        /** Set an OBJECT property by name */
        UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, meta=(BlueprintInternalUseOnly = "true"))
        static void SetObjectPropertyByName(UObject* Object, FName PropertyName, UObject* Value);

        /** Set a CLASS property by name */
        UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, meta = (BlueprintInternalUseOnly = "true"))
        static void SetClassPropertyByName(UObject* Object, FName PropertyName, TSubclassOf<UObject> Value);

        /** Set an INTERFACE property by name */
        UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, Category = "Collision", meta = (BlueprintInternalUseOnly = "true"))
        static void SetInterfacePropertyByName(UObject* Object, FName PropertyName, const FScriptInterface& Value);

        /** Set a NAME property by name */
        UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, meta=(BlueprintInternalUseOnly = "true", AutoCreateRefTerm = "Value" ))
        static void SetNamePropertyByName(UObject* Object, FName PropertyName, const FName& Value);

        /** Set a SOFTOBJECT property by name */
        UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, meta = (BlueprintInternalUseOnly = "true", AutoCreateRefTerm = "Value"))
        static void SetSoftObjectPropertyByName(UObject* Object, FName PropertyName, const TSoftObjectPtr<UObject>& Value);

        /** Set a SOFTCLASS property by name */
        UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, meta = (BlueprintInternalUseOnly = "true", AutoCreateRefTerm = "Value"))
        static void SetSoftClassPropertyByName(UObject* Object, FName PropertyName, const TSoftClassPtr<UObject>& Value);

        /** Set a STRING property by name */
        UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, meta=(BlueprintInternalUseOnly = "true", AutoCreateRefTerm = "Value" ))
        static void SetStringPropertyByName(UObject* Object, FName PropertyName, const FString& Value);

        /** Set a TEXT property by name */
        UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, meta=(BlueprintInternalUseOnly = "true", AutoCreateRefTerm = "Value" ))
        static void SetTextPropertyByName(UObject* Object, FName PropertyName, const FText& Value);

        /** Set a VECTOR property by name */
        UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, meta=(BlueprintInternalUseOnly = "true", AutoCreateRefTerm = "Value" ))
        static void SetVectorPropertyByName(UObject* Object, FName PropertyName, const FVector& Value);

        /** Set a ROTATOR property by name */
        UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, meta=(BlueprintInternalUseOnly = "true", AutoCreateRefTerm = "Value" ))
        static void SetRotatorPropertyByName(UObject* Object, FName PropertyName, const FRotator& Value);

        /** Set a LINEAR COLOR property by name */
        UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, meta=(BlueprintInternalUseOnly = "true", AutoCreateRefTerm = "Value" ))
        static void SetLinearColorPropertyByName(UObject* Object, FName PropertyName, const FLinearColor& Value);

        /** Set a COLOR property by name */
        UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, meta = (BlueprintInternalUseOnly = "true", AutoCreateRefTerm = "Value"))
        static void SetColorPropertyByName(UObject* Object, FName PropertyName, const FColor& Value);

        /** Set a TRANSFORM property by name */
        UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, meta=(BlueprintInternalUseOnly = "true", AutoCreateRefTerm = "Value" ))
        static void SetTransformPropertyByName(UObject* Object, FName PropertyName, const FTransform& Value);

        /** Set a CollisionProfileName property by name */
        UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, CustomThunk, meta = (BlueprintInternalUseOnly = "true", AutoCreateRefTerm = "Value"))
        static void SetCollisionProfileNameProperty(UObject* Object, FName PropertyName, const FCollisionProfileName& Value);

        /** Set a SOFTOBJECT property by name */
        UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, meta = (BlueprintInternalUseOnly = "true", AutoCreateRefTerm = "Value"))
        static void SetFieldPathPropertyByName(UObject* Object, FName PropertyName, const TFieldPath<FField>& Value);

                P_GET_OBJECT(UObject, OwnerObject);
                P_GET_PROPERTY(FNameProperty, StructPropertyName);

                void* SrcStructAddr = Stack.MostRecentPropertyAddress;

                Generic_SetStructurePropertyByName(OwnerObject, StructPropertyName, SrcStructAddr);

        /** Set a custom structure property by name */
        UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, CustomThunk, meta = (BlueprintInternalUseOnly = "true", CustomStructureParam = "Value", AutoCreateRefTerm = "Value"))
        static void SetStructurePropertyByName(UObject* Object, FName PropertyName, const FGenericStruct& Value);

        static void Generic_SetStructurePropertyByName(UObject* OwnerObject, FName StructPropertyName, const void* SrcStructAddr);

        /** Based on UKismetArrayLibrary::execSetArrayPropertyByName */
                P_GET_OBJECT(UObject, OwnerObject);
                P_GET_PROPERTY(FNameProperty, StructPropertyName);

                void* SrcStructAddr = Stack.MostRecentPropertyAddress;

                Generic_SetStructurePropertyByName(OwnerObject, StructPropertyName, SrcStructAddr);

        // --- Collision functions ------------------------------

         * Returns an array of actors that overlap the given sphere.
         * @param WorldContext  World context
         * @param SpherePos             Center of sphere.
         * @param SphereRadius  Size of sphere.
         * @param Filter                Option to restrict results to only static or only dynamic.  For efficiency.
         * @param ClassFilter   If set, will only return results of this class or subclasses of it.
         * @param ActorsToIgnore                Ignore these actors in the list
         * @param OutActors             Returned array of actors. Unsorted.
         * @return                              true if there was an overlap that passed the filters, false otherwise.
        UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, Category="Collision", meta=(WorldContext="WorldContextObject", AutoCreateRefTerm="ActorsToIgnore", DisplayName = "SphereOverlapActors"))
        static bool SphereOverlapActors(const UObject* WorldContextObject, const FVector SpherePos, float SphereRadius, const TArray<TEnumAsByte<EObjectTypeQuery> > & ObjectTypes, UClass* ActorClassFilter, const TArray<AActor*>& ActorsToIgnore, TArray<class AActor*>& OutActors);

         * Returns an array of components that overlap the given sphere.
         * @param WorldContext  World context
         * @param SpherePos             Center of sphere.
         * @param SphereRadius  Size of sphere.
         * @param Filter                Option to restrict results to only static or only dynamic.  For efficiency.
         * @param ClassFilter   If set, will only return results of this class or subclasses of it.
         * @param ActorsToIgnore                Ignore these actors in the list
         * @param OutActors             Returned array of actors. Unsorted.
         * @return                              true if there was an overlap that passed the filters, false otherwise.
        UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, Category="Collision", meta=(WorldContext="WorldContextObject", AutoCreateRefTerm="ActorsToIgnore", DisplayName="SphereOverlapComponents"))
        static bool SphereOverlapComponents(const UObject* WorldContextObject, const FVector SpherePos, float SphereRadius, const TArray<TEnumAsByte<EObjectTypeQuery> > & ObjectTypes, UClass* ComponentClassFilter, const TArray<AActor*>& ActorsToIgnore, TArray<class UPrimitiveComponent*>& OutComponents);

         * Returns an array of actors that overlap the given axis-aligned box.
         * @param WorldContext  World context
         * @param BoxPos                Center of box.
         * @param BoxExtent             Extents of box.
         * @param Filter                Option to restrict results to only static or only dynamic.  For efficiency.
         * @param ClassFilter   If set, will only return results of this class or subclasses of it.
         * @param ActorsToIgnore                Ignore these actors in the list
         * @param OutActors             Returned array of actors. Unsorted.
         * @return                              true if there was an overlap that passed the filters, false otherwise.
        UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, Category="Collision", meta=(WorldContext="WorldContextObject", AutoCreateRefTerm="ActorsToIgnore", DisplayName="BoxOverlapActors"))
        static bool BoxOverlapActors(const UObject* WorldContextObject, const FVector BoxPos, FVector BoxExtent, const TArray<TEnumAsByte<EObjectTypeQuery> > & ObjectTypes, UClass* ActorClassFilter, const TArray<AActor*>& ActorsToIgnore, TArray<class AActor*>& OutActors);

         * Returns an array of components that overlap the given axis-aligned box.
         * @param WorldContext  World context
         * @param BoxPos                Center of box.
         * @param BoxExtent             Extents of box.
         * @param Filter                Option to restrict results to only static or only dynamic.  For efficiency.
         * @param ClassFilter   If set, will only return results of this class or subclasses of it.
         * @param ActorsToIgnore                Ignore these actors in the list
         * @param OutActors             Returned array of actors. Unsorted.
         * @return                              true if there was an overlap that passed the filters, false otherwise.
        UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, Category="Collision", meta=(WorldContext="WorldContextObject", AutoCreateRefTerm="ActorsToIgnore", DisplayName="BoxOverlapComponents"))
        static bool BoxOverlapComponents(const UObject* WorldContextObject, const FVector BoxPos, FVector Extent, const TArray<TEnumAsByte<EObjectTypeQuery> > & ObjectTypes, UClass* ComponentClassFilter, const TArray<AActor*>& ActorsToIgnore, TArray<class UPrimitiveComponent*>& OutComponents);

         * Returns an array of actors that overlap the given capsule.
         * @param WorldContext  World context
         * @param CapsulePos    Center of the capsule.
         * @param Radius                Radius of capsule hemispheres and radius of center cylinder portion.
         * @param HalfHeight    Half-height of the capsule (from center of capsule to tip of hemisphere.
         * @param Filter                Option to restrict results to only static or only dynamic.  For efficiency.
         * @param ClassFilter   If set, will only return results of this class or subclasses of it.
         * @param ActorsToIgnore                Ignore these actors in the list
         * @param OutActors             Returned array of actors. Unsorted.
         * @return                              true if there was an overlap that passed the filters, false otherwise.
        UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, Category="Collision", meta=(WorldContext="WorldContextObject", AutoCreateRefTerm="ActorsToIgnore", DisplayName="CapsuleOverlapActors"))
        static bool CapsuleOverlapActors(const UObject* WorldContextObject, const FVector CapsulePos, float Radius, float HalfHeight, const TArray<TEnumAsByte<EObjectTypeQuery> > & ObjectTypes, UClass* ActorClassFilter, const TArray<AActor*>& ActorsToIgnore, TArray<class AActor*>& OutActors);

