
1 simple

print "It matches\n" if "hello world" =~ /world/;
print "It doesn\'t match\n" if "hello world" !~ /word/;

$_ = "hello world";
print "it matches\n" if m{world};
print "it matches\n" if m!world!;
print "it matches\n" if m(world);
print "it matches\n" if m[world];

2 metacharacter

$x = "cat dog house";           # 3 words
while ($x =~ /(\w+)/g){
     print "Word is $1, ends at position ", pos $x, "\n";
# reverse all the words in a string
$x = "the cat in the hat";
$x =~ s/(\w+)/reverse $1/ge;   # $x contains "eht tac ni eht tah"

# convert percentage to decimal
$x = "A 39% hit rate";
$x =~ s!(\d+)%!$1/100!e;       # $x contains "A 0.39 hit rate"

Author: visaya fan <visayafan[AT]gmail.com or visayafan[AT]163.com>

Date: 2011-10-27 22:02:37

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