



jQuery插件-文件上传(File upload) Progress Bar Plugin.

jQuery插件-表单验证(Form Validation) Ajax Username Check with jQuery.

jQuery插件-表单-选取框(Form – Select Box stuff) Choose Plugin (Select Replacement).

jQuery插件-表单基本、输入框、选择框等(Form Basics, Input Fields, Checkboxes etc.) jQuery Time Entry.

jQuery插件-时间、日期和颜色选取(Time, Date and Color Picker) Color Picker by intelliance.fr.

jQuery插件-投票插件(Rating Plugins) Half-Star Rating Plugin.

jQuery插件-搜索插件(Search Plugins) quick Search jQuery Plugin.

jQuery插件-编辑器(Inline Edit & Editors) tEditable – in place table editing for jQuery.

jQuery插件-多媒体、视频、Flash等(Audio, Video, Flash, SVG, etc) SVG Integration.

jQuery插件-图片(Photos/Images/Galleries) Image Reflection.

jQuery插件-Google地图(Google Map) jQuery J Maps – by Tane Piper.

jQuery插件-游戏(Games) jQuery Solar System (not a game but awesome jQuery Stuff).

jQuery插件-表格等(Tables, Grids etc.) jQuery Grid Row Sizing.

jQuery插件-统计图(Charts, Presentation etc.) Bar Chart.

jQuery插件-边框、圆角、背景(Border, Corners, Background) Gradient Plugin.

jQuery插件-文字和超链接(Text and Links) jQuery Ajax Link Checker.

jQuery插件-鼠标提示(Tooltips) ToolTip.

jQuery插件-菜单和导航(Menus, Navigations) http://stilbuero.de/jquery/tabs_3/

jQuery插件-幻灯、翻转等(Accordions, Slide and Toggle stuff) Innerfade.

jQuery插件-拖放插件(Drag and Drop) Drag Demos.

jQuery插件-XML XSL JSON Feeds jQuery Google Feed Plugin.

jQuery插件-浏览器(Browserstuff) jQuery MouseWheel Plugin.

jQuery插件-对话框、确认窗口(Alert, Prompt, Confirm Windows) SimpleModal.

jQuery插件-CSS jPrintArea.

jQuery插件-DOM、AJAX和其它JQuery插件(DOM, Ajax and other jQuery plugins) elementReady.