         * Returns an array of components that overlap the given capsule.
         * @param WorldContext  World context
         * @param CapsulePos    Center of the capsule.
         * @param Radius                Radius of capsule hemispheres and radius of center cylinder portion.
         * @param HalfHeight    Half-height of the capsule (from center of capsule to tip of hemisphere.
         * @param Filter                Option to restrict results to only static or only dynamic.  For efficiency.
         * @param ClassFilter   If set, will only return results of this class or subclasses of it.
         * @param ActorsToIgnore                Ignore these actors in the list
         * @param OutActors             Returned array of actors. Unsorted.
         * @return                              true if there was an overlap that passed the filters, false otherwise.
        UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, Category="Collision", meta=(WorldContext="WorldContextObject", AutoCreateRefTerm="ActorsToIgnore", DisplayName="CapsuleOverlapComponents") )
        static bool CapsuleOverlapComponents(const UObject* WorldContextObject, const FVector CapsulePos, float Radius, float HalfHeight, const TArray<TEnumAsByte<EObjectTypeQuery> > & ObjectTypes, UClass* ComponentClassFilter, const TArray<AActor*>& ActorsToIgnore, TArray<class UPrimitiveComponent*>& OutComponents);

         * Returns an array of actors that overlap the given component.
         * @param Component                             Component to test with.
         * @param ComponentTransform    Defines where to place the component for overlap testing.
         * @param Filter                                Option to restrict results to only static or only dynamic.  For efficiency.
         * @param ClassFilter                   If set, will only return results of this class or subclasses of it.
         * @param ActorsToIgnore                Ignore these actors in the list
         * @param OutActors                             Returned array of actors. Unsorted.
         * @return                                              true if there was an overlap that passed the filters, false otherwise.
        UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, Category="Collision", meta=(AutoCreateRefTerm="ActorsToIgnore", DisplayName="ComponentOverlapActors"))
        static bool ComponentOverlapActors(UPrimitiveComponent* Component, const FTransform& ComponentTransform, const TArray<TEnumAsByte<EObjectTypeQuery> > & ObjectTypes, UClass* ActorClassFilter, const TArray<AActor*>& ActorsToIgnore, TArray<class AActor*>& OutActors);

         * Returns an array of components that overlap the given component.
         * @param Component                             Component to test with.
         * @param ComponentTransform    Defines where to place the component for overlap testing.
         * @param Filter                                Option to restrict results to only static or only dynamic.  For efficiency.
         * @param ClassFilter                   If set, will only return results of this class or subclasses of it.
         * @param ActorsToIgnore                Ignore these actors in the list
         * @param OutActors                             Returned array of actors. Unsorted.
         * @return                                              true if there was an overlap that passed the filters, false otherwise.
        UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, Category="Collision", meta=(AutoCreateRefTerm="ActorsToIgnore", DisplayName="ComponentOverlapComponents"))
        static bool ComponentOverlapComponents(UPrimitiveComponent* Component, const FTransform& ComponentTransform, const TArray<TEnumAsByte<EObjectTypeQuery> > & ObjectTypes, UClass* ComponentClassFilter, const TArray<AActor*>& ActorsToIgnore, TArray<class UPrimitiveComponent*>& OutComponents);

         * Does a collision trace along the given line and returns the first blocking hit encountered.
         * This trace finds the objects that RESPONDS to the given TraceChannel
         * @param WorldContext  World context
         * @param Start                 Start of line segment.
         * @param End                   End of line segment.
         * @param TraceChannel  
         * @param bTraceComplex True to test against complex collision, false to test against simplified collision.
         * @param OutHit                Properties of the trace hit.
         * @return                              True if there was a hit, false otherwise.
        UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, Category="Collision", meta=(bIgnoreSelf="true", WorldContext="WorldContextObject", AutoCreateRefTerm="ActorsToIgnore", DisplayName="LineTraceByChannel", AdvancedDisplay="TraceColor,TraceHitColor,DrawTime", Keywords="raycast"))
        static bool LineTraceSingle(const UObject* WorldContextObject, const FVector Start, const FVector End, ETraceTypeQuery TraceChannel, bool bTraceComplex, const TArray<AActor*>& ActorsToIgnore, EDrawDebugTrace::Type DrawDebugType, FHitResult& OutHit, bool bIgnoreSelf, FLinearColor TraceColor = FLinearColor::Red, FLinearColor TraceHitColor = FLinearColor::Green, float DrawTime = 5.0f);
         * Does a collision trace along the given line and returns all hits encountered up to and including the first blocking hit.
         * This trace finds the objects that RESPOND to the given TraceChannel
         * @param WorldContext  World context
         * @param Start                 Start of line segment.
         * @param End                   End of line segment.
         * @param TraceChannel  The channel to trace
         * @param bTraceComplex True to test against complex collision, false to test against simplified collision.
         * @param OutHit                Properties of the trace hit.
         * @return                              True if there was a blocking hit, false otherwise.
        UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, Category="Collision", meta=(bIgnoreSelf="true", WorldContext="WorldContextObject", AutoCreateRefTerm="ActorsToIgnore", DisplayName = "MultiLineTraceByChannel", AdvancedDisplay="TraceColor,TraceHitColor,DrawTime", Keywords="raycast"))
        static bool LineTraceMulti(const UObject* WorldContextObject, const FVector Start, const FVector End, ETraceTypeQuery TraceChannel, bool bTraceComplex, const TArray<AActor*>& ActorsToIgnore, EDrawDebugTrace::Type DrawDebugType, TArray<FHitResult>& OutHits, bool bIgnoreSelf, FLinearColor TraceColor = FLinearColor::Red, FLinearColor TraceHitColor = FLinearColor::Green, float DrawTime = 5.0f);

         * Sweeps a sphere along the given line and returns the first blocking hit encountered.
         * This trace finds the objects that RESPONDS to the given TraceChannel
         * @param Start                 Start of line segment.
         * @param End                   End of line segment.
         * @param Radius                Radius of the sphere to sweep
         * @param TraceChannel  
         * @param bTraceComplex True to test against complex collision, false to test against simplified collision.
         * @param OutHit                Properties of the trace hit.
         * @return                              True if there was a hit, false otherwise.
        UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, Category="Collision", meta=(bIgnoreSelf="true", WorldContext="WorldContextObject", AutoCreateRefTerm="ActorsToIgnore", DisplayName = "SphereTraceByChannel", AdvancedDisplay="TraceColor,TraceHitColor,DrawTime", Keywords="sweep"))
        static bool SphereTraceSingle(const UObject* WorldContextObject, const FVector Start, const FVector End, float Radius, ETraceTypeQuery TraceChannel, bool bTraceComplex, const TArray<AActor*>& ActorsToIgnore, EDrawDebugTrace::Type DrawDebugType, FHitResult& OutHit, bool bIgnoreSelf, FLinearColor TraceColor = FLinearColor::Red, FLinearColor TraceHitColor = FLinearColor::Green, float DrawTime = 5.0f);

         * Sweeps a sphere along the given line and returns all hits encountered up to and including the first blocking hit.
         * This trace finds the objects that RESPOND to the given TraceChannel
         * @param WorldContext  World context
         * @param Start                 Start of line segment.
         * @param End                   End of line segment.
         * @param Radius                Radius of the sphere to sweep
         * @param TraceChannel  
         * @param bTraceComplex True to test against complex collision, false to test against simplified collision.
         * @param OutHits               A list of hits, sorted along the trace from start to finish.  The blocking hit will be the last hit, if there was one.
         * @return                              True if there was a blocking hit, false otherwise.
        UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, Category="Collision", meta=(bIgnoreSelf="true", WorldContext="WorldContextObject", AutoCreateRefTerm="ActorsToIgnore", DisplayName = "MultiSphereTraceByChannel", AdvancedDisplay="TraceColor,TraceHitColor,DrawTime", Keywords="sweep"))
        static bool SphereTraceMulti(const UObject* WorldContextObject, const FVector Start, const FVector End, float Radius, ETraceTypeQuery TraceChannel, bool bTraceComplex, const TArray<AActor*>& ActorsToIgnore, EDrawDebugTrace::Type DrawDebugType, TArray<FHitResult>& OutHits, bool bIgnoreSelf, FLinearColor TraceColor = FLinearColor::Red, FLinearColor TraceHitColor = FLinearColor::Green, float DrawTime = 5.0f);

        * Sweeps a box along the given line and returns the first blocking hit encountered.
        * This trace finds the objects that RESPONDS to the given TraceChannel
        * @param Start                  Start of line segment.
        * @param End                    End of line segment.
        * @param HalfSize           Distance from the center of box along each axis
        * @param Orientation    Orientation of the box
        * @param TraceChannel
        * @param bTraceComplex  True to test against complex collision, false to test against simplified collision.
        * @param OutHit                 Properties of the trace hit.
        * @return                               True if there was a hit, false otherwise.
        UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, Category = "Collision", meta = (bIgnoreSelf = "true", WorldContext="WorldContextObject", AutoCreateRefTerm = "ActorsToIgnore", DisplayName = "BoxTraceByChannel", AdvancedDisplay="TraceColor,TraceHitColor,DrawTime", Keywords="sweep"))
        static bool BoxTraceSingle(const UObject* WorldContextObject, const FVector Start, const FVector End, const FVector HalfSize, const FRotator Orientation, ETraceTypeQuery TraceChannel, bool bTraceComplex, const TArray<AActor*>& ActorsToIgnore, EDrawDebugTrace::Type DrawDebugType, FHitResult& OutHit, bool bIgnoreSelf, FLinearColor TraceColor = FLinearColor::Red, FLinearColor TraceHitColor = FLinearColor::Green, float DrawTime = 5.0f);

        * Sweeps a box along the given line and returns all hits encountered.
        * This trace finds the objects that RESPONDS to the given TraceChannel
        * @param Start                  Start of line segment.
        * @param End                    End of line segment.
        * @param HalfSize           Distance from the center of box along each axis
        * @param Orientation    Orientation of the box
        * @param TraceChannel
        * @param bTraceComplex  True to test against complex collision, false to test against simplified collision.
        * @param OutHits                A list of hits, sorted along the trace from start to finish. The blocking hit will be the last hit, if there was one.
        * @return                               True if there was a blocking hit, false otherwise.
        UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, Category = "Collision", meta = (bIgnoreSelf = "true", WorldContext="WorldContextObject", AutoCreateRefTerm = "ActorsToIgnore", DisplayName = "MultiBoxTraceByChannel", AdvancedDisplay="TraceColor,TraceHitColor,DrawTime", Keywords="sweep"))
        static bool BoxTraceMulti(const UObject* WorldContextObject, const FVector Start, const FVector End, FVector HalfSize, const FRotator Orientation, ETraceTypeQuery TraceChannel, bool bTraceComplex, const TArray<AActor*>& ActorsToIgnore, EDrawDebugTrace::Type DrawDebugType, TArray<FHitResult>& OutHits, bool bIgnoreSelf, FLinearColor TraceColor = FLinearColor::Red, FLinearColor TraceHitColor = FLinearColor::Green, float DrawTime = 5.0f);

         * Sweeps a capsule along the given line and returns the first blocking hit encountered.
         * This trace finds the objects that RESPOND to the given TraceChannel
         * @param WorldContext  World context
         * @param Start                 Start of line segment.
         * @param End                   End of line segment.
         * @param Radius                Radius of the capsule to sweep
         * @param HalfHeight    Distance from center of capsule to tip of hemisphere endcap.
         * @param TraceChannel  
         * @param bTraceComplex True to test against complex collision, false to test against simplified collision.
         * @param OutHit                Properties of the trace hit.
         * @return                              True if there was a hit, false otherwise.
        UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, Category="Collision", meta=(bIgnoreSelf="true", WorldContext="WorldContextObject", AutoCreateRefTerm="ActorsToIgnore", DisplayName = "CapsuleTraceByChannel", AdvancedDisplay="TraceColor,TraceHitColor,DrawTime", Keywords="sweep"))
        static bool CapsuleTraceSingle(const UObject* WorldContextObject, const FVector Start, const FVector End, float Radius, float HalfHeight, ETraceTypeQuery TraceChannel, bool bTraceComplex, const TArray<AActor*>& ActorsToIgnore, EDrawDebugTrace::Type DrawDebugType, FHitResult& OutHit, bool bIgnoreSelf, FLinearColor TraceColor = FLinearColor::Red, FLinearColor TraceHitColor = FLinearColor::Green, float DrawTime = 5.0f);

         * Sweeps a capsule along the given line and returns all hits encountered up to and including the first blocking hit.
         * This trace finds the objects that RESPOND to the given TraceChannel
         * @param WorldContext  World context
         * @param Start                 Start of line segment.
         * @param End                   End of line segment.
         * @param Radius                Radius of the capsule to sweep
         * @param HalfHeight    Distance from center of capsule to tip of hemisphere endcap.
         * @param TraceChannel  
         * @param bTraceComplex True to test against complex collision, false to test against simplified collision.
         * @param OutHits               A list of hits, sorted along the trace from start to finish.  The blocking hit will be the last hit, if there was one.
         * @return                              True if there was a blocking hit, false otherwise.
        UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, Category="Collision", meta=(bIgnoreSelf="true", WorldContext="WorldContextObject", AutoCreateRefTerm="ActorsToIgnore", DisplayName = "MultiCapsuleTraceByChannel", AdvancedDisplay="TraceColor,TraceHitColor,DrawTime", Keywords="sweep"))
        static bool CapsuleTraceMulti(const UObject* WorldContextObject, const FVector Start, const FVector End, float Radius, float HalfHeight, ETraceTypeQuery TraceChannel, bool bTraceComplex, const TArray<AActor*>& ActorsToIgnore, EDrawDebugTrace::Type DrawDebugType, TArray<FHitResult>& OutHits, bool bIgnoreSelf, FLinearColor TraceColor = FLinearColor::Red, FLinearColor TraceHitColor = FLinearColor::Green, float DrawTime = 5.0f);

         * Does a collision trace along the given line and returns the first hit encountered.
         * This only finds objects that are of a type specified by ObjectTypes.
         * @param WorldContext  World context
         * @param Start                 Start of line segment.
         * @param End                   End of line segment.
         * @param ObjectTypes   Array of Object Types to trace 
         * @param bTraceComplex True to test against complex collision, false to test against simplified collision.
         * @param OutHit                Properties of the trace hit.
         * @return                              True if there was a hit, false otherwise.
        UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, Category="Collision", meta=(bIgnoreSelf="true", WorldContext="WorldContextObject", AutoCreateRefTerm="ActorsToIgnore", DisplayName = "LineTraceForObjects", AdvancedDisplay="TraceColor,TraceHitColor,DrawTime", Keywords="raycast"))
        static bool LineTraceSingleForObjects(const UObject* WorldContextObject, const FVector Start, const FVector End, const TArray<TEnumAsByte<EObjectTypeQuery> > & ObjectTypes, bool bTraceComplex, const TArray<AActor*>& ActorsToIgnore, EDrawDebugTrace::Type DrawDebugType, FHitResult& OutHit, bool bIgnoreSelf, FLinearColor TraceColor = FLinearColor::Red, FLinearColor TraceHitColor = FLinearColor::Green, float DrawTime = 5.0f );
         * Does a collision trace along the given line and returns all hits encountered.
         * This only finds objects that are of a type specified by ObjectTypes.
         * @param WorldContext  World context
         * @param Start                 Start of line segment.
         * @param End                   End of line segment.
         * @param ObjectTypes   Array of Object Types to trace 
         * @param bTraceComplex True to test against complex collision, false to test against simplified collision.
         * @param OutHit                Properties of the trace hit.
         * @return                              True if there was a hit, false otherwise.
        UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, Category="Collision", meta=(bIgnoreSelf="true", WorldContext="WorldContextObject", AutoCreateRefTerm="ActorsToIgnore", DisplayName = "MultiLineTraceForObjects", AdvancedDisplay="TraceColor,TraceHitColor,DrawTime", Keywords="raycast"))
        static bool LineTraceMultiForObjects(const UObject* WorldContextObject, const FVector Start, const FVector End, const TArray<TEnumAsByte<EObjectTypeQuery> > & ObjectTypes, bool bTraceComplex, const TArray<AActor*>& ActorsToIgnore, EDrawDebugTrace::Type DrawDebugType, TArray<FHitResult>& OutHits, bool bIgnoreSelf, FLinearColor TraceColor = FLinearColor::Red, FLinearColor TraceHitColor = FLinearColor::Green, float DrawTime = 5.0f);

         * Sweeps a sphere along the given line and returns the first hit encountered.
         * This only finds objects that are of a type specified by ObjectTypes.
         * @param Start                 Start of line segment.
         * @param End                   End of line segment.
         * @param Radius                Radius of the sphere to sweep
         * @param ObjectTypes   Array of Object Types to trace 
         * @param bTraceComplex True to test against complex collision, false to test against simplified collision.
         * @param OutHit                Properties of the trace hit.
         * @return                              True if there was a hit, false otherwise.
        UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, Category="Collision", meta=(bIgnoreSelf="true", WorldContext="WorldContextObject", AutoCreateRefTerm="ActorsToIgnore", DisplayName = "SphereTraceForObjects", AdvancedDisplay="TraceColor,TraceHitColor,DrawTime", Keywords="sweep"))
        static bool SphereTraceSingleForObjects(const UObject* WorldContextObject, const FVector Start, const FVector End, float Radius, const TArray<TEnumAsByte<EObjectTypeQuery> > & ObjectTypes, bool bTraceComplex, const TArray<AActor*>& ActorsToIgnore, EDrawDebugTrace::Type DrawDebugType, FHitResult& OutHit, bool bIgnoreSelf, FLinearColor TraceColor = FLinearColor::Red, FLinearColor TraceHitColor = FLinearColor::Green, float DrawTime = 5.0f);

         * Sweeps a sphere along the given line and returns all hits encountered.
         * This only finds objects that are of a type specified by ObjectTypes.
         * @param WorldContext  World context
         * @param Start                 Start of line segment.
         * @param End                   End of line segment.
         * @param Radius                Radius of the sphere to sweep
         * @param ObjectTypes   Array of Object Types to trace 
         * @param bTraceComplex True to test against complex collision, false to test against simplified collision.
         * @param OutHits               A list of hits, sorted along the trace from start to finish.  The blocking hit will be the last hit, if there was one.
         * @return                              True if there was a hit, false otherwise.
        UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, Category="Collision", meta=(bIgnoreSelf="true", WorldContext="WorldContextObject", AutoCreateRefTerm="ActorsToIgnore", DisplayName = "MultiSphereTraceForObjects", AdvancedDisplay="TraceColor,TraceHitColor,DrawTime", Keywords="sweep"))
        static bool SphereTraceMultiForObjects(const UObject* WorldContextObject, const FVector Start, const FVector End, float Radius, const TArray<TEnumAsByte<EObjectTypeQuery> > & ObjectTypes, bool bTraceComplex, const TArray<AActor*>& ActorsToIgnore, EDrawDebugTrace::Type DrawDebugType, TArray<FHitResult>& OutHits, bool bIgnoreSelf, FLinearColor TraceColor = FLinearColor::Red, FLinearColor TraceHitColor = FLinearColor::Green, float DrawTime = 5.0f);

        * Sweeps a box along the given line and returns the first hit encountered.
        * This only finds objects that are of a type specified by ObjectTypes.
        * @param Start                  Start of line segment.
        * @param End                    End of line segment.
        * @param Orientation    
        * @param HalfSize               Radius of the sphere to sweep
        * @param ObjectTypes    Array of Object Types to trace
        * @param bTraceComplex  True to test against complex collision, false to test against simplified collision.
        * @param OutHit                 Properties of the trace hit.
        * @return                               True if there was a hit, false otherwise.
        UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, Category = "Collision", meta = (bIgnoreSelf = "true", WorldContext="WorldContextObject", AutoCreateRefTerm = "ActorsToIgnore", DisplayName = "BoxTraceForObjects", AdvancedDisplay="TraceColor,TraceHitColor,DrawTime", Keywords="sweep"))
        static bool BoxTraceSingleForObjects(const UObject* WorldContextObject, const FVector Start, const FVector End, const FVector HalfSize, const FRotator Orientation, const TArray<TEnumAsByte<EObjectTypeQuery> > & ObjectTypes, bool bTraceComplex, const TArray<AActor*>& ActorsToIgnore, EDrawDebugTrace::Type DrawDebugType, FHitResult& OutHit, bool bIgnoreSelf, FLinearColor TraceColor = FLinearColor::Red, FLinearColor TraceHitColor = FLinearColor::Green, float DrawTime = 5.0f);

        * Sweeps a box along the given line and returns all hits encountered.
        * This only finds objects that are of a type specified by ObjectTypes.
        * @param Start                  Start of line segment.
        * @param End                    End of line segment.
        * @param Orientation
        * @param HalfSize               Radius of the sphere to sweep
        * @param ObjectTypes    Array of Object Types to trace
        * @param bTraceComplex  True to test against complex collision, false to test against simplified collision.
        * @param OutHits                A list of hits, sorted along the trace from start to finish.  The blocking hit will be the last hit, if there was one.
        * @return                               True if there was a hit, false otherwise.
        UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, Category = "Collision", meta = (bIgnoreSelf = "true", WorldContext="WorldContextObject", AutoCreateRefTerm = "ActorsToIgnore", DisplayName = "MultiBoxTraceForObjects", AdvancedDisplay="TraceColor,TraceHitColor,DrawTime", Keywords="sweep"))
        static bool BoxTraceMultiForObjects(const UObject* WorldContextObject, const FVector Start, const FVector End, const FVector HalfSize, const FRotator Orientation, const TArray<TEnumAsByte<EObjectTypeQuery> > & ObjectTypes, bool bTraceComplex, const TArray<AActor*>& ActorsToIgnore, EDrawDebugTrace::Type DrawDebugType, TArray<FHitResult>& OutHits, bool bIgnoreSelf, FLinearColor TraceColor = FLinearColor::Red, FLinearColor TraceHitColor = FLinearColor::Green, float DrawTime = 5.0f);

         * Sweeps a capsule along the given line and returns the first hit encountered.
         * This only finds objects that are of a type specified by ObjectTypes.
         * @param WorldContext  World context
         * @param Start                 Start of line segment.
         * @param End                   End of line segment.
         * @param Radius                Radius of the capsule to sweep
         * @param HalfHeight    Distance from center of capsule to tip of hemisphere endcap.
         * @param ObjectTypes   Array of Object Types to trace 
         * @param bTraceComplex True to test against complex collision, false to test against simplified collision.
         * @param OutHit                Properties of the trace hit.
         * @return                              True if there was a hit, false otherwise.
        UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, Category="Collision", meta=(bIgnoreSelf="true", WorldContext="WorldContextObject", AutoCreateRefTerm="ActorsToIgnore", DisplayName = "CapsuleTraceForObjects", AdvancedDisplay="TraceColor,TraceHitColor,DrawTime", Keywords="sweep"))
        static bool CapsuleTraceSingleForObjects(const UObject* WorldContextObject, const FVector Start, const FVector End, float Radius, float HalfHeight, const TArray<TEnumAsByte<EObjectTypeQuery> > & ObjectTypes, bool bTraceComplex, const TArray<AActor*>& ActorsToIgnore, EDrawDebugTrace::Type DrawDebugType, FHitResult& OutHit, bool bIgnoreSelf, FLinearColor TraceColor = FLinearColor::Red, FLinearColor TraceHitColor = FLinearColor::Green, float DrawTime = 5.0f);

         * Sweeps a capsule along the given line and returns all hits encountered.
         * This only finds objects that are of a type specified by ObjectTypes.
         * @param WorldContext  World context
         * @param Start                 Start of line segment.
         * @param End                   End of line segment.
         * @param Radius                Radius of the capsule to sweep
         * @param HalfHeight    Distance from center of capsule to tip of hemisphere endcap.
         * @param ObjectTypes   Array of Object Types to trace 
         * @param bTraceComplex True to test against complex collision, false to test against simplified collision.
         * @param OutHits               A list of hits, sorted along the trace from start to finish.  The blocking hit will be the last hit, if there was one.
         * @return                              True if there was a hit, false otherwise.
        UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, Category="Collision", meta=(bIgnoreSelf="true", WorldContext="WorldContextObject", AutoCreateRefTerm="ActorsToIgnore", DisplayName = "MultiCapsuleTraceForObjects", AdvancedDisplay="TraceColor,TraceHitColor,DrawTime", Keywords="sweep"))
        static bool CapsuleTraceMultiForObjects(const UObject* WorldContextObject, const FVector Start, const FVector End, float Radius, float HalfHeight, const TArray<TEnumAsByte<EObjectTypeQuery> > & ObjectTypes, bool bTraceComplex, const TArray<AActor*>& ActorsToIgnore, EDrawDebugTrace::Type DrawDebugType, TArray<FHitResult>& OutHits, bool bIgnoreSelf, FLinearColor TraceColor = FLinearColor::Red, FLinearColor TraceHitColor = FLinearColor::Green, float DrawTime = 5.0f);

        // BY PROFILE

        * Trace a ray against the world using a specific profile and return the first blocking hit
        * @param WorldContext   World context
        * @param Start                  Start of line segment.
        * @param End                    End of line segment.
        * @param ProfileName    The 'profile' used to determine which components to hit
        * @param bTraceComplex  True to test against complex collision, false to test against simplified collision.
        * @param OutHit                 Properties of the trace hit.
        * @return                               True if there was a hit, false otherwise.
        UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, Category = "Collision", meta = (bIgnoreSelf = "true", WorldContext = "WorldContextObject", AutoCreateRefTerm = "ActorsToIgnore", DisplayName = "LineTraceByProfile", AdvancedDisplay = "TraceColor,TraceHitColor,DrawTime", Keywords = "raycast"))
        static bool LineTraceSingleByProfile(const UObject* WorldContextObject, const FVector Start, const FVector End, FName ProfileName, bool bTraceComplex, const TArray<AActor*>& ActorsToIgnore, EDrawDebugTrace::Type DrawDebugType, FHitResult& OutHit, bool bIgnoreSelf, FLinearColor TraceColor = FLinearColor::Red, FLinearColor TraceHitColor = FLinearColor::Green, float DrawTime = 5.0f);

        *  Trace a ray against the world using a specific profile and return overlapping hits and then first blocking hit
        *  Results are sorted, so a blocking hit (if found) will be the last element of the array
        *  Only the single closest blocking result will be generated, no tests will be done after that
        * @param WorldContext   World context
        * @param Start                  Start of line segment.
        * @param End                    End of line segment.
        * @param ProfileName    The 'profile' used to determine which components to hit
        * @param bTraceComplex  True to test against complex collision, false to test against simplified collision.
        * @param OutHit         Properties of the trace hit.
        * @return                               True if there was a blocking hit, false otherwise.
        UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, Category = "Collision", meta = (bIgnoreSelf = "true", WorldContext = "WorldContextObject", AutoCreateRefTerm = "ActorsToIgnore", DisplayName = "MultiLineTraceByProfile", AdvancedDisplay = "TraceColor,TraceHitColor,DrawTime", Keywords = "raycast"))
        static bool LineTraceMultiByProfile(const UObject* WorldContextObject, const FVector Start, const FVector End, FName ProfileName, bool bTraceComplex, const TArray<AActor*>& ActorsToIgnore, EDrawDebugTrace::Type DrawDebugType, TArray<FHitResult>& OutHits, bool bIgnoreSelf, FLinearColor TraceColor = FLinearColor::Red, FLinearColor TraceHitColor = FLinearColor::Green, float DrawTime = 5.0f);

        *  Sweep a sphere against the world and return the first blocking hit using a specific profile
        * @param Start                  Start of line segment.
        * @param End                    End of line segment.
        * @param Radius                 Radius of the sphere to sweep
        * @param ProfileName    The 'profile' used to determine which components to hit
        * @param bTraceComplex  True to test against complex collision, false to test against simplified collision.
        * @param OutHit                 Properties of the trace hit.
        * @return                               True if there was a hit, false otherwise.
        UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, Category = "Collision", meta = (bIgnoreSelf = "true", WorldContext = "WorldContextObject", AutoCreateRefTerm = "ActorsToIgnore", DisplayName = "SphereTraceByProfile", AdvancedDisplay = "TraceColor,TraceHitColor,DrawTime", Keywords = "sweep"))
        static bool SphereTraceSingleByProfile(const UObject* WorldContextObject, const FVector Start, const FVector End, float Radius, FName ProfileName, bool bTraceComplex, const TArray<AActor*>& ActorsToIgnore, EDrawDebugTrace::Type DrawDebugType, FHitResult& OutHit, bool bIgnoreSelf, FLinearColor TraceColor = FLinearColor::Red, FLinearColor TraceHitColor = FLinearColor::Green, float DrawTime = 5.0f);

        *  Sweep a sphere against the world and return all initial overlaps using a specific profile, then overlapping hits and then first blocking hit
        *  Results are sorted, so a blocking hit (if found) will be the last element of the array
        *  Only the single closest blocking result will be generated, no tests will be done after that
        * @param WorldContext   World context
        * @param Start                  Start of line segment.
        * @param End                    End of line segment.
        * @param Radius         Radius of the sphere to sweep
        * @param ProfileName    The 'profile' used to determine which components to hit
        * @param bTraceComplex  True to test against complex collision, false to test against simplified collision.
        * @param OutHits                A list of hits, sorted along the trace from start to finish.  The blocking hit will be the last hit, if there was one.
        * @return                               True if there was a blocking hit, false otherwise.
        UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, Category = "Collision", meta = (bIgnoreSelf = "true", WorldContext = "WorldContextObject", AutoCreateRefTerm = "ActorsToIgnore", DisplayName = "MultiSphereTraceByProfile", AdvancedDisplay = "TraceColor,TraceHitColor,DrawTime", Keywords = "sweep"))
        static bool SphereTraceMultiByProfile(const UObject* WorldContextObject, const FVector Start, const FVector End, float Radius, FName ProfileName, bool bTraceComplex, const TArray<AActor*>& ActorsToIgnore, EDrawDebugTrace::Type DrawDebugType, TArray<FHitResult>& OutHits, bool bIgnoreSelf, FLinearColor TraceColor = FLinearColor::Red, FLinearColor TraceHitColor = FLinearColor::Green, float DrawTime = 5.0f);

        *  Sweep a box against the world and return the first blocking hit using a specific profile
        * @param Start                  Start of line segment.
        * @param End                    End of line segment.
        * @param HalfSize           Distance from the center of box along each axis
        * @param Orientation    Orientation of the box
        * @param ProfileName    The 'profile' used to determine which components to hit
        * @param bTraceComplex  True to test against complex collision, false to test against simplified collision.
        * @param OutHit                 Properties of the trace hit.
        * @return                               True if there was a hit, false otherwise.
        UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, Category = "Collision", meta = (bIgnoreSelf = "true", WorldContext = "WorldContextObject", AutoCreateRefTerm = "ActorsToIgnore", DisplayName = "BoxTraceByProfile", AdvancedDisplay = "TraceColor,TraceHitColor,DrawTime", Keywords = "sweep"))
        static bool BoxTraceSingleByProfile(const UObject* WorldContextObject, const FVector Start, const FVector End, const FVector HalfSize, const FRotator Orientation, FName ProfileName, bool bTraceComplex, const TArray<AActor*>& ActorsToIgnore, EDrawDebugTrace::Type DrawDebugType, FHitResult& OutHit, bool bIgnoreSelf, FLinearColor TraceColor = FLinearColor::Red, FLinearColor TraceHitColor = FLinearColor::Green, float DrawTime = 5.0f);

        *  Sweep a box against the world and return all initial overlaps using a specific profile, then overlapping hits and then first blocking hit
        *  Results are sorted, so a blocking hit (if found) will be the last element of the array
        *  Only the single closest blocking result will be generated, no tests will be done after that
        * @param Start                  Start of line segment.
        * @param End                    End of line segment.
        * @param HalfSize           Distance from the center of box along each axis
        * @param Orientation    Orientation of the box
        * @param ProfileName    The 'profile' used to determine which components to hit
        * @param bTraceComplex  True to test against complex collision, false to test against simplified collision.
        * @param OutHits                A list of hits, sorted along the trace from start to finish. The blocking hit will be the last hit, if there was one.
        * @return                               True if there was a blocking hit, false otherwise.
        UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, Category = "Collision", meta = (bIgnoreSelf = "true", WorldContext = "WorldContextObject", AutoCreateRefTerm = "ActorsToIgnore", DisplayName = "MultiBoxTraceByProfile", AdvancedDisplay = "TraceColor,TraceHitColor,DrawTime", Keywords = "sweep"))
        static bool BoxTraceMultiByProfile(const UObject* WorldContextObject, const FVector Start, const FVector End, FVector HalfSize, const FRotator Orientation, FName ProfileName, bool bTraceComplex, const TArray<AActor*>& ActorsToIgnore, EDrawDebugTrace::Type DrawDebugType, TArray<FHitResult>& OutHits, bool bIgnoreSelf, FLinearColor TraceColor = FLinearColor::Red, FLinearColor TraceHitColor = FLinearColor::Green, float DrawTime = 5.0f);

        *  Sweep a capsule against the world and return the first blocking hit using a specific profile
        * @param WorldContext   World context
        * @param Start                  Start of line segment.
        * @param End                    End of line segment.
        * @param Radius                 Radius of the capsule to sweep
        * @param HalfHeight             Distance from center of capsule to tip of hemisphere endcap.
        * @param ProfileName    The 'profile' used to determine which components to hit
        * @param bTraceComplex  True to test against complex collision, false to test against simplified collision.
        * @param OutHit                 Properties of the trace hit.
        * @return                               True if there was a hit, false otherwise.
        UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, Category = "Collision", meta = (bIgnoreSelf = "true", WorldContext = "WorldContextObject", AutoCreateRefTerm = "ActorsToIgnore", DisplayName = "CapsuleTraceByProfile", AdvancedDisplay = "TraceColor,TraceHitColor,DrawTime", Keywords = "sweep"))
        static bool CapsuleTraceSingleByProfile(const UObject* WorldContextObject, const FVector Start, const FVector End, float Radius, float HalfHeight, FName ProfileName, bool bTraceComplex, const TArray<AActor*>& ActorsToIgnore, EDrawDebugTrace::Type DrawDebugType, FHitResult& OutHit, bool bIgnoreSelf, FLinearColor TraceColor = FLinearColor::Red, FLinearColor TraceHitColor = FLinearColor::Green, float DrawTime = 5.0f);

        *  Sweep a capsule against the world and return all initial overlaps using a specific profile, then overlapping hits and then first blocking hit
        *  Results are sorted, so a blocking hit (if found) will be the last element of the array
        *  Only the single closest blocking result will be generated, no tests will be done after that
        * @param WorldContext   World context
        * @param Start                  Start of line segment.
        * @param End                    End of line segment.
        * @param Radius                 Radius of the capsule to sweep
        * @param HalfHeight             Distance from center of capsule to tip of hemisphere endcap.
        * @param ProfileName    The 'profile' used to determine which components to hit
        * @param bTraceComplex  True to test against complex collision, false to test against simplified collision.
        * @param OutHits                A list of hits, sorted along the trace from start to finish.  The blocking hit will be the last hit, if there was one.
        * @return                               True if there was a blocking hit, false otherwise.
        UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, Category = "Collision", meta = (bIgnoreSelf = "true", WorldContext = "WorldContextObject", AutoCreateRefTerm = "ActorsToIgnore", DisplayName = "MultiCapsuleTraceByProfile", AdvancedDisplay = "TraceColor,TraceHitColor,DrawTime", Keywords = "sweep"))
        static bool CapsuleTraceMultiByProfile(const UObject* WorldContextObject, const FVector Start, const FVector End, float Radius, float HalfHeight, FName ProfileName, bool bTraceComplex, const TArray<AActor*>& ActorsToIgnore, EDrawDebugTrace::Type DrawDebugType, TArray<FHitResult>& OutHits, bool bIgnoreSelf, FLinearColor TraceColor = FLinearColor::Red, FLinearColor TraceHitColor = FLinearColor::Green, float DrawTime = 5.0f);

         * Returns an array of unique actors represented by the given list of components.
         * @param ComponentList         List of components.
         * @param ClassFilter           If set, will only return results of this class or subclasses of it.
         * @param OutActorList          Start of line segment.
        UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, Category="Utilities")
        static void GetActorListFromComponentList(const TArray<class UPrimitiveComponent*>& ComponentList, UClass* ActorClassFilter, TArray<class AActor*>& OutActorList);

        // --- Debug drawing functions ------------------------------

        /** Draw a debug line */
        UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, Category="Rendering|Debug", meta=(WorldContext="WorldContextObject", DevelopmentOnly))
        static void DrawDebugLine(const UObject* WorldContextObject, const FVector LineStart, const FVector LineEnd, FLinearColor LineColor, float Duration=0.f, float Thickness = 0.f);

        /** Draw a debug circle! */
        UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, Category="Rendering|Debug", meta=(WorldContext="WorldContextObject", DevelopmentOnly))
        static void DrawDebugCircle(const UObject* WorldContextObject, FVector Center, float Radius, int32 NumSegments=12, FLinearColor LineColor = FLinearColor::White, float Duration=0.f, float Thickness=0.f, FVector YAxis=FVector(0.f,1.f,0.f),FVector ZAxis=FVector(0.f,0.f,1.f), bool bDrawAxis=false);
        /** Draw a debug point */
        UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, Category="Rendering|Debug", meta=(WorldContext="WorldContextObject", DevelopmentOnly))
        static void DrawDebugPoint(const UObject* WorldContextObject, const FVector Position, float Size, FLinearColor PointColor, float Duration=0.f);

        /** Draw directional arrow, pointing from LineStart to LineEnd. */
        UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, Category="Rendering|Debug", meta=(WorldContext="WorldContextObject", DevelopmentOnly))
        static void DrawDebugArrow(const UObject* WorldContextObject, const FVector LineStart, const FVector LineEnd, float ArrowSize, FLinearColor LineColor, float Duration=0.f, float Thickness = 0.f);

        /** Draw a debug box */
        UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, Category="Rendering|Debug", meta=(WorldContext="WorldContextObject", DevelopmentOnly))
        static void DrawDebugBox(const UObject* WorldContextObject, const FVector Center, FVector Extent, FLinearColor LineColor, const FRotator Rotation=FRotator::ZeroRotator, float Duration=0.f, float Thickness = 0.f);

        /** Draw a debug coordinate system. */
        UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, Category="Rendering|Debug", meta=(WorldContext="WorldContextObject", DevelopmentOnly))
        static void DrawDebugCoordinateSystem(const UObject* WorldContextObject, const FVector AxisLoc, const FRotator AxisRot, float Scale=1.f, float Duration=0.f, float Thickness = 0.f);

        /** Draw a debug sphere */
        UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, Category="Rendering|Debug", meta=(WorldContext="WorldContextObject", DevelopmentOnly))
        static void DrawDebugSphere(const UObject* WorldContextObject, const FVector Center, float Radius=100.f, int32 Segments=12, FLinearColor LineColor = FLinearColor::White, float Duration=0.f, float Thickness = 0.f);

        /** Draw a debug cylinder */
        UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, Category="Rendering|Debug", meta=(WorldContext="WorldContextObject", DevelopmentOnly))
        static void DrawDebugCylinder(const UObject* WorldContextObject, const FVector Start, const FVector End, float Radius=100.f, int32 Segments=12, FLinearColor LineColor = FLinearColor::White, float Duration=0.f, float Thickness = 0.f);
        /** Draw a debug cone */
        UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, Category="Rendering|Debug", meta=(WorldContext="WorldContextObject", DeprecatedFunction, DeprecationMessage="DrawDebugCone has been changed to use degrees for angles instead of radians. Place a new DrawDebugCone node and pass your angles as degrees.", DevelopmentOnly))
        static void DrawDebugCone(const UObject* WorldContextObject, const FVector Origin, const FVector Direction, float Length, float AngleWidth, float AngleHeight, int32 NumSides, FLinearColor LineColor, float Duration = 0.f, float Thickness = 0.f);

         * Draw a debug cone 
         * Angles are specified in degrees
        UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, Category="Rendering|Debug", meta=(WorldContext="WorldContextObject", DisplayName="DrawDebugCone", DevelopmentOnly))
        static void DrawDebugConeInDegrees(const UObject* WorldContextObject, const FVector Origin, const FVector Direction, float Length=100.f, float AngleWidth=45.f, float AngleHeight=45.f, int32 NumSides = 12, FLinearColor LineColor = FLinearColor::White, float Duration=0.f, float Thickness = 0.f);

        /** Draw a debug capsule */
        UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, Category="Rendering|Debug", meta=(WorldContext="WorldContextObject", DevelopmentOnly))
        static void DrawDebugCapsule(const UObject* WorldContextObject, const FVector Center, float HalfHeight, float Radius, const FRotator Rotation, FLinearColor LineColor = FLinearColor::White, float Duration=0.f, float Thickness = 0.f);

        /** Draw a debug string at a 3d world location. */
        UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, Category="Rendering|Debug", meta=(WorldContext="WorldContextObject", DevelopmentOnly))
        static void DrawDebugString(const UObject* WorldContextObject, const FVector TextLocation, const FString& Text, class AActor* TestBaseActor = NULL, FLinearColor TextColor = FLinearColor::White, float Duration=0.f);
         * Removes all debug strings. 
         * @param WorldContext  World context
        UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, Category="Rendering|Debug", meta=(WorldContext="WorldContextObject", DevelopmentOnly))
        static void FlushDebugStrings(const UObject* WorldContextObject);

        /** Draws a debug plane. */
        UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, Category="Rendering|Debug", meta=(WorldContext="WorldContextObject", DevelopmentOnly))
        static void DrawDebugPlane(const UObject* WorldContextObject, const FPlane& PlaneCoordinates, const FVector Location, float Size, FLinearColor PlaneColor = FLinearColor::White, float Duration=0.f);

         * Flush all persistent debug lines and shapes.
         * @param WorldContext  World context
        UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, Category="Rendering|Debug", meta=(WorldContext="WorldContextObject", DevelopmentOnly))
        static void FlushPersistentDebugLines(const UObject* WorldContextObject);

        /** Draws a debug frustum. */
        UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, Category="Rendering|Debug", meta=(WorldContext="WorldContextObject", DevelopmentOnly))
        static void DrawDebugFrustum(const UObject* WorldContextObject, const FTransform& FrustumTransform, FLinearColor FrustumColor = FLinearColor::White, float Duration=0.f, float Thickness = 0.f);

        /** Draw a debug camera shape. */
        UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, Category="Rendering|Debug", meta=(DevelopmentOnly))
        static void DrawDebugCamera(const ACameraActor* CameraActor, FLinearColor CameraColor = FLinearColor::White, float Duration=0.f);

        /* Draws a 2D Histogram of size 'DrawSize' based FDebugFloatHistory struct, using DrawTransform for the position in the world. */
        UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, Category = "Rendering|Debug", meta=(WorldContext="WorldContextObject", DevelopmentOnly))
        static void DrawDebugFloatHistoryTransform(const UObject* WorldContextObject, const FDebugFloatHistory& FloatHistory, const FTransform& DrawTransform, FVector2D DrawSize, FLinearColor DrawColor = FLinearColor::White, float Duration = 0.f);

        /* Draws a 2D Histogram of size 'DrawSize' based FDebugFloatHistory struct, using DrawLocation for the location in the world, rotation will face camera of first player. */
        UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, Category = "Rendering|Debug", meta=(WorldContext="WorldContextObject", DevelopmentOnly))
        static void DrawDebugFloatHistoryLocation(const UObject* WorldContextObject, const FDebugFloatHistory& FloatHistory, FVector DrawLocation, FVector2D DrawSize, FLinearColor DrawColor = FLinearColor::White, float Duration = 0.f);

        UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, Category = "Rendering|Debug", meta=(DevelopmentOnly))
        static FDebugFloatHistory AddFloatHistorySample(float Value, const FDebugFloatHistory& FloatHistory);
        /** Mark as modified. */
        UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, Category="Development|Editor")
        static void CreateCopyForUndoBuffer(UObject* ObjectToModify);

        /** Get bounds */
        UFUNCTION(BlueprintPure, Category="Collision")
        static void GetComponentBounds(const USceneComponent* Component, FVector& Origin, FVector& BoxExtent, float& SphereRadius);

        UFUNCTION(BlueprintPure, Category="Collision", meta=(DeprecatedFunction))
        static void GetActorBounds(const AActor* Actor, FVector& Origin, FVector& BoxExtent);

         * Get the clamped state of r.DetailMode, see console variable help (allows for scalability, cannot be used in construction scripts)
         * 0: low, show only object with DetailMode low or higher
         * 1: medium, show all object with DetailMode medium or higher
         * 2: high, show all objects
        UFUNCTION(BlueprintPure, Category="Rendering", meta=(UnsafeDuringActorConstruction = "true"))
        static int32 GetRenderingDetailMode();

         * Get the clamped state of r.MaterialQualityLevel, see console variable help (allows for scalability, cannot be used in construction scripts)
         * 0: low
         * 1: high
         * 2: medium
        UFUNCTION(BlueprintPure, Category="Rendering|Material", meta=(UnsafeDuringActorConstruction = "true"))
        static int32 GetRenderingMaterialQualityLevel();

         * Gets the list of support fullscreen resolutions.
         * @return true if successfully queried the device for available resolutions.
        UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, Category="Rendering")
        static bool GetSupportedFullscreenResolutions(TArray<FIntPoint>& Resolutions);

        * Gets the list of windowed resolutions which are convenient for the current primary display size.
        * @return true if successfully queried the device for available resolutions.
        UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, Category="Rendering")
        static bool GetConvenientWindowedResolutions(TArray<FIntPoint>& Resolutions);

         * Gets the smallest Y resolution we want to support in the UI, clamped within reasons
         * @return value in pixels
        UFUNCTION(BlueprintPure, Category="Rendering", meta=(UnsafeDuringActorConstruction = "true"))
        static int32 GetMinYResolutionForUI();

        * Gets the smallest Y resolution we want to support in the 3D view, clamped within reasons
        * @return value in pixels
        UFUNCTION(BlueprintPure, Category = "Rendering", meta = (UnsafeDuringActorConstruction = "true"))
        static int32 GetMinYResolutionFor3DView();

        // Opens the specified URL in the platform's web browser of choice
        UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, Category = "Utilities|Platform")
        static void LaunchURL(const FString& URL);

        UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, Category = "Utilities|Platform")
        static bool CanLaunchURL(const FString& URL);

        // Deletes all unreferenced objects, keeping only referenced objects (this command will be queued and happen at the end of the frame)
        // Note: This can be a slow operation, and should only be performed where a hitch would be acceptable
        UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, Category = "Utilities|Platform")
        static void CollectGarbage();

         * Will show an ad banner (iAd on iOS, or AdMob on Android) on the top or bottom of screen, on top of the GL view (doesn't resize the view)
         * (iOS and Android only)
         * @param AdIdIndex The index of the ID to select for the ad to show
         * @param bShowOnBottomOfScreen If true, the iAd will be shown at the bottom of the screen, top otherwise
        UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, Category = "Utilities|Platform")
        static void ShowAdBanner(int32 AdIdIndex, bool bShowOnBottomOfScreen);

        * Retrieves the total number of Ad IDs that can be selected between
        UFUNCTION(BlueprintPure, Category = "Utilities|Platform", meta = (DisplayName = "Get Ad ID Count"))
        static int32 GetAdIDCount();

         * Hides the ad banner (iAd on iOS, or AdMob on Android). Will force close the ad if it's open
         * (iOS and Android only)
        UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, Category = "Utilities|Platform")
        static void HideAdBanner();

         * Forces closed any displayed ad. Can lead to loss of revenue
         * (iOS and Android only)
        UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, Category = "Utilities|Platform")
        static void ForceCloseAdBanner();

        * Will load a fullscreen interstitial AdMob ad. Call this before using ShowInterstitialAd
        * (Android only)
        * @param AdIdIndex The index of the ID to select for the ad to show
        UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, Category = "Utilities|Platform")
        static void LoadInterstitialAd(int32 AdIdIndex);

        * Returns true if the requested interstitial ad is loaded and ready
        * (Android only)
        UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, Category = "Utilities|Platform")
        static bool IsInterstitialAdAvailable();

        * Returns true if the requested interstitial ad has been successfully requested (false if load request fails)
        * (Android only)
        UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, Category = "Utilities|Platform")
        static bool IsInterstitialAdRequested();

        * Shows the loaded interstitial ad (loaded with LoadInterstitialAd)
        * (Android only)
        UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, Category = "Utilities|Platform")
        static void ShowInterstitialAd();

         * Displays the built-in leaderboard GUI (iOS and Android only; this function may be renamed or moved in a future release)
        UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, Category = "Utilities|Platform")
        static void ShowPlatformSpecificLeaderboardScreen(const FString& CategoryName);

         * Displays the built-in achievements GUI (iOS and Android only; this function may be renamed or moved in a future release)
         * @param SpecificPlayer Specific player's achievements to show. May not be supported on all platforms. If null, defaults to the player with ControllerId 0
        UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, Category = "Utilities|Platform")
        static void ShowPlatformSpecificAchievementsScreen(const class APlayerController* SpecificPlayer);

         * Returns whether the player is logged in to the currently active online subsystem.
         * @param Player Specific player's login status to get. May not be supported on all platforms. If null, defaults to the player with ControllerId 0.
        UFUNCTION(BlueprintPure, Category = "Online")
        static bool IsLoggedIn(const APlayerController* SpecificPlayer);

         * Returns true if screen saver is enabled.
        UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, Category = "Utilities|Platform")
        static bool IsScreensaverEnabled();

         * Allows or inhibits screensaver
         * @param       bAllowScreenSaver               If false, don't allow screensaver if possible, otherwise allow default behavior
        UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, Category = "Utilities|Platform")
        static void ControlScreensaver(bool bAllowScreenSaver);

         * Allows or inhibits system default handling of volume up and volume down buttons (Android only)
         * @param       bEnabled                                If true, allow Android to handle volume up and down events
        UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, Category = "Utilities|Platform")
        static void SetVolumeButtonsHandledBySystem(bool bEnabled);

         * Returns true if system default handling of volume up and volume down buttons enabled (Android only)
        UFUNCTION(BlueprintPure, Category = "Utilities|Platform")
        static bool GetVolumeButtonsHandledBySystem();

         * Sets whether attached gamepads will block feedback from the device itself (Mobile only).
        UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, Category = "Utilities|Platform")
        static void SetGamepadsBlockDeviceFeedback(bool bBlock);

         * Resets the gamepad to player controller id assignments (Android and iOS only)
        UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, Category = "Utilities|Platform")
        static void ResetGamepadAssignments();

         * Resets the gamepad assignment to player controller id (Android and iOS only)
        UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, Category = "Utilities|Platform")
        static void ResetGamepadAssignmentToController(int32 ControllerId);

         * Returns true if controller id assigned to a gamepad (Android and iOS only)
        UFUNCTION(BlueprintPure, Category = "Utilities|Platform")
        static bool IsControllerAssignedToGamepad(int32 ControllerId);

        * Returns name of controller if assigned to a gamepad (or None if not assigned) (Android and iOS only)
        UFUNCTION(BlueprintPure, Category = "Utilities|Platform")
    static FString GetGamepadControllerName(int32 ControllerId);
    * Returns glyph assigned to a gamepad button (or a null ptr if not assigned) (iOS and tvOS only)
    UFUNCTION(BlueprintPure, Category = "Utilities|Platform")
    static UTexture2D* GetGamepadButtonGlyph(const FString& ButtonKey, int32 ControllerIndex);

         * Sets the state of the transition message rendered by the viewport. (The blue text displayed when the game is paused and so forth.)
         * @param WorldContextObject    World context
         * @param State                                 set true to suppress transition message
        UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, Category = "Utilities", meta = (WorldContext="WorldContextObject"))
        static void SetSuppressViewportTransitionMessage(const UObject* WorldContextObject, bool bState);

         * Returns an array of the user's preferred languages in order of preference
         * @return An array of language IDs ordered from most preferred to least
        UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, Category = "Utilities|Platform")
        static TArray<FString> GetPreferredLanguages();
         * Get the default language (for localization) used by this platform
         * @note This is typically the same as GetDefaultLocale unless the platform distinguishes between the two
         * @note This should be returned in IETF language tag form:
         *  - A two-letter ISO 639-1 language code (eg, "zh")
         *  - An optional four-letter ISO 15924 script code (eg, "Hans")
         *  - An optional two-letter ISO 3166-1 country code (eg, "CN")
         * @return The language as an IETF language tag (eg, "zh-Hans-CN")
        UFUNCTION(BlueprintPure, Category = "Utilities|Platform")
        static FString GetDefaultLanguage();

         * Get the default locale (for internationalization) used by this platform
         * @note This should be returned in IETF language tag form:
         *  - A two-letter ISO 639-1 language code (eg, "zh")
         *  - An optional four-letter ISO 15924 script code (eg, "Hans")
         *  - An optional two-letter ISO 3166-1 country code (eg, "CN")
         * @return The locale as an IETF language tag (eg, "zh-Hans-CN")
        UFUNCTION(BlueprintPure, Category = "Utilities|Platform")
        static FString GetDefaultLocale();

        * Returns the currency code associated with the device's locale
        * @return the currency code associated with the device's locale
        UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, Category = "Utilities|Platform")
        static FString GetLocalCurrencyCode();

        * Returns the currency symbol associated with the device's locale
        * @return the currency symbol associated with the device's locale
        UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, Category = "Utilities|Platform")
        static FString GetLocalCurrencySymbol();

         * Requests permission to send remote notifications to the user's device.
         * (Android and iOS only)
        UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, Category = "Utilities|Platform")
        static void RegisterForRemoteNotifications();

        * Requests Requests unregistering from receiving remote notifications to the user's device.
        * (Android only)
        UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, Category = "Utilities|Platform")
        static void UnregisterForRemoteNotifications();

         * Tells the engine what the user is doing for debug, analytics, etc.
        UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, Category = "Utilities")
        static void SetUserActivity(const FUserActivity& UserActivity);

         * Returns the command line that the process was launched with.
        UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, Category="Utilities")
        static FString GetCommandLine();

        * Parses the given string into loose tokens, switches (arguments that begin with - or /) and parameters (-mySwitch=myVar)
        * @param        InCmdLine                       The the string to parse (ie '-foo -bar=/game/baz testtoken' )
        * @param        OutTokens[out]          Filled with all loose tokens found in the string (ie: testToken in above example)
        * @param        OutSwitches[out]        Filled with all switches found in the string (ie -foo)
        * @param        OutParams[out]          Filled with all switches found in the string with the format key = value (ie: -bar, /game/baz)
        UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, Category = "Utilities")
        static void ParseCommandLine(const FString& InCmdLine, TArray<FString>& OutTokens, TArray<FString>& OutSwitches, TMap<FString, FString>& OutParams);

         * Returns true if the string has -param in it (do not specify the leading -)
        UFUNCTION(BlueprintPure, Category = "Utilities")
        static bool ParseParam(const FString& InString, const FString& InParam);

         * Returns 'value' if -option=value is in the string
        UFUNCTION(BlueprintPure, Category = "Utilities")
        static bool ParseParamValue(const FString& InString, const FString& InParam, FString& OutValue);

         * Returns true if running unattended (-unattended is on the command line)
         * @return      Unattended state
        UFUNCTION(BlueprintPure, Category = "Utilities")
        static bool IsUnattended();

        // --- Property Access ---------------------------

         * Attempts to retrieve the value of a named property from the given object.
         * @param Object The object you want to retrieve a property value from.
         * @param PropertyName The name of the object property to retrieve the value from.
         * @param PropertyValue The retrieved property value, if found.
         * @return Whether the property value was found and correctly retrieved.
    UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, CustomThunk, Category = "Utilities", meta=(CustomStructureParam="PropertyValue", BlueprintInternalUseOnly="true"))
    static bool GetEditorProperty(UObject* Object, const FName PropertyName, int32& PropertyValue);
        static bool Generic_GetEditorProperty(const UObject* Object, const FProperty* ObjectProp, void* ValuePtr, const FProperty* ValueProp);

         * Attempts to set the value of a named property on the given object.
         * @param Object The object you want to set a property value on.
         * @param PropertyName The name of the object property to set the value of.
         * @param PropertyValue The property value to set.
         * @param ChangeNotifyMode When to emit property change notifications.
         * @return Whether the property value was found and correctly set.
    UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, CustomThunk, Category = "Utilities", meta=(CustomStructureParam="PropertyValue", AdvancedDisplay="ChangeNotifyMode", BlueprintInternalUseOnly="true"))
    static bool SetEditorProperty(UObject* Object, const FName PropertyName, const int32& PropertyValue, const EPropertyAccessChangeNotifyMode ChangeNotifyMode);
        static bool Generic_SetEditorProperty(UObject* Object, const FProperty* ObjectProp, const void* ValuePtr, const FProperty* ValueProp, const EPropertyAccessChangeNotifyMode ChangeNotifyMode);

        // --- Transactions ------------------------------

         * Begin a new undo transaction. An undo transaction is defined as all actions which take place when the user selects "undo" a single time.
         * @note If there is already an active transaction in progress, then this increments that transaction's action counter instead of beginning a new transaction.
         * @note You must call TransactObject before modifying each object that should be included in this undo transaction.
         * @note Only available in the editor.
         * @param       Context                 The context for the undo session. Typically the tool/editor that caused the undo operation.
         * @param       Description             The description for the undo session. This is the text that will appear in the "Edit" menu next to the Undo item.
         * @param       PrimaryObject   The primary object that the undo session operators on (can be null, and mostly is).
         * @return      The number of active actions when BeginTransaction was called (values greater than 0 indicate that there was already an existing undo transaction in progress), or -1 on failure.
        UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, Category = "Transactions")
        static int32 BeginTransaction(const FString& Context, FText Description, UObject* PrimaryObject);

         * Attempt to end the current undo transaction. Only successful if the transaction's action counter is 1.
         * @note Only available in the editor.
         * @return      The number of active actions when EndTransaction was called (a value of 1 indicates that the transaction was successfully closed), or -1 on failure.
        UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, Category = "Transactions")
        static int32 EndTransaction();

         * Cancel the current transaction, and no longer capture actions to be placed in the undo buffer.
         * @note Only available in the editor.
         * @param       Index           The action counter to cancel transactions from (as returned by a call to BeginTransaction).
        UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, Category = "Transactions")
        static void CancelTransaction(const int32 Index);

         * Notify the current transaction (if any) that this object is about to be modified and should be placed into the undo buffer.
         * @note Internally this calls Modify on the given object, so will also mark the owner package dirty.
         * @note Only available in the editor.
         * @param       Object          The object that is about to be modified.
        UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, Category = "Transactions")
        static void TransactObject(UObject* Object);

         * Notify the current transaction (if any) that this object is about to be modified and should be snapshot for intermediate update.
         * @note Internally this calls SnapshotTransactionBuffer on the given object.
         * @note Only available in the editor.
         * @param       Object          The object that is about to be modified.
        UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, Category = "Transactions")
        static void SnapshotObject(UObject* Object);

        // --- Asset Manager ------------------------------

        /** Returns the Object associated with a Primary Asset Id, this will only return a valid object if it is in memory, it will not load it */
        UFUNCTION(BlueprintPure, Category = "AssetManager", meta=(ScriptMethod="GetObject"))
        static UObject* GetObjectFromPrimaryAssetId(FPrimaryAssetId PrimaryAssetId);

        /** Returns the Blueprint Class associated with a Primary Asset Id, this will only return a valid object if it is in memory, it will not load it */
        UFUNCTION(BlueprintPure, Category = "AssetManager", meta=(ScriptMethod="GetClass"))
        static TSubclassOf<UObject> GetClassFromPrimaryAssetId(FPrimaryAssetId PrimaryAssetId);

        /** Returns the Object Id associated with a Primary Asset Id, this works even if the asset is not loaded */
        UFUNCTION(BlueprintPure, Category = "AssetManager", meta=(ScriptMethod="GetSoftObjectReference"))
        static TSoftObjectPtr<UObject> GetSoftObjectReferenceFromPrimaryAssetId(FPrimaryAssetId PrimaryAssetId);

        /** Returns the Blueprint Class Id associated with a Primary Asset Id, this works even if the asset is not loaded */
        UFUNCTION(BlueprintPure, Category = "AssetManager", meta=(ScriptMethod="GetSoftClassReference"))
        static TSoftClassPtr<UObject> GetSoftClassReferenceFromPrimaryAssetId(FPrimaryAssetId PrimaryAssetId);

        /** Returns the Primary Asset Id for an Object, this can return an invalid one if not registered */
        UFUNCTION(BlueprintPure, Category = "AssetManager")
        static FPrimaryAssetId GetPrimaryAssetIdFromObject(UObject* Object);

        /** Returns the Primary Asset Id for a Class, this can return an invalid one if not registered */
        UFUNCTION(BlueprintPure, Category = "AssetManager")
        static FPrimaryAssetId GetPrimaryAssetIdFromClass(TSubclassOf<UObject> Class);

        /** Returns the Primary Asset Id for a Soft Object Reference, this can return an invalid one if not registered */
        UFUNCTION(BlueprintPure, Category = "AssetManager")
        static FPrimaryAssetId GetPrimaryAssetIdFromSoftObjectReference(TSoftObjectPtr<UObject> SoftObjectReference);

        /** Returns the Primary Asset Id for a Soft Class Reference, this can return an invalid one if not registered */
        UFUNCTION(BlueprintPure, Category = "AssetManager")
        static FPrimaryAssetId GetPrimaryAssetIdFromSoftClassReference(TSoftClassPtr<UObject> SoftClassReference);

        /** Returns list of PrimaryAssetIds for a PrimaryAssetType */
        UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, Category = "AssetManager", meta=(ScriptMethod))
        static void GetPrimaryAssetIdList(FPrimaryAssetType PrimaryAssetType, TArray<FPrimaryAssetId>& OutPrimaryAssetIdList);

        /** Returns true if the Primary Asset Id is valid */
        UFUNCTION(BlueprintPure, Category = "AssetManager", meta=(ScriptMethod="IsValid", ScriptOperator="bool", BlueprintThreadSafe))
        static bool IsValidPrimaryAssetId(FPrimaryAssetId PrimaryAssetId);

        /** Converts a Primary Asset Id to a string. The other direction is not provided because it cannot be validated */
        UFUNCTION(BlueprintPure, meta = (DisplayName = "ToString (PrimaryAssetId)", CompactNodeTitle = "->", ScriptMethod="ToString", BlueprintThreadSafe), Category = "AssetManager")
        static FString Conv_PrimaryAssetIdToString(FPrimaryAssetId PrimaryAssetId);

        /** Returns true if the values are equal (A == B) */
        UFUNCTION(BlueprintPure, meta = (DisplayName = "Equal (PrimaryAssetId)", CompactNodeTitle = "==", ScriptOperator="==", BlueprintThreadSafe), Category = "AssetManager")
        static bool EqualEqual_PrimaryAssetId(FPrimaryAssetId A, FPrimaryAssetId B);

        /** Returns true if the values are not equal (A != B) */
        UFUNCTION(BlueprintPure, meta = (DisplayName = "NotEqual (PrimaryAssetId)", CompactNodeTitle = "!=", ScriptOperator="!=", BlueprintThreadSafe), Category = "AssetManager")
        static bool NotEqual_PrimaryAssetId(FPrimaryAssetId A, FPrimaryAssetId B);

        /** Returns list of Primary Asset Ids for a PrimaryAssetType */
        UFUNCTION(BlueprintPure, Category = "AssetManager", meta=(ScriptMethod="IsValid", ScriptOperator="bool", BlueprintThreadSafe))
        static bool IsValidPrimaryAssetType(FPrimaryAssetType PrimaryAssetType);

        /** Converts a Primary Asset Type to a string. The other direction is not provided because it cannot be validated */
        UFUNCTION(BlueprintPure, meta = (DisplayName = "ToString (PrimaryAssetType)", CompactNodeTitle = "->", ScriptMethod="ToString", BlueprintThreadSafe), Category = "AssetManager")
        static FString Conv_PrimaryAssetTypeToString(FPrimaryAssetType PrimaryAssetType);

        /** Returns true if the values are equal (A == B) */
        UFUNCTION(BlueprintPure, meta = (DisplayName = "Equal (PrimaryAssetType)", CompactNodeTitle = "==", ScriptOperator="==", BlueprintThreadSafe), Category = "AssetManager")
        static bool EqualEqual_PrimaryAssetType(FPrimaryAssetType A, FPrimaryAssetType B);

        /** Returns true if the values are not equal (A != B) */
        UFUNCTION(BlueprintPure, meta = (DisplayName = "NotEqual (PrimaryAssetType)", CompactNodeTitle = "!=", ScriptOperator="!=", BlueprintThreadSafe), Category = "AssetManager")
        static bool NotEqual_PrimaryAssetType(FPrimaryAssetType A, FPrimaryAssetType B);

        /** Unloads a primary asset, which allows it to be garbage collected if nothing else is referencing it */
        UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, Category = "AssetManager", meta=(ScriptMethod="Unload"))
        static void UnloadPrimaryAsset(FPrimaryAssetId PrimaryAssetId);

        /** Unloads a primary asset, which allows it to be garbage collected if nothing else is referencing it */
        UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, Category = "AssetManager")
        static void UnloadPrimaryAssetList(const TArray<FPrimaryAssetId>& PrimaryAssetIdList);

         * Returns the list of loaded bundles for a given Primary Asset. This will return false if the asset is not loaded at all.
         * If ForceCurrentState is true it will return the current state even if a load is in process
        UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, Category = "AssetManager", meta=(ScriptMethod))
        static bool GetCurrentBundleState(FPrimaryAssetId PrimaryAssetId, bool bForceCurrentState, TArray<FName>& OutBundles);

         * Returns the list of assets that are in a given bundle state. Required Bundles must be specified
         * If ExcludedBundles is not empty, it will not return any assets in those bundle states
         * If ValidTypes is not empty, it will only return assets of those types
         * If ForceCurrentState is true it will use the current state even if a load is in process
        UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, Category = "AssetManager", meta=(AutoCreateRefTerm = "ExcludedBundles, ValidTypes"))
        static void GetPrimaryAssetsWithBundleState(const TArray<FName>& RequiredBundles, const TArray<FName>& ExcludedBundles, const TArray<FPrimaryAssetType>& ValidTypes, bool bForceCurrentState, TArray<FPrimaryAssetId>& OutPrimaryAssetIdList);

// UKismetSystemLibrary inlines

FORCEINLINE_DEBUGGABLE bool UKismetSystemLibrary::IsValid(const UObject* Object)
        return ::IsValid(Object);

FORCEINLINE_DEBUGGABLE bool UKismetSystemLibrary::IsValidClass(UClass* Class)
        return ::IsValid(Class);

FORCEINLINE int32 UKismetSystemLibrary::MakeLiteralInt(int32 Value)
        return Value;

FORCEINLINE float UKismetSystemLibrary::MakeLiteralFloat(float Value)
        return Value;

FORCEINLINE bool UKismetSystemLibrary::MakeLiteralBool(bool Value)
        return Value;

FORCEINLINE FName UKismetSystemLibrary::MakeLiteralName(FName Value)
        return Value;

FORCEINLINE uint8 UKismetSystemLibrary::MakeLiteralByte(uint8 Value)
        return Value;

FORCEINLINE FString UKismetSystemLibrary::MakeLiteralString(FString Value)
        return Value;

FORCEINLINE FText UKismetSystemLibrary::MakeLiteralText(FText Value)
        return Value;